DENNIS ODA / MAY 21, 2019
A homeless encampment is seen along Ohe St. at Kakaako Mauka Gateway Park.
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Ronald Lim wrote a commentary called “The anatomy of homelessness on Oahu” (Star-Advertiser, Island Voices, June 19).
The only fault I found with the commentary is that Lim failed to credit authors George L. Kelling and Catherine M. Coles (“Fixing Broken Windows”) for the “have nots,” “can nots,” and “will nots.”
To date it is the most accurate description of the waste of time and money being spent on Oahu to combat homelessness since Anthony Aalto’s documentary, “No Room in Paradise.”
To date I have seen no comments on Lim’s presentation.
Nothing from the mayor’s or the governor’s office.
No claims, as in the past, that Housing First is working. No claims, as in the past, that Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle are all examples of how it is working.
Maybe that is because these cities are experiencing explosions of homeless people despite years of Housing First.
It is well past the time for some new ideas.
William J. Hummel
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