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Attack on Brower last year helped spur action on homelessness

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The population at the Kakaako encampment has dropped to a fifth of its former size since last summer. Here, “Junior” sorts his recyclables at Kakaako Makai Gateway Park.

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Alika Brackeen, 30, sits on his bike on Olomehani Street in Kakaako, where he used to live before moving to the Next Step shelter two months ago. “You get tired of moving,” Brackeen said. “No mo’ solutions than pushing people around. Something’s gotta be done.”

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“I hope that anything that happened to me in Kakaako actually helps. I think we’re on the right track, but the train is running too slowly.”

State Rep. Tom Brower

Pictured at the intersection of Ohe and Olomehani Streets where he was attacked a year ago.

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Makeshift shelters line Kakaako Mauka Gateway Park.

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State Rep. Tom Brower’s beating a year ago in the heart of a dangerous, entrenched Kakaako homeless encampment forced Oahu to confront the reality of too many people with no place to call home.

Since that day — June 29 — there’s more awareness of the many ways that people end up homeless in the islands. Leaders from the highest levels of government on down have learned that solutions will not come quickly, easily or cheap.

Results of the annual homeless count are scheduled for release on Wednesday as part of a nationwide snapshot of the homeless population in each community. Then in the fall, federal officials will crunch the numbers from around the country and determine whether Hawaii retains the ignoble distinction of having the highest per capita rate of homelessness in America.

The last so-called Point in Time Count showed that in January 2015 Hawaii had its biggest, statewide homeless population in five years: 7,620 people, up from 6,918 the year before.

On Oahu, the homeless count was 4,903, an increase from the 4,712 found a year earlier.

State Department of Education data for the school year that just ended showed island schools enrolled 3,576 homeless students, up from 3,526 the year before.

No matter the results of the latest head count, the attack on Brower changed the way people view the homeless and generated a new sense of urgency to get them off the streets, whether out of compassion or disgust.

Along the way, it inspired more churches, landlords, construction companies, architects, engineers, nonprofit groups and everyday people to think of ways they could use their talents — or money or donations — to somehow make a difference.

“Definitely a lot more people from the community are stepping forward,” said Scott Morishige, the state’s chief coordinator of homeless initiatives. “There is certainly more awareness of the issue and, in general, more people are willing to be part of the solution.”

Businesses, especially Waikiki’s tourism industry, “want to take action,” said Connie Mitchell, executive director of the Institute for Human Services. “A lot of the business sector is stepping forward, which is very exciting. It’s heartening so much goodwill has come forward.”

IHS runs Hawaii’s largest homeless shelters in Iwilei, as well as the city’s new Hale Mauliola community for formerly homeless people that opened in November on Sand Island. IHS is also in the final year of its two-year contract with the city to find so-called fair-market “Housing First” rental units that come with rent guarantees for landlords, a case worker to call for problems and social service help for tenants who may have mental illness or problems with alcohol and drug abuse.

From Nov. 1, 2014, through Oct. 31, IHS found Housing First rental units for 176 individuals in 115 households. IHS is now tasked with finding Housing First units for another 115 Oahu households by November, when the city’s next two-year Housing First contract will be taken over by the U.S. Vets organization on Oahu.

Persuading more landlords and property managers to take a chance on renting to people off the street — especially in a red-hot housing market — will be critical to reducing homelessness across the islands, Morishige said.

“We can’t build our way out of this situation,” he said. “It’s really important to have more landlords step up to the table and be willing to take in individuals either from a shelter or off the street. Due to the stigma, we’re not always able to pair up the units with people in need.”

While Oahu’s struggle with its homeless population draws the most attention, the neighbor islands have their own homeless issues.

Last week, Morishige attended a landlord summit on Maui that was modeled after similar ones on Oahu, including one in which Gov. David Ige and Mayor Kirk Caldwell urged Honolulu landlords and property managers to rent to a homeless person or family.

On Maui, Morishige was encouraged that more than 80 people showed up.

“Every time I go to one of these events it really is heartwarming to see people who have a legitimate desire to help and are stepping forward,” Morishige said. “Some of them admittedly were hesitant. But when they do take someone in, they realize the tenant is no different than any other tenant. They also have someone on call 24/7 (to address problems). Not every single landlord is aware of that.”

