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Wednesday, October 23, 2024 78° Today's Paper

Five-0 Redux

Holding out for our heroes

— Photo by Mario Perez / CBS

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Within minutes of the opening of the season finale of “Hawaii Five-0,” thereby ending my hopes that our own Kelly Hu would have a more permanent role on the show, I’m sure the roar from the crowd at your house matched the huge “Whoa!” that filled Apartment 3 last night during The Pulse Finale Viewing Party. Our group was beside themselves with a mix of “OMG!” and “What just happened?” An explosive start indeed.

But not the kind of explosion that I thought would happen. Never would I have ever thought that the entire Five-0 Team would have been torn apart by one little Claymore mine in a sporty red car. Our “benevolent dictatorship” has now become a no-man show. No Governor to back them. No immunity or means. No Super Seal to save the day. I don’t know what part was more heartbreaking at the end. Seeing little Gracie’s sad face getting onto a Honolulu to Newark flight via the now-serving-the-East-Coast Hawaiian Air, or Kono’s bewildered face watching her Boss being booked, or our hero McGarrett having his mug shot taken. I know! Never in all of my strange pre-finale “Hawaii Five-0” dreams, would I even have figured that mighty McGarrett would end up a fugitive and in the back of an HPD car. No need for seat belts there, McG.

Even the good news that Danno is going to be a Daddy again or that Chin Ho has been reinstated to a Lieutenant in the HPD could soften that blow. I mean, wow.

If Wo Fat has orchestrated McG and the Team’s downfall, which I think is pretty evident, he is more of an evil genius than we may have given him credit for this season. From the start of the show, all of the evidence was starting to stack up. The charred remains of Chin’s ransom money making a surprise appearance, the nīele grandmother (read nosy old woman who should be watching her stories rather than walking around her condo in her housedress and cane) coming forward to identify Kono outside the evidence forfeiture locker, as well as the brass key that opens a drawer full of skeletons, just kept pointing toward the eventual ending we got last night. McGarrett taking the fall, Kono being stripped of her badge and gun, Danno without a family, and Chin looking stoic but conflicted on the other side of his friends.

—Photo by FL Morris / Star-Advertiser

Again, scream at the television or your computer screen if you like — we all were last night — in a nightclub, Book ‘em Danno cocktails in hand, Lacy Matsumoto spinning the tunes, DJ Maleko getting us to take a drink every time there was a dead body, Steve drove Danno’s car, or Kono was in a bikini. Well, we got to drink four times at least — three dead and Steve drove Danno’s car once. He drove his own 1974 Mercury Marquis (how cool was that car?) but that didn’t count, and sorry fellas — no Kono in a bikini. Even I would have enjoyed a little light-hearted bikini shot just to release some of the tension. The only “light-hearted” we got was Rachel telling Danno about their new baby — at the uber sexy beach spot of Sand Island — and Danno agreeing that they were going to return to New Jersey and live happily ever after. In New Jersey. Okay — soak that in for a minute — as I remind you that the only bromantic chatter had to do with Steve’s heaven which included looking for ammo belts and night vision goggles and Danno and McG argued over pepper spray and powdered eggs. Those were the only sweet moments we had last night. Even Kamekona’s scene was full of parolee angst about helping a friend “never knowing what you’re gonna need, until you need it” housed inside a rusted out shave-ice truck. Know what I mean, brah?

65 responses to “Holding out for our heroes”

  1. Dana In Vermont says:

     Aloha, Wendie!
    A fantastic review as always. You have really put it in perspective for us after trying to make sense of all the developments, most of them not fun to contemplate. You actually made me feel like the writers do have a plan for all this. It really was a serious finale that this awesome, well-written and acted series deserved. 

    I agree with you about the Governor; she was cold in her treatment of Laura Hills, not sure if she was totally a bad guy….she still had a soft spot for McG.

    So believing Danny will be living “Happily Ever After” with Rachel….not so much. I want him to be happy….but it’s “Hawaii Five-0” not “Jersey 0-3” so it will be quite interesting to see how this is handled.  Did we have to get a new baby in the mix? Not sure. Maybe it was the only thing that would lure Danny back to the mainland.

    Anyway, I wish I had some of those “Book em Danno” cocktails to numb the intensity and sadness. The acting was superb as always and I have high hopes for Chin and his Zen like powers along with Danny in getting everyone out of this fix.(oh, yeah and even Jenna, a lil bit)  The hardest thing….getting through the summer of course!

    Look forward to podcasting the finale with you soon on my Hawaii Five 0 review at http://alohavermont.com  Talk to you soon!

    Dana In Vermont
    Host of “Hawaii In Vermont” a ‘Hawaii Five 0’ podcast
    Now on ITunes and at http://alohavermont.com

  2. shiri k says:

     tnx for everything you did for us! i also seek for an answer to why Wo fat left McG alive

    • My guess is, discrediting and trashing the reputation of Steve and the rest of Five-0 works better for Wo Fat and Hiro in the long run. Had they simply taken out Steve, they’d have his squadmates hunting after them. Taking the squad apart one-by-one on the other hand, is going to put into question every arrest and every case they could potentially work on once McG is exonerated and Five-0 is back together. Plus it feels much more like a human chess match, and round one definitely went to Wo Fat.

