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Clinton invokes father’s memory to hit Trump on business


Hillary Clinton has landed on very personal argument against Donald Trump’s checkered business past: her dad. As the Democratic presidential nominee seeks to undercut Trump’s economic record and promote her plans for small businesses, she is invoking memories of her late father’s Chicago drapery business.

WARREN, Mich. >> Hillary Clinton has landed on a very personal counterpunch to what she says is Donald Trump’s checkered business past: her dad.

As the Democratic presidential nominee works to undercut Trump’s economic record and promote her plans for small businesses, she is invoking memories of her late father’s Chicago drapery business. Recalling Hugh Rodham hard at work making and printing curtains for hotels and office buildings, Clinton argues that he would have been “stiffed” in a deal with the celebrity businessman.

“He expected to be paid when he showed up,” Clinton said recently during an event in Warren, Michigan. “He did the work. He paid for the supplies and the labor he often hired to help him on big jobs. I can’t imagine what would have happened to my father and his business if he had gotten a contract from Trump.”

Clinton hopes to remind voters that despite her years in public life that have left her a multimillionaire, she comes from a middle-class background and understands the life of a small-business owner. She also wants to contrast her biography with that of Trump, who was raised by a successful real estate developer and has drawn criticism for his treatment of small businesses during his career.

Trump has promoted his business record as a key qualification for the White House. But Trump casinos failed on several occasions. When the Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey went bankrupt in the early 1990s, some contractors who worked on the property went under because Trump’s company didn’t pay what they were owed, according to interviews with The Associated Press.

In a statement to the AP, Clinton said her father’s business gave her “a sense of responsibility,” adding that she was “living proof that a successful small business is at the core of the basic bargain in America, that if you work hard and do your part, you can make your own dreams and those of your children a reality.”

Clinton has been pitching her plans to support small businesses and to make it easier to start a company. On a conference call with small-business owners last week, she proposed a new tax deduction for small businesses and offered federal incentives to encourage state and local governments to streamline regulations.

While Clinton has spoken of her father throughout the campaign, the recent recollections have been more detailed and intimate. Clinton tends to speak sparingly about her family while campaigning and when she does, it is typically to make a broader point. She has referenced her grandfather’s work in a factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and her mother’s troubled childhood. Clinton has also spoken of her granddaughter as an example of the future generation she is fighting for.

Mo Elleithee, who worked for Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid, said that reminiscing about her family’s business could put Clinton “in a different light” with voters. Elleithee, now executive director of the Institute of Politics and Public Service at Georgetown University, noted that “she’s never done a very good job of talking about herself.”

A Scranton native, Clinton’s father moved to Chicago after graduating from college. There he worked as a traveling salesman before enlisting in the Navy during World War II, Clinton writes in “Living History.” When he returned from the war, he set up a drapery fabric business in Chicago, called Rodrik Fabrics, and later started a print plant on the city’s north side.

Rodham largely worked alone, but Clinton writes that she and her brothers helped when they were old enough. The business did well enough for Rodham to buy a house in the leafy suburb of Park Ridge, where he and wife, Dorothy, raised Clinton and her two brothers.

By all accounts, Rodham was a stern man, but he is also credited with instilling his daughter’s powerful work ethic and encouraging her ambition. Clinton’s childhood friend Betsy Ebeling said Rodham “could be gruff but he could be very loving.”

“Her dad was one that, as Hillary likes to say, he was a chief petty officer, both in the Navy and at home,” Ebeling said. “He’d sit at the dinner table and he’d throw out these conversation things and wait for us to go: ‘No way.’ We really did learn to debate at his feet.”

Of course, parental anecdotes may not win over all of those on the fence about Clinton, who has struggled with historically high unfavorability ratings. Still, Republican Rick Tyler, who served as an adviser to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential bid, said Clinton’s family-focused hit on Trump was effective.

“She’s got a message that’s relatable,” Tyler said. “There’s literally no one on our side who has been able to articulate a counter message. And Donald Trump embodies Hillary Clinton’s message that the rich get rich off the backs of the poor.”

85 responses to “Clinton invokes father’s memory to hit Trump on business”

  1. manakuke says:

    Awesome. You go girl!

  2. krusha says:

    The biggest problem with people such as Donald Trump is those guys don’t know what it’s like to be at the mercy of others. If you suffered like those contractors and been in their shoes, then you will never stiff those guys when it comes to paying what was agreed to in the contract just because you want to save a few bucks on the project costs to make you feel good. A lot of those guys will go out of business since they usually cut their bottom line to the bone just so they can win the bid on big contracts with large building projects. It’s similar to people who worked in the restaurant business before never forgetting to tip the wait help well when they go out to eat, or former police officers or military personnel rarely blasting current police officers or servicemen since they know what those guys are going through every day and have been in their shoes.

