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Solar plane reaches California after 56-hour flight

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Pilot Bertrand Piccard, shown sitting in the cockpit of the Solar Impulse 2 aircraft at Kalaeloa Airport, left Hawaii Thursday morning with the goal of flying into Mountain View, Calif., on Saturday night.

A solar-powered airplane flying from Hawaii reached the San Francisco Bay area and performed a fly-by over the Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday afternoon following 56 hours of flight over the Pacific Ocean as part of its journey around the world.

“I crossed the bridge. I am officially in America,” pilot Bertrand Piccard declared as he flew over the iconic span as spectators watched the narrow aircraft with extra wide wings from below.

The aircraft was loitering aloft until about 9 p.m. Hawaii time, when winds were due to decrease for a landing at Moffett Airfield in Mountain View, Calif. Piccard said stopping in Silicon Valley, where the airfield is located, will help link the daring project to the pioneering spirit of the area.

“Can you imagine crossing the Golden Gate Bridge on a solar-powered plane just like ships did in past centuries? But the plane doesn’t make noise and doesn’t pollute,” Piccard said in a live video feed Saturday on the website documenting the journey. “It’s a priority to link the project we have with the pioneering spirit in Silicon Valley.”

The aircraft started its around-the-world journey in March 2015 from Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, and made stops in Oman, Myanmar, China, Japan and Hawaii. It’s on the ninth leg of its circumnavigation.

The trans-Pacific leg of his journey was the riskiest part of the solar plane’s global travels because of the lack of emergency landing sites.

After uncertainty about winds, the plane took off from Hawaii on Thursday morning. The crew that helped it take off headed for the mainland for the weekend arrival.

At one point passengers on a Hawaiian Airlines jet caught a glimpse of the Solar Impulse 2 before the airliner sped past the slow-moving aircraft.

The Solar Impulse 2 landed in Hawaii in July and was forced to stay in the islands after the plane’s battery system sustained heat damage on its trip from Japan.

Piccard’s co-pilot, Andre Borschberg, flew the leg from Japan to Hawaii. He was aboard a helicopter to welcome Piccard as he approached the Bay Area.

The team was delayed in Asia as well. When first attempting to fly from Nanjing, China, to Hawaii, the crew had to divert to Japan because of unfavorable weather and a damaged wing.

The plane’s ideal flight speed is about 28 mph, though that can more than double during the day when the sun’s rays are strongest. The carbon-fiber aircraft weighs more than 5,000 pounds, or about as much as a midsize truck.

The wings of Solar Impulse 2, which are longer than those of a Boeing 747, are equipped with 17,000 solar cells that power propellers and charge batteries. The plane runs on stored energy at night.

6 responses to “Solar plane reaches California after 56-hour flight”

  1. manakuke says:

    Congratulations after a dangerous Pacific crossing.

  2. kiragirl says:

    Many of us took it for granted that it would be a successful flight but many things could have gone wrong. Congratulations for making it across the Pacific.

  3. cojef says:

    Whew, finally land. “Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink”, refrain from a “Rhyme”.

  4. paulokada says:

    Didn’t realize it could fly that fast with a speed averaging about 60 mph would mean about 90 mph during the day.

    • serious says:

      paulo—I flew from HNL to SEA on Friday and we had 90+mph tailwinds at FL390 not sure what his alpha was but the winds would benefit him. I flew HA–interesting the pilot and copilot were man and wife!!!

  5. Makua says:

    At what altitude did the aircraft fly?

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