      • Officer 808 says:

        Good points shiri and Steph.  Consider this: McG knows something or has access to something that Wo Fat needs, Wo Fat needs him alive or the investigation slowed down…

        • I like the way you think! Of all the ‘puzzle’ pieces in the toolbox, perhaps Wo Fat is looking for something he hasn’t taken from McGarrett yet… 

        • joey says:

          also consider the ww2 japaneese medal is gonna figure into this at some point. so, the past -be careful what you look into you may not like what you find (cant remember the exact quote) this may go back to grandpop mcgarrett this may go back generations,  

        • Val says:

          Joey that’s the one that’s the most troubling and the most scary.  That warning from Wofat really is the best kept secret and we probably won’t know what it is until much later on in the series.  Steve’s father also has those Japaese post cards too and Steve thinks that it belongs to the same man that sent the world war 2 medal.- the whole Japan thing is such a big mystery.  I think that harmless little red  champ box with all its mystery…..is just only the beginning. – I don’t know what the big significance of this is but Steve’s father before he died called him Champ – he wanted Steve to know about that box.  That box with all its secrets is turnng out to be really interesting.   

        • Val says:

          @Stephanie and officer 808 – very interesting – Wofat could be looking for something that’s missing from the toolbox when they stole it?  What if not everything that was in the tool box was placed back inside it.  Remember MaryAnn was snooping around – she took a lot of photos of all the items behind her brother’s back – so what if she herself took something and hid it –  remember when she was kidnapped her apartment was tossed as though they were looking for something.  I forgot about that.  She was supposed to be just kidnapped – why do they need to search her apt when the toolbox was at Steve’s!!  – Also what if Wofat was looking for the missing file.  Steve’s mom’s accident report?  So many possibilities here and lots of interesting questions.

  3. joey keagy says:

    Thanks for such an entertaining blog this season. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Its gonna be a long hot summer for sure – enjoying baseball the beach and disney but always lurking in the back of my mind that September is just around the corner and our heroes and friends will return to our lives. Could never have believed we could all fall in love with cast crew writers and bloggers the way many of us have. It has been very enjoyable to feel like part of such a great family of new friends who share.the same love for hawaii and #H50 as I do. See you all in the fall when Im sure Peter and gang will restore our heroes honor and provide more thrills and chills for us all.

    • joey says:

      so if you look at prior episodes it stands to reason that the forfiture locker/ chin/ hesse episode was a carefully plotted set up by wofat to ge tthem to steal the $$$$$ so he can set them up later 

      • Dana In Vermont says:

        Joey,I had the same thought at first, that the Chin bomb scenario was a total Wo Fat engineered play. However, the scene where Hesse and WoFat talk about how much Steve knows comes at the end of the Chin bomb/money episode when Hesse is already in jail. I thought that it seemed more logical  WF probably set up Steve and crew after this. Unless he already had Hesse put it in play before that convo…quite possible I guess. Oh and I actually am liking your theory of Wo Fat blackmailing Rachel, pulling on her strings of worry for Danny and making her ‘get outta town fast’ to lure him away. If Wo Fat has torn every team member down then there’s no reason he couldn’t have used his evil zen skills to have a hand in this one either.This makes the whole Danny/Rachel thing a bit more palatable. Also, Peter Lenkov said in his 2nd call in on Mike Buck’s KHVH radio show (avail in audio form on Officer808’s 50undercover.com blog that a happy Danny makes for a boring show. So he doesn’t intend on having that happen. Interesting from that perspective.Dana In Vermont 

        • Val says:

          I think you guys are on to something here about the Chin-Ho kidnapping thing.  I think Wofat is connected to that as well as a host of other terrible things going on but one creepy thought came to my mind about Wofat.  Remember the noodle house scene, Wofat said to McGarrett – “I wanted to know the man, who’s trying to know me” – Wofat was deadly serious when he said that.  I think he seriously has been studying Steve’s every move and if Govenor Jamison knows about Steve’s service record you can bet Wofat knows it inside out.
          This brings me to the time when Gov. Jamison showed up at Steve’s office that fateful afternoon – she wanted to know what Steve knew and she saw all the evidence lying on Steve’s desk and he told her everything he knew about his father’s investigation.  That all got reported back to Wofat which explains why all those items from the toolbox started to come back to Steve.
          Here’s the interesting twist, I think it was Danny who said that he thought that Wofat was trying to lure Steve, and I think Danno got it right.  But Steve to his credit never made a move he just waited for those things to come back which must have frustrated Wofat like crazy because he wanted Steve to act so Wofat took the chess game to the next level where the stakes were much higher – and one way to do it is threaten Steve’s life.
          He set Steve up but not only that – those items that Steve received back, they were very specific items not just random things so I’m just wondering if part of Wofat’s diabolical evil plot was to perhaps have Gov Jamison instruct Laura to deliver those specific items to Steve and after Laura’s murder, the entire scene at Laura’s house with the finger prints, those envelopes etc were entirely staged for Steve to find and for Steve to be implicated.
          Then the night when Steve broke into the Governor’s mansion, those photos in the drawer of Laura planting those envelopes and one of her putting it on Steve’s truck.  Too convenient.  Why would Gov. Jamison leave photos like that in her drawer, because she never put them there,
          Wofat did and I bet the skeleton key delivery was Wofat’s idea to send to Steve.  He fully expected Steve to find those photos and pin the murder on the witness, Laura and Steve’s parents all on Gov. Jamison.  She confessed to Laura’s but not the other two, think those were all Wofat.  Steve suspected she was on Wofat’s payroll but out of frustration, he wanted to force a confession which is exactly what Steve was doing at gun point, the Gov. was smart enough to say, to avoid implicating herself. 
          For the first time I think Steve realized that he made a mistake, things were not going well for him in that moment – a forced confession Steve, gun?  No babe, not a good idea.  Signs of vulnerability revealed in that scene because for the first time Steve lost the upper hand.
          Unfortunately it was too late because Wofat was waiting fully expecting Steve to do exactly what he wanted and so he tasered Steve, killed the Govenor and framed Steve for the two murders.
          Oh and Sang Min – Wofat deliberately terrorised Sang Min into surrendering to Five-0, so with Sang Min tossed in jail, fait accompli.  Why didn’t Wofat take Steve’s phone on the way out?  Wofat didn’t even care, Steve to him was no longer a threat.  He accomplished what he set out to do – ergo victory dance for Wofat. 

