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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 80° Today's Paper

Do you support a proposed $44 million increase for the University of Hawaii over the next two years?

  • A. Definitely; will aid improvements (628 Votes)
  • B. Maybe; need to hear more (322 Votes)
  • C. No; won't matter, low priority (291 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

29 responses to “Do you support a proposed $44 million increase for the University of Hawaii over the next two years?”

  1. cojef says:

    Should consider building new school building with modern facilities instead make-shift after-thought window air-conditioning units. Higher education only benefit the more talented as opposed to the masses where learning must be improved? Taxpayers get more bang for their bucks as it affects all kids.

  2. scuddrunner says:

    Use the money to buy a good football coach.

  3. duna6430 says:

    $44 million increase for what? From where and who(m)? Not so long ago UH was in trouble for not properly spending the millions it receives for facility maintenance. Are we just throwing more money in that pig’s trough w/out improving responsibility?

  4. kiragirl says:

    I thought the UH was autonomous so do not need financial assistance from the State?

    • Paco3185 says:

      Must be from the same source that says bike lanes improve traffic flow . . .

    • saywhatyouthink says:

      LOL .. that’s hilarious.
      The legislature gave UH autonomy to enable them to pay higher wages and the ability to go around state procurement laws.
      That way they can have 6 figure do-nothing jobs for insiders to spike their pensions and no bid contracts to hand out to all their union/contractor donors. The democratic leadership uses UH like a personal slush fund to serve family,friends and party insiders.

  5. dragoninwater says:

    Yes, but with strings attached. Stop teaching Libtard Banana Republic Politics, Chicano Studies, Feminism and Gangsa-Rap!!! Start becoming a world class university by hiring good faculty like at Stanford, Penn State, etc. and teach STEMS like there’s no tomorrow since the old Libtard Studies have been proven as a failure.

  6. Oahuan says:

    Only if some of it would go to UH Athletics.

  7. localguy says:

    More money to UH only when UH management bureaucrats cut overhead costs by 50% by firing all the deadwood bureaucrats, vice, vice, vice assistants, way too many chiefs doing nothing.

    UH must also find ways to lower tuition costs 25%. Such as using open source text books, current text books for years.

    Extra money to UH, like respect, must be earned.

    • Bdpapa says:

      I agree with dumping the dead weight. Start with al the Vices and Assistants. Then work your way thru all the extra Union positions. Open up more room for student employment!

      • dragoninwater says:

        hahahahaha, they can’t allow more student employees, it’s prohibited per union rules as cheap or free student labor actually threatens the union members jobs! LMAO

        • Bdpapa says:

          Really? Too bad. Thats how I got thru college!

        • localguy says:

          Bottom Line – No more money for UH Manoa until a full review of all staffing/bureaucrat positions be completed by an outside, non UH connected auditor.

          – Any position with no requirement to teach in class is subject to review and elimination.

          – Any position where you are not directly teaching one class per semester is subject to review and elimination.

          Way too many “Tenured” bureaucrats leeching off students and taxpayers, just coasting to retirement, returning nothing of value to UH Manoa.

          Time to clean house and take out the trash.

        • dragoninwater says:

          localguy, agree but to stop the insanity it must be stopped first at the top, Krook Caldwell would need to be impeached first, it’s going to take a lot of upset voters to get things to change in this one-Donkey town and we all know that simply won’t happen till the voters get burned by the fool they re-elected.

          The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.

  8. wiliki says:

    This restores the 50 million cut that the legislature made when Greenwood was UH president.

  9. blackmurano says:

    As a over-tax burden in this Democratic party control State, yes, I am all the 44 million aid to our State University. But I would wish at least 10 million of that amount be given to the University of Hawaii Athletic department, most especially their football program.

  10. saywhatyouthink says:

    This is exactly why most of the state fat is located at UH and the DOE. No one ever questions increased spending for education, even when the amount seems excessive and the quality mediocre at best.
    The politicians and unions won’t allow a full audit, they don’t want people to know how much money is being wasted at UH and DOE, which represent more than half of the state budget. Hawaii voters are being taken for a ride by corrupt democrats and their special interests. That’s what you get with a one party government, they don’t represent the people anymore, they represent the unions, developers and monopoly businesses that fund their campaign accounts.

    • dragoninwater says:

      Yes, very true, it literally comes down to government pension workers pi$$ing at the public.

      The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.

    • localguy says:

      saywhatyouthink – You need to do your due diligence before posting if you ever want to lose the title of “Rookie Poster. If you go to the HI state Auditor Office link below, search for “Manoa” you will find three UH audits. http://auditor.hawaii.gov/reports/

      Google this title, “After two critical audits, UH Manoa fires its head of facilities” and it will take you to a Hawaii News Now article back in 2012.

      I could post more but why should I do your research? Rookies…………..

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