Misconceptions about homelessness linger, such as the belief that Hawaii’s homeless population is the result of too many malihini, or newcomers, from the mainland — and especially from Micronesia — who are arriving without a permanent place to live.

Instead, data collected by outreach workers show that most are homegrown neighbors, friends and family suffering from the ills that plague the rest of society, including domestic violence and other abuse; mental illness; drug and alcohol addiction; and, all too often, a simple inability to keep up with Hawaii’s high cost of living.

“Homelessness is the issue of our time,” Brower (D, Waikiki-Ala Moana-Kakaako) told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser last week at the intersection of Ohe and Olomehani streets, where he had been photographing the encampment when the assault began.

A mob of as many as 10 people chased the state legislator down Olomehani Street to a row of bushes at the doorstep to the Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center, where Brower fell as he was pummeled in front of children and their parents.

A cut near his right eye, bruised ribs and scrapes on his leg and left hand ended up sending him to the Queen’s Medical Center in an ambulance.

The beating “helped propel people into action,” Brower said. “Everyone would agree with that.”

Reclaiming Kakaako

Since last summer the population of the Kakaako encampment has dropped to a fifth of its former size, and reports of simple assault and property damage have dipped, according to the latest Honolulu police data for the first three months of 2016.

The numbers for HPD’s Beat 168, which includes the encampment, are small. Simple assaults went from 10 reports in the first quarter of 2015 to seven for the same period this year. Reports of property damage fell from 13 in the first quarter of 2015 to nine.

However, nuisance complaints jumped from 37 in the first three months of 2015 to 45 for the same period this year. Likewise, theft cases increased from 18 in the first quarter of 2015 to 29 for the first quarter of 2016, according to HPD.

Paramedics and emergency medical technicians are also responding to more 911 calls to the area, despite the drop in the homeless population.

From June 2015 to the start of this month, paramedics and EMTs answered 253 911 calls — compared to 199 for the same period a year before, according to the city Department of Emergency Services.

Sweeps continue in the effort to clear the encampments that linger around Kakaako Waterfront Park, the Children’s Discovery Center and the University of Hawaii medical school and Cancer Center.

But Jay Dee, 47, and others like him keep returning to a newly cleaned area.

“I prefer being on the street,” said Dee, who surfs at nearby Point Panic.

In just the last two years, Dee estimated that he’s been swept out of Kakaako and nearby areas “well over 100 times.”

He and others believe the ongoing sweeps are helping to harden some homeless people who are growing weary of having to constantly pack up and move. “They’re strong-arming you into shelters,” Dee said. “They’re basically saying, ‘Move into a shelter or pack up tonight — again.’ All those sweeps — people are tired of it, so they left.”

But Dee prefers the ability to surf nearby and the relative freedom of being in Kakaako, even if it means constantly packing up and moving between city, state and private property to avoid citations and the possibility of losing his belongings.

“We’ve got it down to a science,” Dee said.

But Alika Brackeen, 30, gave up and moved into Kakaako’s Next Step shelter two months ago after two years in the encampment.

“You get tired of moving,” Brackeen said. “No mo’ solutions than pushing people around. Something’s gotta be done.”

Today a persistent population of roughly 50 to 60 people continues to sleep in the area every night.

“The city conducted an intensive enforcement effort in Kakaako Makai in September and October last year that resulted in the successful removal of entrenched encampments on sidewalks,” city spokesman Jesse Broder Van Dyke wrote in an email. “Since that time, the city’s enforcement crews have successfully kept the sidewalks within the city’s jurisdiction in Kakaako Makai free from stored property obstructions by relentlessly returning an average of every other day, while continuing to conduct their roving patrols across the rest of Oahu.”

Those who remain in state-owned parks around Kakaako tend to be veterans of the street.

“It does appear there are fewer families and more single adults and couples,” Morishige said. “A lot of these individuals lack a regular source of income, or don’t have picture ID that you need to secure employment or obtain housing. Some of them have been there a very long time.”

Making progress

The current population pales in comparison to the 293 people who were counted in August living in wood-reinforced tarps and tents — sometimes outfitted with portable generators and flat screen televisions — that covered almost every inch of city-owned sidewalks in the area.

Hundreds of homeless people all across Oahu have been encouraged to get off the street and move into shelters — or into Housing First rental units.