          PS:  I love Steve – so devestating to have him fall like this.

        • joey says:

          mustnt forget that governor jamison, hesse and others were putting this plan in motion from day one when steve rolled off the plane in his dress blues so it may stand to reason that it was somewhat caculated for her to replace the money and to suddenly have it reappear when it was time to break up the team 

  4. Terry says:

    Ever since 24 came on our TV screens, it seems like television writers feel the need to kill off series regulars in an attempt to ratchet up the drama.  I think it would have been much more interesting to see how the plot played out with these two women still alive.

  5. Lynnette says:

    Thanks so much for your Redux blog, Wendie – it’s like a little warm oasis in a cold, cold sea this week! I watched the finale at home, alone, and I sure glad no one was around to watch me whimper, shout and throw things at my TV, but it does sound like the Apartment 3 party was lots of fun! I am worn out from reading all the blogs, forums,fan pages and personal messages I’ve receieved in the last day and a half! Everyone has an opinion and a direction they want to see taken!  I guess that is an indication of how well the finale was written and how attached we have become to the show and it’s characters. It’s been a fun ride these past nine months – I’ve made lots of new friends to cherish as a direct result of H5-0.  A short summer breather for all of us – then back here in the fall to dissect each and every episode of S2!  Bring it on!  

  6. Madbynorwest says:

     Good review, well thought out and balanced.  Always a pleasure to read.
    I agree with you about the Governor.  Honestly, this story resolution just felt like a hurried attempt at buckling a story arc with the means at hand without thinking of the long-term loss to the show.  Am I the only one that thought the scene between McG and Jameson was dynamite (no pun intended…OK, maybe a little).  Who in their right mind would get rid of that kind of chemistry on a show?  And really, how did Wo Fat get in the room?  Ninja-McG didn’t feel the air shift on the back of his neck and the Governor didn’t react, even a twinge?  Now put yourself in Wo Fat’s shoes.  You’ve got your worse problem and your best asset in one room – who are you going to shoot?  Yeah, NOT the Governor.  He would have killed McG, handed the gun to the Governor and had her claim self defense.  But then, the star of the show would be dead and there would be no show – which is a good indication that the writer(s) should have gone back to the computer on that one (again –JMO). 
    So, again, I agree with you – Why go to so much trouble to keep McG alive?  I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if the actors had been allowed to play out the scene as their characters – I thought McG was on the verge of turning the Governor when, unfortunately, she remembered her lines.  It would have made more sense for Wo Fat to kill the Gov and frame McG if McG had in fact put doubts in her mind about the validity of her association with Wo Fat.
    Other things that made no sense (disclaimer – again, JMO, but please feel free to join in the discussion):
    – The Governor arranged for Laura’s murder with a car bomb that had the potential of wounding/killing dozens of innocent bystanders, when a fake nighttime robbery/murder would have been way more effective.  Of course, it’s evident that they did it this way to remind us of the connection between Wo Fat and the car bomb that killed McG’s mother.  Which brings up another point.  I seem to remember that McG said he was 16 when his mother died.  He’s now what – 33 maybe, so let’s say 17 years ago.  How old was Wo Fat 17 years ago?  He doesn’t look much older than McG.   So maybe early 20’s.  How powerful could he have been then…hmmm.  And again, why have it in for McG’s family way back then?
    It would be scarier and very effective if it were personal…
    – Why keep the stuff from the Champ box?  It’s incriminating evidence and what possible use could it have been to the Governor?
    – Those old antique chests usually have only one key, like, the Governor wasn’t going to miss it?
    – If the Governor had the power and access to arrange for the replacement of the money, she would also have had the serial numbers replaced accordingly, thus making the serial numbers of the so-called found burnt bits of no importance, otherwise, there is no sense in replacing the money as the tampering would be found out anyway (so yeah, the Kono jeopardy didn’t work for me).
    –  McG is a hunted man so, of course, he’s driving the most attention-getting car on the island (the black Marquis).
    – Will someone please kill Rachel off and put that whole mess out of its misery.  That pairing was unbelievable from the start and is getting absurd despite all of Caan’s charm in trying to make it work.
    – McG himself.  It seems that, in order to give O’Loughlin something to sink his acting teeth into and move away from being the straight man to Caan’s Emmy-nominated turn, he’s slipping into the dark side.  There was a scene a couple of episodes ago when McG is interrogating a woman and he bullies her by saying “I answer to God and the Governor, neither of whom will help you right now.”  I certainly shuddered when I heard it.  Isn’t being the instrument of God’s will the line that is used by all the despots we’re fighting around the world right now?  They’ve allowed McG to become his own foe – tragic…not in a good way.
    Things that worked:
    – The chemistry between the Governor and McG;  it was always one of the strongest elements in the show.  Two great forces meeting halfway for the common good.  Shame it’s gone.
    – The chemistry between McG and Chin Ho – it always comes across as genuine.
    – McG and Danny work well together and have developed a (sometimes grudging) respect for each other.  Polar opposites discovering common ground.
    – Kamekona (even when he’s brought in only as comic relief) who was very believable in this episode.
    -The theme, the wave, the Hawaiian scenery
    – Danny was more human and believable in this episode as he related to McG and the rest of the team than I’ve ever seen him on the show (I’m not talking about the Rachel thing – no amount of believable acting can save that).  Danny and Grace work.
    – Chin Ho has become one of the best characters on this show.  Really liked that he saw how the chips were falling and he made a beeline to secure his new job with HPD where he would ensure that McG wouldn’t get killed being taken down and would be in a position of power to help with the investigation now that there is no more H5-0. 
    – The banter and carguments when they work – they’re great.
    I loved the pilot, and I’ve enjoyed quite a few of the episodes but lately, it’s just seemed that they were making it up as they went along.  It would be so much better if TPTB sat down and figured out what the secrets are supposed to be and worked out story arcs for the next 3 to 5 years.  (Just my hope – if I invest time to get into a show, I want to be part of the unravelling of a mystery with characters I can relate to as human beings and not just strung along as they make it up week by week).
    In closing, here’s a prediction – McG will be released within the first 5 mins of next season when Danny and/or Chin find his phone that was left on the Governor’s desk, recording the entire debacle.  Don’t understand why McGarrett didn’t mention it or anyone check on his story about being tasered – those suckers leave a prominent and recognizable mark. 
    Again, this is just my opinion, shared for the sake of discussion – something to do over the summer till the show comes back. 🙂  If you’ve had the fortitude to read through this long post, I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments.

