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Father of Orlando shooter sighted at Hillary Clinton event


Seddique Mateen, the father of Omar Mateen, the Orlando gay nightclub shooter, far left at bottom, take a photograph with his phone as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, right, speaks at a rally at Osceola Heritage Park, in Kissimmee, Fla., Monday, Aug. 8, 2016.

KISSIMMEE, Fla. >> The father of the Orlando gay nightclub shooter was spotted at a campaign event for Hillary Clinton in central Florida.

Seddique Mateen was standing in a crowd behind Clinton during the Monday night event in Kissimmee, south of Orlando. A campaign official told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he wasn’t invited to attend the 3,000-person, open-door public event and that the campaign wasn’t aware he was there until it ended.

Mateen told news outlets after the rally that he loves “the United States.”

Omar Mateen fatally shot 49 people and injured another 53 at Pulse nightclub on June 12. He was killed by law enforcement officers following a three-hour standoff.

The father says his family has been cooperating with investigators.

During her speech, Clinton expressed support for the survivors of the attack and the loved ones of those killed.

51 responses to “Father of Orlando shooter sighted at Hillary Clinton event”

  1. Keonigohan says:

    ONLY INVITED can be that close to hiLIARy. Bottom line…he supports her…WUNNERFUL!!

  2. st1d says:

    interesting perspective chosen to offset seddique mateen’s preferred seating arrangements for the female felon’s orlando rally.

    for a better perspective: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/09/politics/orlando-gunman-father-clinton/index.html

    seddique mateen hosts the durand jirga show. the show is known for “its anti-u.s. tirades” and “pro-taliban” remarks. mateen speaks favorably about the taliban: “Our brothers in Waziristan, our warrior brothers in Taliban movement and national Afghan Taliban are rising up,” he says. mateen also uses the show to rage against homosexuals and same sex marriage. clinton was also against same sex marriage before she flip-flopped and now claims that she was always for same sex marriage.

    the female felon invited mateen to her orlando rally and he was given prime seating behind the female felon’s podium to highlight the esteem the democrats have for mateen.

    perhaps this is a result of one of the female felon’s “short circuiting” phases of her confusion and fatigue.

    • lespark says:

      Seddique Mateen said he’s backing Clinton for potus. Mr. Mateen’s is on par with the Crooked Hilliary supporters.

      • lespark says:

        You know of course she has a person to make sure the backdrop is all inclusive. A little salt, a little pepper, a few Hispanics, a few middle easterners, a few Asians. Hi jabs, Indian feathers, sombreros,
        Fedoras. Everything is contrived.

    • Keonigohan says:

      HRC needs to release ALL her medical records to see if she is fit for the office.

      • South76 says:

        You are bringing something to talk about. Remember when she had the minor fall a week prior to going in front of Congress to testify all she knew about an incident in the Middle East, that minor fall “caused” her to have had amnesia, hmmm makes you wonder if she is really fit to lead the military and the this nation.

        • Keonigohan says:

          If she is going to run you & your family’s life you deserve to know her health status…simple as that. I would want to know…even the Donald’s health status should be open to be fair.

  3. saywhatyouthink says:

    The Mateen family should be deported back to Afghanistan if they are not US citizens. Islamic extremists, homegrown or otherwise may think twice if they KNOW their terrorist actions will negatively impact family members still in the US.
    It’s time the government got tough in dealing with Islamic extremists and their supporters.

  4. klastri says:

    People here who are writing that Mrs. Clinton invited Mr. Mateen are lying. Those writers, of course, lie about everything, all the time and every day. So this isn’t a particular surprise.

    Despicable, loathsome liars.

    • lespark says:

      A picture says a thousand words.
      Looks like the beginning of the end. Many new attacks coming her way.
      Missing emails, defamation law suit, Iran Scientist executed, $400 million cash ransom payment, Seddique Mateen’s and his supporters endorse Crooked Hillary, 50 has been burrocrats endorse Crooked Hillary, Crazy Collins jumps from frying pan into the abyss, medical issues, Clinton Foundation IRS investigation, State Dept. IG investigation, House Committee on Oversight investigation on multiple fronts, ………………..
      She will say anything and change nothing, Obama 2008, but appoints her Sec. Of State. Can’t be found on 9/11-12/2012.