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      Yes, Trump has made money in all the wrong ways. His “business success” will not translate to good economic policy. The POTUS has to be like a well-rounded CEO of a large corporation. Trump is a salesman, an entrepreneur, a marketer, a bankruptcy-law-loophole exploiter. That’s where his “success” comes from. I’m sure that’s one thing he’s hiding in his tax returns, not to mention dealings with companies and countries of ill repute.

      NEVER let a salesman run the corporation. For an example, look up how he botched up Trump Airlines.

      • sarge22 says:

        This week, the State Department was forced to admit in court filings it had “received positive hits” for Benghazi-related documents among the nearly 15,000 Clinton emails uncovered by the FBI during its more than year-long investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s unauthorized use of a private server housed at her home during her tenure as President Obama’s first Secretary of State.

  3. klastri says:

    I wonder if Mr. Rodham’s father left Mr. Rodham more than $100 million in cash and a thriving (albeit white only, of course) rental real estate empire? Probably not.

    And I’m curious how many small businesses Mr. Rodham forced into bankruptcy by failing to honor signed contracts. Probably none.

    Not much of a comparison between Mr. Rodham and Mr. Trump.

    • BlueEyedWhiteDevil says:

      She had such a nice family background. What happened? Oh, as a young hippie at the university she met Saul Alinsky, and then went on to intern for Bob Truhaft, legal bulwark for the communist party, and the black panthers she so admired. But, she really rose when she snagged a white trash bumpkin from Arkansas.

      • klastri says:

        A “white trash bumpkin” who is a graduate of Georgetown University and Yale Law School. And a Rhodes Scholar. You certainly know your facts. Like usual!

        “I love the poorly educated!” Go Trump!

        • BuhByeAloha says:

          Yeah, BlueEyedWhiteDevel was way off. He should have said “the educated, lying, cheating, corrupt white trash bumpkin” from Arkansas.
          Just because someone has an education, doesn’t mean they are a good person. Bubba is a great example of white trash with a diploma.

        • calentura says:

          You mean the Rhodes Scholar who was outsmarted by an intern with a blue dress? That guy?

        • Ronin006 says:

          Yes, Klastri, he was a graduate of Georgetown University and Yale Law School and was a Rhodes Scholar. I would say that made him a well-educated white trash sex predator bumpkin.

        • klastri says:

          Ronin006 – His foundation distributes about half of the HIV drugs that are prescribed in Africa. How many thousands of lives have you saved over the course of your lifetime?

          Crickets …

        • Ronin006 says:

          So, I would say that makes him a well-educated white trash sex predator HIV drug distributor bumpkin and a shrewd one at that for being able to scam the world for millions of dollars in donations, spend 90% of it on salaries to enrich the Clintons and their cronies and on other “overhead” expenses, and dole out 10% only for charitable grants. What a guy.

      • Keonigohan says:

        Sometimes parents have no control when their kids get radicalized

      • Ikefromeli says:

        Yeah,,who just happened to go to Georgetown, Oxford (Rhodes Scholar) and Yale Law–then, twice the youngest governor of the nation and two time President. So, since you are not a bumpkin, where did you go to school, if any? You major life’s accomplishments??

        That’s what I thought….crickets–awkward silence.

        • sarge22 says:

          Golly. In spite of all that education he is still a sexual predator. I venture to say that he just learned how to beat the judicial system. HiLIARy also learned how to aid and abet a criminal. …http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/every-clinton-sex-assault-victim/

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Political insider, seriously?? A publication that nary an objective editorial board, national audience, fact checking….you are better off, writing down all the things you wish were true, and then calling it your personal newspaper.

        • calentura says:

          Rhodes Scholar? How could somebody so immensely intelligent be outwitted by an intern with a blue dress?

        • Ronin006 says:

          Bumpkin, noun: An unsophisticated or socially awkward person from the countryside. Being educated or uneducated is not a criteria for being a bumpkin.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          You should purview what former Republican lawmakers have said about Bill Clinton, in short, many have called him one of the most smartest, savvy and sophisticated politician they have encountered. Maybe you were attempting to describe yourself….??

        • Ronin006 says:

          IRT Calentura’s question about how Bill Clinton was outwitted by an intern with a blue dress, he told her not to talk with a mouth full but she refused to listen to him.