    • Caro Barrett says:

       Interesting take on a number of points.  Only one thing wrong……didn’t they show Wo Fat hit the DELETE button on the cell phone?  Big OOPS I thought of and many posters all over the net saw: what about the tazer marks on Steve’s neck and no GSR on McG……

      • Val says:

         Hi no it wasn’t Wofat who hit the delete button on the cell it was Govenor Jamison. 

      • Lynnette says:

        Another point circulating around the net, Caro, is that even though the delete button was pushed, the confirm delete all? was NOT pushed – therefore, there is still a very good chance that Chin, with his cell phone/computer wizardry, will be able to restore the recording – probably in the first 5 minutes of S2!

        • Val says:

          Hah good observation Lynette – really hoping Chin took Steve’s cell phone because that could really come in handy!!  But I really hope HPD doesn’t raid their office and take their files and records away because if they did – hopefully Kono used her magic trick to disable everything so that they can revive  it again for later.  I saw the erase button but didn’t notice much else…to shocked to see poor Steve lying on the floor.  Good job that some of us will search for all the little nifty details – will come in handy for season 2. 

        • Madbynorwest says:

          Thanks Val – you had an earlier post where you brought my attention to the fact that someone had pushed the delete button so I had another look at the scene.  You’re absolutely right.  Then I came across an interesting bit of information but I would need someone with a McGarrett i-Phone to test it (I only have an old Blackberry).

          Apparently, if you dial your own number and press # it will take you directly to voice mail where you can record…well anything to your voicemail.  If this is actually possible and McG dialed his own number prior to hitting the record mode –

          1.  That was his own call coming on his phone taking the recording to voicemail;
          2.  On an i-Phone, if you hit delete, does the “delete?” dialog box come up?
          3.  Can you delete voicemail directly from the recording mode or does it just quit voicemail and leave voicemail to that point intact?

          Anyone with a McGarrett i-Phone and a hankering for experimentation? 🙂

        • Officer 808 says:

          NERD POWERS ACTIVATE!  You can delete stuff off of any device, but they can still be recovered with proper software, as long as new data IS NOT written over it.  In other words, deleted data is still physically on your drive, but is invisible to you and will sit there until news saved data overwrites it. So the gov can delete the file, but is easily recoverable.

        • Dana In Vermont says:

          yep, that’s what I was thinking. That’s one of the several ways this whole thing can be fixed pretty fast in the first episode. But will they do that? Or will they drag it out for more than one episode? or even all season? 

        • I couldn’t believe Wo Fat didn’t take the phone … but what’s on the recording can possibly be slanted as a coerced confession. Remember she said, “You have a gun pointed at me. I’ll say anything you want.”  The recording cuts off before Wo Fat shoots the Governor, which leaves the last part as: “Is that why you had Laura Hills killed? Because she was disloyal?”  And the Governor answered “Yes.” But the actual murder wasn’t recorded on the phone (i.e. the gun shots). I wonder if the taser noise would be evident though? Was it loud enough with the phone sitting on the desk? 

        • Val says:

           Stephanie I might be wrong about this but I’m pretty sure the confession, the puttng the money back thing is all recorded on Steve’s phone.  Steve only got tasered after the confession.  So all the valuable information is there except for the gun shot.  But they can easily see that the other gun that Steve had never fired a shot – but it still looks bad for Steve with the gun in his hand – if he’s wearing gloves would they still be able to find gun shot residue on it? 

          If yes, then should be okay since we all know that he never fired the gun.  I really hope that he will lie about where he got the other gun – just hope he’ll say that he found the gun on the floor or someplace else….because they will want to know where he got the other gun from since its not registered to him and it was obtained illegally….we all know that he got it from kamekona. He’ll never rat Kamekona out. 

          I really hope someone picks up on the idea that Steve got tasered maybe Danny will talk to Steve in private….and get the info from him.  Danny will defintely find a way to talk to Steve.