      • Keonigohan says:

        BENGHAZI + Iranian scientist= 5 dead…blood on her hands.
        Won’t mention many other mysterious deaths including the recent ones just a few days ago.

    • lespark says:

      Seddique Mateen and Klastri endorse Crooked Hilliary.

    • lespark says:

      Klastri, one more endorsement for Crooked Hilliary.
      Virginia Mayor Who Endorsed Hillary Clinton Busted for Meth-for-Sex Ring.

    • lespark says:

      Klastri, Clinton has hundreds of “career professionals” working for her campaign. All the people behind her were screened and selected. Crooked Hillary doesn’t care who votes for her, dead people, Isis, taliban, She will say anything and change nothing.
      What difference does it make. 49 people died at the hands of Omar Mateen.

    • calentura says:

      She is either a liar or she is cognitively impaired. Over two hundred times she said “I do not recall” at various hearings.

    • lespark says:

      Klastri, internal memo out from Crooked Hilliary. She says her supporters are weak. They do more talking than donating. She needs more money. Retirees, unemployed, get back to work. $8 an hour at Wallmart. They are hiring. The money from WallStreet and the big banks, the billionaires, foreign governments are not enough.

      Look at the Trump supporter. Willing to put life and limb on the line scaling Trump Tower no less. They should give him a medal. Look at her campaign staff on the payroll, poised to fill in the slots. All Career Corrupt Has Been Burrocrats.

  5. HanabataDays says:

    But we’re not hearing Hillary inciting her supporters to assassinate her rival if he’s elected, are we.

    • Keonigohan says:

      Count with me….1….2….3…..4….5….6….7…..carry on

    • lespark says:

      Not in public anyway. Just don’t send an email. Everybody and his mother has hacked the old bag’s emails.

    • lespark says:

      Virginia Mayor Who Endorsed Hillary Clinton Busted for Meth-for-Sex Ring

    • Tita Girl says:

      Hillary Clinton 2008:
      “My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it,” she said, dismissing calls to drop out.

      Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton rebuked Clinton, saying her remark was “unfortunate and has no place in this campaign.”

      Any comments about assassination and the primary contest are especially sensitive because Obama is the first African-American to advance so far in the race for the White House and he has faced threats, congressional sources have said.

      Joe Biden 2008:“I guarantee you, Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey,” Biden said angrily. “They’re going to start peddling that to you. I got two, if he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem.”

      What did they mean by their statements and why isn’t the MSM all over it?


  6. Keonigohan says:

    When a person has no debate substance they go ballistic.
    One person commenting here also said:
    1. Officer Wilson’s exoneration (Ferguson) of any charges by a Grand Jury will be contested by his dozen or so lawyer friends….
    3. BRIEXIT will crash the Stock Market….
    4. You are a RACIST if you say O is 1/2 white 1/2 black….
    5. You are a LIAR if you don’t “think” like him/her.

    I rest my case.

    • st1d says:

      spot on.

      my comments from months earlier is still true:

      remember the true history and lessons learned from that disastrous era of hate and fear that the brown shirts capitalized on and how their rhetoric enflamed the racial and class wars that socialists must promote to demonize their opponents.

      remember the consequences of allowing their distortions and hatred go unanswered and unchallenged. whenever they raise their phlegmatic hate speech we must expose their false arguments to the light of truth and logic. they can not be dismissed and ignored as merely spoiled children seeking to loot the nation’s wealth and well being while claiming to act in the name of a greater good.

      they need to be confronted, corrected and exposed as the false prophets they are.

  7. lespark says:

    Biggest news to come out and SA buries it as fast as they can.

  8. HakunaMatata says:

    I wonder why Star Advertiser buried this half way down the page on the web site. I think they would’ve put it front and center had this been about Trump.

  9. klastri says:

    Trump continues to collapse in the polls. GOP senators are holding on by their fingertips now.

    Trump does still have the white supremacist, racist imbecile vote though. Mrs. Clinton definitely lost that voter segment.

    • lespark says:

      Seddique Mateen and Klastri for Crooked Hilliary.