Just from Kakaako, Morishige said, “since August, we’ve transitioned over 260 people into shelters or permanent housing. The population a year ago was almost 300 individuals. Now today there’s 50 to 60 at any given time. That’s significant progress.”

Even so, more people continue to enter the homeless pipeline.

For instance, numbers released last month showed that 747 homeless military veterans on Oahu had found housing since January 2015, but an average of 24 veterans were becoming homeless each month.

Ige had asked the Legislature to earmark $9 million in the state budget to address homelessness head on. Faced with the scope of the problem, lawmakers instead provided $12 million.

Before the start of the legislative session, Ige began signing a series of emergency proclamations that make it easier for homeless people to get financial assistance from a $4.7 million fund or to get them into permanent housing.

Since Aloha United Way began dispersing the state funds in mid-April, 55 homeless households have received money, along with 172 households that were at risk of becoming homeless without financial assistance, AUW reported on its website. AUW plans to provide weekly updates of the number of people helped by the state money every Friday afternoon on its website, auw.org.

The overwhelming majority of people that have gotten financial help through AUW — 70 percent — are on Oahu.

Caldwell said last week that Ige’s proclamations also will get the city’s new so-called Hassinger Project in Makiki renovated and opened faster than usual to provide housing for as many as 75 homeless and low-income residents, tentatively beginning some time in February.

The proclamations will enable the city to quickly open Hawaii’s first-of-its-kind, all-in-one “hygiene center” on Kuwili Street in Iwilei. The ground floor of the four-story building will provide showers, bathrooms and laundry machines; social service workers will be located on the second floor; and the top two floors will have 35 studio apartments, each with their own bathrooms and small kitchens.

Caldwell told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser that the project is aimed at Hono­lulu’s “hard core,” chronically homeless, blamed by Iwilei businesses for an increase in vandalism and daily deposits of feces on their doorsteps.

The 43,000-square-foot project will be the bigger brother of the city’s only other hygiene center — on North Pauahi Street in Chinatown. The individual men’s and women’s 8-by- 12-foot rooms consist of a single shower, toilet and sink and have been used by an average of 60 to 70 people per day since the Chinatown hygiene center opened in March 2015.

Balanced approach

The first major initiative in the wake of the assault on Brower was the city’s Hale Mauliola, a Sand Island shelter with units made from refurbished shipping containers. The project allows pets, removing an obstacle for many homeless people who refuse to abandon their animals in order to move into a shelter.

Hale Mauliola residents also receive social service help, including job placement assistance.

As of last week, 168 clients had entered Hale Mauliola since November. Sixty of them have since transitioned into permanent housing, said Kimo Carvalho, a spokesman for IHS, which runs the project for the city.

Another 20 left on their own and 16 were asked to leave because of “serious behavioral violations,” Carvalho said.

The city has scheduled a blessing for Hale Mauliola Monday morning.

“Our consistent daily enforcement across Oahu, our unprecedented efforts to create housing and hygiene centers, and our focus on homeless veterans have made a clear impact,” Caldwell said in an email. “Going forward, we will continue making progress by creating housing across the island in areas where homeless people live, partnering with service providers like IHS and U.S. Vets for Housing First, and creating innovative solutions like the Hale Mauliola Navigation Center. We will not relent in our daily, repeated enforcement and cleanup efforts that remove tons of debris from the streets of Oahu every week.”

Hale Mauliola, along with the Hassinger Project and hygiene centers, represent the other side of Caldwell’s “compassionate disruption” strategy.

“We do need to focus on public safety,” Morishige said. “But if you’re only focusing on the enforcement piece and someone decides to make a change but the support isn’t there, they’re not going to be successful. If we have the resources on hand, it’s more likely the change will stick.”

Brower insists he has no hard feelings for the people who beat him. A teenage boy whom Brower said instigated the attack has been charged with assault.

Brower shares the belief that reducing Hawaii’s homeless population will depend on a combination of enforcement and resources to help the homeless.

“Like many people, I’m just a few paychecks from homelessness myself,” Brower said. “But we have to uphold the law. Government needs to keep addressing the people who are bending the laws in their favor and creating more problems such as crime, drug use, sanitary issues.”

Brower worries that the community’s collective shock at what happened to him a year ago has given way to a new apathy.