          Interesting that Wofat never bothered to take Steve’s phone with him – thank goodness for that much – think its because he simply doesn’t care – Steve’s in so much trouble as it is – by the time he gets out of the mess – Wofat will have moved his “time table up”  which can only mean more trouble for Five-0!!  I think Season 2 is going to be far more intense than season 1!!! 

        • joey says:

          peter claims steve would have deactivated any security cameras but i disagree he ran straight into the office  chin and jenna are on the case 

        • joey says:

          yeya what officer said!   gleek can recover the data with his tail 

  7. Tereseabrown says:

    Excellently expressed emotional erosion of eviscerated ensemble and enthusiasts.

    I was gobsmacked. The writers are twisted little torturers. While I find Danny..Rachel storyline offensive and out of character for a by.the.book. personality, I will trust PLenkov to redeem him…somehow.

    The writers have left us with all sorts of possibilities to re.establishment of Our Team. To quote Danny…this hurts my head. And I am loving it!

    You have taught us well, Wendiejoy, now rest for you have a second season to do it for us, again. Thanks, dear.

  8. Paul D says:

    Wendie: an excellent blog as usual. The party looked great and thanks for the pictures. I believe you were in the first one??
    I agree with the other comments; it will be a long summer waiting for the return of our show. Danno just has to return to the show. I also thank all of the fans posting their thoughts and insights because it helped me see things that I missed during the viewing of the show. I will look forward to Wendie and the rest of us getting together in September. Until then, Aloha.

  9. Paul D says:

    Wendie: an excellent blog as usual. The party looked great and thanks for the pictures. I believe you were in the first one??
    I agree with the other comments; it will be a long summer waiting for the return of our show. Danno just has to return to the show. I also thank all of the fans posting their thoughts and insights because it helped me see things that I missed during the viewing of the show. I will look forward to Wendie and the rest of us getting together in September. Until then, Aloha.

  10. Val says:

     Wow Wendie sounds like you guys had a great time.  I almost wished we had a group party of our own – pretty lousy just sitting on a couch, pillow surroundered by tissues.  A real fun miserable night but you know Peter Lenkov and his team cleverly crafted this show from the beginning, we practically fell in love with these characters right at the start so by planning their demise would surely test our resolve from watching what had been glorious fun for months to watching it reduced to ashes in one night.  Rather stunning wouldn’t you say for them to write such a drastic brutal cliff hanger episode?  
    Your question about why target Steve, well this all goes back to his father who was the lead investigator in organized crime and I would say he had been a huge thorn in Wofat’s side because up until Steve’s father murder, Wofat went into hiding and only returned much later when he visited Hesse to ask how close Steve was to his father’s investigation and Hesse replied “too close” and the response back from Wofat etched in my memory “we can’t have that can we?”  Of course Hesse lied – poor Steve didn’t have a clue back then.
    As for Govenor Jamison – wow that blew me away.  Right at the start, she seemed so genuinely sorry for his loss and offered to help him get Victor Hesse by setting up a task force with her backing and full immunity and means to rid Hawaii of all the “rug rats” but of course we now know that she just wanted to use him to suit her own gain.   
    She was the perfect choice to have betray Steve and it looked genuinely iron clad convincing the way the actress Jean Smart and the writers pulled it off.  You were right that scene at the beginning was so surprisingly cute between Laura and Chin when Steve turned to Chin teasing him about the knowing looks that he was getting from Laura.  For a moment, I thought hey they would make a cute couple, and then huge Ka boom!!  It hasn’t been funny since then.
    The only thing I find troubling are the changes that could be coming in season 2.  Will we stop seeing the carguments, super ninja Steve using the same means to solve crimes with the same amount of speed and fun or will we see a more subdued looking Steve who served “God and country” and Gov, lose heart for the job.  How does someone like Steve bounce back from that kind of brutal betrayal?  Will he ever wear the navy blues again? I genuinely hope its not the last.  What will happen to the partnership and what about Rachel and Grace and their new baby what does Danny do.  He won’t abandon Steve so will Rachel abandon Danny this time – I don’t think so.
    As for Chin Ho what will it be like to look in the mirror and wear the HPD uniform again after all that has happened.  There is such irony in that because he worked with Steve’s father in happier times when he was a rookie but then he was accused of stealing money from the forfeiture locker but once he found out who it was immediately took the fall for it and now he’s doing it again taking the fall for the team to investigate from inside the HPD.  Chin being Chin can see the urgency more than the others. He’s a lot like Steve very quick to think and act fast.  Danny likes to think and talk about things before taking a decisive act that is why he and Steve are always at odds with one another because Steve isn’t the kind of guy to sit and wait.  He wasn’t trained to work that way.  That’s why he is a seal and not a cop. 
    When season two begins will they ever be able to return to their office and reboot the magic table or will all of that be taken away? Will Five-0 ever be five-0 again?  I sure will miss the magic table.  Its hard to believe that everything we love about the show is just all gone and we are going be seeing the after math which won’t be a pleasant sight.
    But we all will have to be patient and wait for our beloved fallen heroes to rise again and when they do – lets hope they are as ready as we are to make life hell for Wofat but I have a feeling that Wofat will be around a bit longer to make life hell for Five-0 and for us as well.  It won’t be easy for them to recover.  Peter Lenkov warned that Wofat is going to make life miserable for Steve so season 2 is going to be an uphill battle for everyone. 