    • lespark says:

      Virginia Mayor Who Endorsed Hillary Clinton Busted for Meth-for-Sex Ring

    • lespark says:

      Klastri, Trump catching up. -4. Next week – even.
      What’s going on? Lies, emails, medical issues, Clinton Foundation pay for play catching up?

    • sarge22 says:

      Justice Department officials decided against an investigation into the Clinton Foundation after the FBI requested the agency open a case into allegations of corruption stemming from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

      But the Justice Department’s public integrity unit declined to pursue the probe given what it characterized as insufficient evidence, according to a CNN report Wednesday.

      The State Department’s seemingly preferrential treatment of foundation donors under Clinton’s leadership has raised questions about whether she and her aides ignored conflicts of interest in order to help the charity’s most generous donors. Emails made public this week have deepened suspicions that donors were afforded access and favors that other outsiders could not get from the agency.

      FBI Director James Comey declined to comment last month on whether the FBI’s reported investigation of the Clinton Foundation had concluded with a separate probe into Clinton’s emails. For months, reports had hinted at a widening FBI inquiry related to the philanthropy’s foreign activities.

    • keaukaha says:

      That really is the bottom line. The Chump is getting his as- kicked in the polls. Even Fox News is doubtful that unless for a miracle that the Chump will be dumped. The Chump should be muzzled because

  10. MoiLee says:

    ………..Imagine if this guy (Seddique Mateen) had showed up at one of Donald Trumps Rally? Braaahhhhh! To say the least the MSM would be apoplectic!
    And btw is that all 3000 people at Hillary Rallys? is that all?

    The dishonest MSM has the power to “Minimize” or Tone down a story,in favor of Hillary OR “Maximize” or fabricate” a story to demonize Donald Trump. This is what they do! No body does any real journalism these days. It’s all along party lines ,party affiliation and the Democratic party.
    Even with the MSM on their side? To me? it will not help! It’ll come down to the People……..Angry people!
    Millions of frustrated Americans who are sick and tired of the status quo, the “All Talk and NO Action” career politicians and the Dishonest Mainstream Media.
    Their fed up! These Americans will ultimately determine who our next president will be! Not the Political parties or the MSM, it will be by the People!
    Yep! I just love the Under Dogs. Go Donald….wish it was November. lol

    • lespark says:

      They made sure Seddique Mateen and David Duke wasn’t standing behind her.

    • Keonigohan says:

      Great post!

    • CEI says:

      MoiLee, you hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately there are a lot of privileged people in Washington, republicans and democrats both who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. These are the people who feed off taxpayer money like hogs at the trough, apologies to hogs. That means keeping Mr. Trump out of the oval office with the help of all the major media outlets who, like MoiLee correctly points out, push the democrat agenda no matter how damaging it may be to the country.

  11. lespark says:

    1-State Department releases emails tying Clinton to Foundation while Secretary of State. Pay for Play.
    2-Iran Scientist executed. Clinton implicated
    3-No comment on $400 million ransom payment.
    4-Siddique Mateen endorses Crooked Hilliary Clinton.
    5-Mayor of Fairfax, VA accused of meth for sex endorses Crooked Hilliary.
    6-Parents of Benghazi killed file suit against Clinton for defamation,

  12. lespark says:

    The mayor of Fairfax City, Virginia, who supports Hillary Clinton, was arrested Thursday for allegedly giving methamphetamine to an undercover detective in exchange for sex, according to Fairfax County police.

    Richard “Scott” Silverthorne, 50, was nabbed in the parking lot of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Tysons Corner. He was charged with felony distribution of methamphetamine and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.

    The mayor, who has held office in the Washington, D.C. suburb since 2012, was allegedly trading meth for sex on a website used to set up male-on-male sexual encounters.
    She doesn’t care where she gets her votes.

  13. klastri says:

    Disgraced former U.S. Congressman Mark Foley was seated right behind Mr. Trump at a rally while Trump was complaining about Mr. Mateen being seated behind Mrs. Clinton.

    Good luck criticizing Mrs. Clinton.

    Mr. Trump is a violent psychotic. Thankfully, no matter what anyone writes here, Trump is going to suffer a humiliating and brand destroying loss in November. Good riddance.

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