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‘Dog’ Chapman’s stepdaughter faces new drug charge


Nicole “Nickie” Gillespie, 35, will be arraigned Thursday in Circuit Court on a new drug charge.

The 35-year-old stepdaughter of celebrity bounty hunter Duane “Dog” Chapman will be arraigned Thursday in Circuit Court on a new drug charge.

Nicole “Nickie” Gillespie was arrested last week on North Vineyard Boulevard near Foster Botanical Garden on an outstanding warrant and promotion of a dangerous drug. She remains in custody unable to post bail of $65,000.

The bench warrant was issued in April after she left a drug treatment facility without authorization earlier that month.

In January, Gillespie pleaded no contest to second-degree theft for allegedly robbing the Territorial Savings Bank in downtown Honolulu on Sept. 3. Police said she passed a note to a teller at the Bishop Street bank saying money should be placed in an envelope.

The case initially was classified as a robbery, but prosecutors amended the charge since there was no threat or use of force.

Gillespie was granted supervised release to enter a drug facility, according to the prosecutor’s office. Sentencing was set for April but postponed to August.

Chapman starred in the A&E TV series “Dog the Bounty Hunter,” and Gillespie is the daughter of one of his ex-wives.

19 responses to “‘Dog’ Chapman’s stepdaughter faces new drug charge”

  1. Surfer_Dude says:

    Bench warrant. Can’t post bail. What irony. BTW, I thought robbing a bank was a federal rap with major consequences. Didn’t know it could be pled down because there was no threat or force involved.

  2. Tanuki says:

    Trailer trash. All of them.

  3. Blunt says:

    Looks like Jeb Bush’s daughter who got arrested in Florida with a fake prescription for opiods. That’s why now pharmacies no longer accept scripted paper Rx forms. Must be a computer printout piece of paper from a doctor. Don’t even know if they will accept phone called in prescriptions. Both his kids got felony drug convictions, and he tries to run for President? Goes on TV and cries that he has to protect his family. Hispanic wife is either a druggie or an alcoholic. Weirdos running for President.

    • Surfer_Dude says:

      His Hispanic wife is neither a druggie or an alcoholic. She is however, a smuggler. In 1999, she tried to smuggle $19,000 worth of purchases from Europe through customs in Atlanta. She was detained, searched, caught, fined ( five times the amount of the duty) and released with her goodies.

    • residenttaxpayer says:

      Noelle Bush was arrested for prescription fraud for Xanax not opioids back in January 2002… 14 years ago…drug addiction affects families regardless of social and economic status…..Bush was very open about that in various interviews…..as far his children’s convictions….they’re irrelevant as he’s the one running for office…not his kids…

      • Marauders_1959 says:

        Regarding: “…they’re irrelevant as he’s the one running for office…not his kids…”

        Akin to Hillary I supposed.
        It was her husband, Bill, who lied to the Grand Jury and to the American public on TV about his “affair” with Monica and was impeached too.
        But then… I would NOT vote for her so “What Difference Would It Make” !!!

        • residenttaxpayer says:

          The difference was that he was President of the United States when he lied about Monica Lewinsky….not a private citizen who was running for office……

      • Blunt says:

        “Irrelevant”? Imagine a new President with 2 druggie kids and a smuggler wife entering the White House as our new First Family. Sounds like a new sit comedy show. The quality of the two candidates presented to us as Presidential candidates is awful. Must think we are so stupid to watch how embarrassing they are presenting themselves as people they are not. I think I will NOT vote this time and watch a DVD movie.

        • Christopher_murp says:

          Two that are presented by the media. The media fails to inform the public of any other candidates, as unlikely as they may be to get elected. This lack of information leads to an uninformed public and is not beneficial to anyone.
          I’m not saying the other candidates are any better or worse, but they should at least get some exposure. Never know. We might dislike the main two parties candidates so much that a dark horse gets the vote.

  4. Letsplay2 says:

    I thought they were family first along with God… Why cannot Duane Chapman help his daughter? He had his older son working for him – I am sure other family members work for him? why not his daughter maybe it is something that she needs. Geez with a popular dad and the daughter lives in poverty.

    Sad Sad case. Come on Duane help your daughter out and live up to all that you preach.

    • Surfer_Dude says:

      Dog has has/had five wives and twelve biological children. This woman is his step daughter……the daughter of one of his ex wives. God knows how many step kids he has. Hard to keep track. You can’t put everybody on the payroll.

  5. SNARF says:

    I know certain drugs prematurely age you, but… 35?!?! She could easily pass for 50.

  6. willman says:

    Cant believe that the Chapman’s cheap TV show is still on the air. The show is a disgrace to Hawaii and probably appeals to ignorant people on the mainland.
    Chapman and his brood never assimilated into our community or culture. They make fools out of themselves trying to act like showman. These are dangerous people running
    around town with mace, paint guns, and handcuffs. No telling what else they have when the go after small time drug offenders which they prey on.

  7. WalkoffBalk says:

    Was she offered a spin-off reality tv series?

  8. CartwrightPark says:

    Ho brah dis is one dangerous kine druggie kine chick brah. No Ice in Paradise. Ice head Ice head Lolly Lolly Icehead lmaoo

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