  11. Val says:

     Wow Wendie sounds like you guys had a great time.  I almost wished we had a group party of our own – pretty lousy just sitting on a couch, pillow surroundered by tissues.  A real fun miserable night but you know Peter Lenkov and his team cleverly crafted this show from the beginning, we practically fell in love with these characters right at the start so by planning their demise would surely test our resolve from watching what had been glorious fun for months to watching it reduced to ashes in one night.  Rather stunning wouldn’t you say for them to write such a drastic brutal cliff hanger episode?  
    Your question about why target Steve, well this all goes back to his father who was the lead investigator in organized crime and I would say he had been a huge thorn in Wofat’s side because up until Steve’s father murder, Wofat went into hiding and only returned much later when he visited Hesse to ask how close Steve was to his father’s investigation and Hesse replied “too close” and the response back from Wofat etched in my memory “we can’t have that can we?”  Of course Hesse lied – poor Steve didn’t have a clue back then.
    As for Govenor Jamison – wow that blew me away.  Right at the start, she seemed so genuinely sorry for his loss and offered to help him get Victor Hesse by setting up a task force with her backing and full immunity and means to rid Hawaii of all the “rug rats” but of course we now know that she just wanted to use him to suit her own gain.   
    She was the perfect choice to have betray Steve and it looked genuinely iron clad convincing the way the actress Jean Smart and the writers pulled it off.  You were right that scene at the beginning was so surprisingly cute between Laura and Chin when Steve turned to Chin teasing him about the knowing looks that he was getting from Laura.  For a moment, I thought hey they would make a cute couple, and then huge Ka boom!!  It hasn’t been funny since then.
    The only thing I find troubling are the changes that could be coming in season 2.  Will we stop seeing the carguments, super ninja Steve using the same means to solve crimes with the same amount of speed and fun or will we see a more subdued looking Steve who served “God and country” and Gov, lose heart for the job.  How does someone like Steve bounce back from that kind of brutal betrayal?  Will he ever wear the navy blues again? I genuinely hope its not the last.  What will happen to the partnership and what about Rachel and Grace and their new baby what does Danny do.  He won’t abandon Steve so will Rachel abandon Danny this time – I don’t think so.
    As for Chin Ho what will it be like to look in the mirror and wear the HPD uniform again after all that has happened.  There is such irony in that because he worked with Steve’s father in happier times when he was a rookie but then he was accused of stealing money from the forfeiture locker but once he found out who it was immediately took the fall for it and now he’s doing it again taking the fall for the team to investigate from inside the HPD.  Chin being Chin can see the urgency more than the others. He’s a lot like Steve very quick to think and act fast.  Danny likes to think and talk about things before taking a decisive act that is why he and Steve are always at odds with one another because Steve isn’t the kind of guy to sit and wait.  He wasn’t trained to work that way.  That’s why he is a seal and not a cop. 
    When season two begins will they ever be able to return to their office and reboot the magic table or will all of that be taken away? Will Five-0 ever be five-0 again?  I sure will miss the magic table.  Its hard to believe that everything we love about the show is just all gone and we are going be seeing the after math which won’t be a pleasant sight.
    But we all will have to be patient and wait for our beloved fallen heroes to rise again and when they do – lets hope they are as ready as we are to make life hell for Wofat but I have a feeling that Wofat will be around a bit longer to make life hell for Five-0 and for us as well.  It won’t be easy for them to recover.  Peter Lenkov warned that Wofat is going to make life miserable for Steve so season 2 is going to be an uphill battle for everyone. 

    • Dana In Vermont says:

      Excellent review!  I agree with your assessment of Steve and Chin not every wanting to sit and wait and that’s why Steve is a Seal and not a cop. Chin is a little different, he does think, fast and moves fast and precisely, so he is going to be the one that is integral, I think in helping Danny and Jenna get Kono and Steve out of this.

      Regarding Danny and Rachel, I still have the question of Why go there with the pregnancy? It really is jarring. My podcast co-host, Eli, keeps telling me that it doesn’t matter, there can still be carguements and bromance, even with Danny getting back with her. Okay…I’ll bite. I wait to be convinced!  I have to.

      Dana In Vermont

      • joey says:

        Dana/Val—I think that is why scott caan noted one of the scenes was hard to do becasue “it was the most unbelievable scene i had to do”   i think he may have been referring to the pregnancy thing and leaving hawaii. it just didnt feel rite. wow – just a thought – shes being blackmailed by wofat to drag danny away?   wow – dont under estimate peter hes a slippery cat! 

        • joey says:

          wofat is behind the frame job- the kono arrest and chin being reinstated wouldnt be a stretch to believe he masterminded the rachael/ danny thing to the point maby he threatened her or stan or gracie if she did not go along with the plan 

        • Dana In Vermont says:


        • Anonymous says:

          I think SC was referring to the scene w/Dane Cook leaving on the plane as the least believable scene.

          I kind of like the blackmail concept. Otherwise it just doesn’t work for me.

        • Val says:

           LOL – Joey I think I figured it out – oooh you are right watch out for Peter Lenkov.  He’s a devious cat alright!!  Check out my response to Dana would love to know what you both think about Danny and Rachel. 

          My question though to everyone really is “Jenna” Kaye – now that I had time to think about the show objectively and how Peter and his team cleverly wrapped up episode 24 – one question does plague me and that’s to do with the voice recorder.

          Now that we know who sent the mysterious packages to Steve – I highly doubt that Laura sent the recorder to Jenna.  Could that be Wofat’s doing?  To set her up or is she someone else entirely because only one of two people knew that Steve was going to be at the noodle place and it couldn’t possibly be Wofat – and she doesn’t fit the profle of a mole but strange things seem to be happening around her that doesn’t quite fit in with her just being a low level analyst.  Her knowledge of certain things is just too convienient and quick.  For now she’s helping the team, but I have a feeling there are going to be more surprises in store – wherever there is a question mark be sure that there is always a reason for it – but we don’t know what “it” is until we have more clues into where Peter Lenkov is going with any of this.  He fooled us all and you watch in season 2 they are going to fool us again with lots of “curve balls”. 