“I hope that anything that happened to me in Kakaako actually helps,” Brower said. “I think we’re on the right track, but the train is running too slowly. In some ways people have become numb. Homelessness seems to be more accepted and I don’t think that’s going to be good in the long run. It’s going to change our lifestyle.”

31 responses to “Attack on Brower last year helped spur action on homelessness”

  1. keonimay says:

    It is a good thing, that the elected politicians, did something about their state representatives’ public beating. Otherwise, it would have created an “open season” on all elected politicians, being beaten in public.

    A statistical analysis of the homeless, can always make people think different. However, my confrontations with the homeless, did not involve local people.

    They are becoming more aggressive and violent. They are marking their territories with violence – feces & urine – tent cities – and graffiti.

    Statistics will not change the minds, of people who have been victimized by the homeless.

    Not all of the homeless, are bad people. But the ones that are, are off the statistical charts.

  2. kekelaward says:

    I guess if you call throwing money at the problem with no apparent results “action”, then yeah, something’s been done.

    There are shelters and help available. Bring back vagrancy laws and arrest those who refuse to go into a shelter. Make proof that you’ve lived in Hawaii for at least 6 months a requirement before getting any monetary aid. Get rid of Morishige, as he hasn’t done anything except cash his paychecks. As Dee admits, they are gaming the system.

  3. Winston says:

    Action was spurred???? Must have missed it.

  4. jeffhonolulu says:

    Another free ad for Tom Brower?? This is an election year. How about an “ad” for those running against him–Nicola Perez-Garreaud WEB site nicolaperez.com
    and Kathryn Henski WEB site electkathrynhenski.com

  5. Pali_Hwy says:

    I’m not happy about the free loading that Dee represents, but he may not be as big a problem as we make him and others out to be. Maybe development of a “capsule hotel” like rental, perhaps paid for with 10 to 15 hours of work per week by residents, would allow them to enjoy the wholesome parts of their lifesyle without being a nuisance to others.

    • kekelaward says:

      Very nice.

      Maybe we should do that for the people working 2 40 hour a week jobs just to stay afloat before we do this for people who don’t do anything at all.

  6. sydmorrow says:

    Have we collectively forgotten about Tom Brower’s retaliation against unsheltered individuals in 2013? He “made a point” that homelessness is a problem by destroying the shopping carts the unsheltered use to transport their belongings with a sledgehammer “so they can’t be pushed on the streets.” The argument was made that the carts were the private property of the island’s pharmacies and groceries that had been stolen by the homeless, and in fact the ones he razed where unmarked and so could not be returned to the stores. Why destroy them? Do we condone this inhumane treatment of people who have so little, and who after losing the carts must choose, once again, what is essential and what they will have to leave behind? I don’t think this was really about corporate property.

    As Rep. Brower strolled around in public wielding a deadly weapon with abandon, he also woke up people he saw sleeping, advising them to “get [their] ass moving.” This cavalier, privileged, and bullying attitude contributed to the upwelling of judgment and ire the public still feels about this population.

    Put plainly, his destructive rampage contributed more to the islands’ response to homelessness, and his attack, though unfortunate and indicative of dangerous tension in our capital city, was precipitated by his invasion of the privacy of Kakaako’s (unwelcome) residents. The effects of these events go beyond the compassion or disgust felt by Hawaii’s tax-paying residents and landlords. They attracted the attention of human rights groups who haven’t taken their eyes off of our state since. The verdicts of these groups affect the federal funding our state receives for projects to reduce homelessness, which we are in dire need of.


    • Tita Girl says:

      He thought he was a big man when he was armed with that sledgehammer. Quite a different result when he returned without it.
      The next “attack” on Brower the Bully should be at the ballot box. Vote for anyone but him.

      • jeffhonolulu says:

        Tita Girl Have you looked at the WEB pages I listed earlier? If so, which of those two would you vote for??

        • Tita Girl says:

          I have looked at it…thanks for posting. I like Nicola Perez-Garreaud’s youth and energy. I also appreciate that Kathryn Henski has run her own business and seems to know how to get the job done. Both seem to have a passion to get the job done without resorting to swinging a sledgehammer and panning for the camera’s days later.

    • kekelaward says:

      I don’t see those human rights groups housing any of these people, or even giving major funding to solve these problems.

