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Monday, June 3, 2024 78° Today's Paper


2020 Election: Paul K. Neves

Name on ballot:

Paul K. Neves

Running for:

Hawaii county council – District 3

Political party:

non partisan

Campaign website:

Friends of Paul K. Neves and Instagram

Current occupation:

Kumu Hula



Previous job history:

Air Cal Airlines ’74 – ’84 , Malia Puka o Kalani Catholic Church ’84 – 2005 Kumu Hula ’99 to present

Previous elected office, if any:


Please describe your qualifications to represent the people of Hawaii.

35 + years of serving people in community. Standing up for the voiceless and empowering people to improve themslves and get involved! I was taught by hard working parents who raised me in a family of 15 children, They taught belief in God, andfamily, hard work, honesty, gratitude, responsibility and creativity.

What will be your top priority if elected?

To begin the process of a CDP or Commmuinty Development and Action Plan for District 3, Hawai’i County. This process will lay the foundation for the present and future for our people in our community.Ther has been no community based plan or Action Plan in District 3 since 1975! I will commit myself to work with our community to get this done!

As Hawaii faces the COVID-19 pandemic, what more should county government do to protect residents’ health?

Keep the policing of our beaches up. For swimming and not for in place activities. Continue to insist on distancing and mask wearing and testing for everyone. County should insist on no tourists until the pandemic is under control.

What should county government do to help residents who have been economically affected by the pandemic?

Seek all available Federal Funds. Set up a full time Grant Writing Department for the purpose of accessing Federal, State or Private assistance. Give tax incentives for Renters to reduce rent for rentors and to relieve business lease costs. Cut County user fees where ever possible.

Do you support or oppose the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on the Big Island and what should the county government’s role be in the process?

Absolutely No ! The County should have the role to provide safety for the public. The County has no role in supporting a private development!

Do you support reforms to policing in Hawaii? If yes, please explain what reforms you support.

Yes I do. I would like to have more open discussion and transparency on the Police Commission. I would like know how we are training our Police Officers. How does the Chief of Police view the current state of affairs on the US Mainland with regards to the violence and other on ground situations involving police departments across the United States. How are the officers themslves being trained to deal with these situations?

Is there anything more that you would like voters to know about you?

I am a father of two college graduates and grandfather to two beautiful grandsons. My wife Wanda and I have been married for 30 years. I go to church every Sunday, I am a financial conservative, a Hawaiian Activist, and a liberal in just about everything else. I would describe my political base as a Progressive Independent Democrat.

View more candidate questionnaires or see more 2022 Hawaii elections coverage.
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