        • Val says:

           Lol – you know in a twisted logic, maybe it does make sense. Look at it this way, I could be wrong but the entire show’s format has all been about “Ohana” family.  The common theme has always been love, honor, betrayal, etc.,  we have seen that over and over again. 

          I think maybe the writers were trying to show that each family within the team have a lot of personal problems and are conflicted.  We are always going to see that.  If all of them were perfectly happy there woudn’t be a lot of stories to write, it becomes boring and just another crime show to write about. 

          Danny comes from a large family and for the most part very happy – Steve comes from a smaller family two parents one younger sister, but not really happy.

          Irony twist here is that happy Danny family hit a low when Matt betrayed them.  Steve and his sister MaryAnn thought their dad abandoned them but instead they learn he never did, he loved them both dearly he was “trying to protect them”  because their mom was murdered. Chin and Kono come from a family of cops but one of them betrayed them all and it was uncle because they all ousted Chin except for Kono.  None one is happy about their families not that they don’t love them, they just have problems to deal with.  What family doesn’t?

          The point is even though they are all conflicted with problems and they are all so different in personality and character trait – they all have one thing in common, they believe in love, honor, integirty and they are all looking to have that one thing that they all have in common which is the core of their working relationship. 

          No matter what scum bucket test is thrown at them – these four will always remain loyal to each other – I think that we will see it in the remaining seasons ahead.   Peter Lenkov and team of writers are very clever because the way the show is written they will never run out of ideas or story lines and all the stories have been so uniquely unpredictable – we just never know what to expect.  Its genius!! Something for all of to think about.

      • Val says:

        The timing of Rachel getting pregnant I think stems from the episode before, that reunion wtih Danny and Rachel surprised everyone but I think it was masterfully deliberate to see this surprising twist of happiness – its so polar opposite to when Danny first came to Hawaii – remember the psycho ring tone – we all thought wow that marriage sure didn’t go down so well.

        But we also didn’t expect the nice friendly hug amongst the team after a job well done?  Since when have either one of our members not been in danger like Chin with the bomb bracelet….there was no hugging then – so I believe Peter Lenkov was setting us up for the season finale.

        It was just a perfect set up – because all of that blew up in our faces and that whole baby thing with Rachel packing up to leave for NJ?  Genius!!  There could be many reasons for that – and we all knew that why Danny came to Hawaii, because he still loved Rachel and he would follow her to the ends of the earth but he never expected to fall in love with Hawaii nor did he ever expect to enjoy working as Five-0 with Steve – so the cliff hanger for Danny was always this question whether or not he would leave to go back to New Jersey since he loved being there more than he loved being in Hawaii.  Really?

        That was a deliberate ploy – don’t think any of this had anything to do with Wofat – rather clerver actually come to think about it.  Five-0 is in ruins.  What’s left but to pack up and leave and what wicked incentive for him to be reunited with Rachel, a new baby on the way…what’s keepng him from heading to the airport?  – Its Steve!!  Danny loves Steve too – so even tho Danny was ready to go – in the end he really never made it to the airport.  Now we all will be wondering again in season 2 whether he will still leave for New Jersey.  – Oh clever or rather devious I’d say of Peter Lenkov.  

        • Dana In Vermont says:

          Your line of thinking is very astute. The whole “Ohana” theme from the entire season and how family is messy and never perfect was played out many times in our character’s behaviors as well as  crimes they investigated. 

          Parents and their children, sibling problems, extended family and all the joy and pain they cause were shown over and over. The set-up you refer to by the writers and producers was quite complex and you can see the foreshadowing and build-up from the first episode. I do see much cleverness and for the most part I think the finale was executed (sorry Kelly Hu and Jean Smart, no pun intended) very well. 

          Any problems I had at the initial watching of the show, which I saw echoed in some places this week on the net in forums, seems to revolve around shock at our beloved characters not acting like we might want them to or had high expectations for them to.

           I think all the elements for character behavior, so happen to be  in past episodes. Nothing is ever black and white like many have said as well as Peter Lenkov who says, don’t put Danny or the others on a pedestal…they are human….that is the story of Hawaii Five-0, watching these very human characters deal with life and it’s occasional nastiness, and still come out as heroes in the end. That’s the “truth” and we can’t pretend it’s not, even if we want to.

          Dana In Vermont

        • Lynnette says:

          Dana and Val! I have to say I truly appreciate your esoteric views on not just the season finale, but the entire season! Very few fans have delved into the philosophy of Hawaii 5-0 yet, but I believe the two of you must have a direct mind link to the writers and producers! Many fans are still on the surface level, still reeling from the governor’s revelations, how did WoFat get into the gov’s office, how wrong Danny and Rachel’s relationship is and how could Chin go back to HPD… With your insightful comments, you’ve taken us to the next level – what can we learn from this season about life, family relations, friendships, and human nature?  Granted, not all fans want to get that involved, but for those of us that do, thanks for getting the conversation started!  