  7. wrightj says:

    If I cover my body with tattoos will it make me macho?

  8. TomBrower says:

    There are several inaccuracies in sydmorrow’s comments, I’ll address one of them.

    Three years ago there were over 50 shopping carts left in Ala Moana Park and over 100 in the nearby streets surrounding Ala Moana Center, a top tourist destination in Hawaii. The City was not removing them and I was constantly receiving complaints. So I took some of the empty ones to the recycling center and smashed them. Others that were already broken I carried away. I returned empty ones in good condition back to the supermarket.

    The shopping carts weren’t taken from a homeless person using them, nor did I ever destroy anyone’s belongings. While I understand that people often associate shopping carts with the homeless, there are “abandoned” carts everywhere
    that need to be removed.

    Several days after I did this a newspaper and TV station asked me if I would pose for pictures and re-enact for video. I did, to bring attention to the issue. When people saw and read the stories they jumped to their own conclusions. Some deliberately embellished for political purposes.

    If the supermarkets don’t arrest the thousands of people who steal and possess their carts (many having more than one cart), I didn’t think they would bother with me returning ones in good condition and destroying ones in poor condition. Should we just leave the carts there for perpetuity? If there is a social desire to give carts to the homeless, advocates should sanction an official lawful program.

    In part, because of those efforts, today government works harder to remove carts (often destroying them in a trash compactor) and there are significantly less carts in those public areas.

    • NanakuliBoss says:

      I admire a politician that goes to ground zero and get “boots” on the ground.

    • SHOPOHOLIC says:

      Publicity W ‘ H * O + R = E

    • kekelaward says:

      The owners of the carts say it is too expensive for them to sanitize the carts prior to putting them back in service.

      A law should be written that fines these stores for littering if they do not pick up their abandoned carts. The fines should rise with each cart found to be in violation. A couple of months of that and the stores will be policing their property as they should.

  9. NanakuliBoss says:

    “Last week Morishige attended a landlord slummit on Maui”. My question, why not have the summit at ground zero? Maui? I envision white linen wrapped coffee urns with white porcelain cups. A large Koa veneer conference room with 75% eating pastries on the veranda outside.

    • kekelaward says:

      They have quite a number of homeless on Maui and the Big Island too.

      However, he could have done a Skype type conference, saving the taxpayer money on his airfare and other costs. It is 2016 after all.

  10. AndrewWalden says:

    Kakaako: Rep. Tom Brower Purposefully Provoked Attack to create incident


  11. TomBrower says:

    In response to the comment that I provoked the attack.

    During my walk, I took a picture of two streets at an intersection, people were not in the picture. I put my camera away. Within a few seconds a young man came from over a block away on a skateboard. He drove into me and hit me several times. He tried to throw me to the ground. I moved back several steps but he continued to come towards me. He grabbed me. I backed away further; he continued to come at me.

    At that point, I took my camera out to videotape what was happening for my personal records, a few seconds of videotape at most. I never videotaped him until well after he repeatedly pushed, hit and tried to tackle me to the ground. I asked him why he was doing this and told him that I was there to help.

    At that moment, I was knocked down and punched a few times by someone I did not see (a 2nd person). I got up and backed away but they still came after me and tried to knock me down. By this time, I was very bloody with scrapes on my leg, hand, and side of my face.

    The incident heightened as several more people approached. I ran for more than a block to the front of the Children’s Discovery Center, where witnesses say I was followed and surrounded by ten people, one of whom tackled and hit me several times while at least one person cheered. Throughout the incident, I never acted aggressively towards anyone or tried to hit them back.

    They took my camera and deleted everything on the disc. The pictures would show that I am telling the truth.

    I have read the comments from people who say they were there. Some comments are honest and some are deliberately misleading.

  12. berniel1 says:

    Kakaako is still a big mess! Vandalism, gangs, feces on the ground, feral cats and dogs are not enough I guess for action to be taken? I say move them to the grounds of the State Capitol.

  13. KWAY says:

    if ANYONE deserves a beating for their moronic behavior its this blockhead Brower. Grandstanding creep

  14. HAJAA1 says:

    “Like many people, I’m just a few paychecks from homelessness myself,” Brower said.

    Wait….what? Really?

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