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Karen Kutsunai named 2013 State Teacher of the Year

2012 October 26 - CTY Teacher 08 - Karen Kutsunai was named Hawaii's 2013 State Teacher of the Year and received the award from Gov. Neil Abercrombie in a ceremony at Washington Place. Honolulu Star-Advertiser photo by FL Morris

Karen Kutsunai blinked her eyes and shook her head in disbelief when her name was announced today as the 2013 State Teacher of the Year.

“I’m talking a bit trepidatiously because I distinctly remember writing in my application for the honor that I’m the person that does not seek the limelight,” she said to the audience gathered at Washington Place to honor her and six other State District Teacher of the Year recipients.

The Kailua Intermediate School teacher quickly turned the attention to her colleagues.

“You’ve done your part to help your school communities and the areas where you teach,” she said, poking her fingers under her glasses to wipe tears from her eyes. “And from the bottom of my heart just know that I would just be as honored if you were in my position as well.”

Gov. Neil Abercrombie and Department of Education Deputy Superintendent Ronn Nozoe presented Kutsunai and her colleagues with the awards.

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