      • Paul D says:

        I agree with you totally with the pregnancy issue. Just hope it gets resolved that Danno returns to the islands. I guess this is in keeping with the prelude blogs of “surprises on top of surprises”.
        Paul D

    • Paul D says:

      Really an excellent post.
      Paul D

  12. Anonymous says:

     Wendie – Thanks for a great season of H50 blogs! Can’t wait for more.
    Wo Fat making it personal – leads me to believe that there is some amount of family history there. Judging from the estimated age of Wo Fat and McG, it could be from Sr. Wo Fat and Sr. McG playing out. That would help to tie in the Japanese medal found in the Champ Box. (although I guess it would be grandpappy Wo Fat and grandpappy McG at Pearl Harbor)
    Anyway – on to the more important info – what’s in a “Book ‘Em Danno”???? 

    • Madbynorwest says:

      Hi KimmerNY,

      I was thinking along those lines – they’re close in age.  Your thoughts would certainly go a long way to explaining the Japanese medal.  🙂

  13. Anonymous says:

    Sorry Wendie, but a 1974 Mercury Marquis never was and never will be a cool car. 

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow, I guess you never saw Jack Lord drive it….that car is SUPER cool!!!

    • joey says:

      wendie you have the best fans!!!!!    lol 

    • Val says:

      Actually the fact that the “marquis” is the same original car that was used in the old series, is pretty cool that they got it running again.  Remember Steve has sentimental value to the car because it was the one thing that he wanted to do help his father get the car running again.  I don’t think we’ll see it drive around too often but its nice to have some “nice” reminders of the old show. 

    • Dana In Vermont says:

      Don’t harsh the ‘Black Marquis’ buzz, man.  It was ‘sick’ and it was the real thing…belonging to the original ‘Steve McGarrett.’  

  14. <3 Thank you Wendie fantastic always… great blog H5-0 :))

  15. Joey, I can’t buy the Rachel being blackmailed by Wo Fat thing much. Otherwise Rachel would have been far more panicked and worried when Danny failed to show at the gate. She wouldn’t have just said to Grace, cmon let’s go in that resigned sort of way if there was a lot at stake. My take anyway. However I do think the pregnancy will turn out to be a furphy in some way or other.

  16. Ariel Ramos says:

    Wow Mrs. B,

    Your review makes me wish I watched this show. I know, blasphemy that I haven’t seen it yet. Its summer, so now I’ll have time to get caught up before the next season.

  17. patty says:

    Loved it again!! I will miss your takes on the show during the summer!! Can’t wait for the fall!!!Have a great summer!! 

  18. Kristin Oole says:

    Hi Wendie, love your column. I would have commented earlier but it’s been quite a week for us Five-0 fans and there has been so much out there to read. The season finale was quite an episode, that’s for sure. Wish I could have been at the viewing party, but sadly I was in Hawaii one week earlier. oh well. I guess now that they have been renewed for season two… YAY… I will have to try to come for Sunset on the Beach like you suggested when I tweeted (raefhn) the other night.

    So after reading you take on the episode and some of the comments I have only a few things to share. Like someone else said I was also wondering who sent Jenna the recorder? In the beginning I was unsure of her character but I have started to like her. I don’t like the idea of her possibly being ‘in’ with Wo Fat like the Gov.. Unless somehow Laura did some research on her in hopes of leading her to Hawaii. Guess we’ll wait and see in season 2. I really had know idea what to expect with this episode and the revelation of Laura being the one who was sending the envelopes to Steve was good to learn until Steve realized that he more or less got her killed. By the way, loved the way that Steve commented to Chin how Laura was “sexting him with her eyes.” That was probably my favorite moment…at least happy moment in the whole episode.

    Anyway, again love the column, and I can’t wait for your next one even though it will be on a repeat. 

    • Cindy says:

      That was my favorite light moment of the finale as well. Loved the way McG gave Chin a bad time about asking Laura out and that little teasing smirky smile he gets and how Chin is clueless. One of the few lighthearted moments of the finale.  

  19. Dana In Vermont says:

     Hey Wendie Fans! Make sure to look for the 5-0 Finale podcast of Hawaii In Vermont in which we’re joined by the lovely Wendiejoy as well as the witty Officer808 of the 50undercover.com blog! It was a very lively, discussion, covering the ‘Danny/Rachel’ developments, morality & truth, as well as what we think the future holds for our team next season! Should be posted by today at http://alohavermont.com and up on iTunes.Please spread the word! Mahalo!Dana In VermontHost of the Five-0 podcast: ‘Hawaii In Vermont’http://alohavermont.com & on iTunes
    Please kindly become a fan (click at “Like”at)  http://Facebook.com/alohavermont and subscribe to the blog at alohavermont.com !

  20. Kamaaina50 says:

    Hey Aunty, I just wanted to add my aloha to you for the column that you script.  I have enjoyed your takes on each episode, and particularly on your translations of the Hawaiian episode titles.  The last episode was off the wall with the killing of the governor, and the sub-themes for each of the individuals ….. but like you, I had hoped for a longer tie-in for Kelly Hu.

    Next season’s early episodes will be very interesting as the writers attempt to unravel of the events of the season finale.  The killing of the governor and the disbanding of the Five-O task force (and McGarrett arrested) will be a challenge.

    Aunty, you should get to be part of the Hawaii Five-O cast.  You could add some interesting side-bars, twists and turns.  Keep up the great column!!!

    Aloha & Mahalo,


  21. […] Monday September 12: Oia‘i‘o — “Holding out for our Heroes.” […]

  22. […] with a neck-bomb, where Laura Hills (Hawaii actress Kelly Hu) was blown up in the season one ending “‘Oiaʻiʻo,” as well as the area where Chin introduced Danno to the always-delicious Liliha Bakery Coco Puff in […]

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