        • sarge22 says:

          Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations
          From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001), has been publicly accused by several women of sexual misconduct. Juanita Broaddrick has accused Clinton of rape; Kathleen Willey has accused Clinton of groping her without consent; and Paula Jones accuses Clinton of sexually harassing her. No other woman has publicly accused Clinton of sexual assault or harassment, although there have been anonymous allegations. Other women have alleged adulterous affairs with Bill Clinton (e.g., Dolly Kyle, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky). In addition, rumors of additional sexual misconduct have been publicized in tabloid magazines and on the Internet.

          Bill is the Bumpkin and HiLIARy is the Pumpkin. Wonderful couple. “Make America Great Again”

        • klastri says:

          Ronin006 – Yes sir … you are always classy!

          No question that you’re a Trump supporter!

    • Winston says:

      Well, if Mr. Rodham were running, I might vote for him. His daughter is and she has never built/designed/accomplished anything. At least Trump has actually built something. Hillary, not. She’s just ridden her hubby’s coattails.

      • klastri says:

        Actually his father built something. It really helped him to have a very wealthy father with large real estate holdings. It’s calling earning money the old fashioned way – by inheriting it.

        Mr. Trump (DJ Trump) did build several bankruptcies, and a long line of small businesses that he forced out of business by not honoring signed contracts. That’s something he did all by himself!

        • sarge22 says:

          How does this compare with a long line of small businesses that he forced out of business by not honoring signed contracts….. “There has been much talk about the “Clinton Body Count,” and names seem to be added with increasing frequency, with some saying three more connected with the DNC have been added with the untimely deaths of DNC staffer Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas who served the DNC on July 3 with a complaint and summons in a fraud action on behalf of Sanders supporters, and John Ashe who was begin pretrial meetings involving shady financial dealings regarding a former Clinton crony when he died on June 22, 2015, and others claiming the Body Count actually has risen by five in the last six weeks.

          Each of these deaths should be investigated, especially with the recent news that WikiLeaks is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, to which official reports indicate the authorities believe was a random “robbery attempt” although he was shot several times, once in the back, and Rich still had his wallet, watch and phone when police discovered his body, in connection with the very deliberate wording of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, where he implies that Seth Rich was the source of the leak that led to the release of the damaging DNC emails which were published right before the Democratic Convention began.”….

        • Keonigohan says:

          sarge22…I want to add Benghazi…Amb. C. Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Sean Snith, Glen Doherty who were left abandoned to die for personal political gain.

        • Ronin006 says:

          It is amazing how Democrats like Klastri seem to forget one of the biggest bankruptcies in American history, that being the bankruptcy of General Motors. DEMOCRAT President Obama personally interceded and gave first claims against GM to the unions. Creditors received about 10% of the $27 billion they had invested in GM. That is something Democrat President Obama did all by himself. Oh, yes, he did so while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. I wonder what advice she gave him regarding this international business giant and how many small businesses he forced out of business by interceding and not allowing the courts to settle the bankruptcy.

      • Ikefromeli says:

        If you are being quite liberal with the definition of building something: huge inheritance that frankly would have made much more money invested in a common stock index fund, taking huge governmental handouts and tax breaks (very unrepublican); a largely debt financed organization that would go through 4 major bankruptcies; his one publicly traded company lost 90 percent of its worth, and he left thousands of blue collar workers unpaid with hundreds of lawsuits in its wake; and all the while, he discriminated against people of color.

        So, other than all that, he is just a swimming success.

        • calentura says:

          Yes, people should be paid for their work. When Hillary gave her ten minute speech – on something, though we don’t know what – she expected to get her quarter mill.

        • sarge22 says:

          and will be the next U S President. Do you have an facts to back up your overused talking points? Any new info on the Classified emails or the Clinton Foundation? Crickets???

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Not an issue for me. Illegality none….

        • klastri says:

          Exactly. That has already been calculated. So much for being a great businessman.

  4. Keonigohan says:

    Sad the parents did not teach character traits begining with HONESTY & MORALS.

  5. Ikefromeli says:

    Hmmmn, for a Republican, Trumphas some awfully peculiar notions and proclivities about the economy and governance. Summarily, his much self-proclaimed real estate fortune has three areas of primacy: debt, governmental financing and support, and racial discrimination.

    The first two are more than well documented, which is poignantly curious as he would promulgate his deftness in the marketplace, when in reality, it’s very financial cornerstone is tethered to financing from the federal government. So, let’s delve into the much hidden family secret–.i.e. The trump family doesn’t like people of color.

    So, let’s look at a specific example, Maxine Brown–

    Mr. Leibowitz, the rental agent at the Wilshire, remembered Ms. Brown repeatedly inquiring about the apartment. “Finally, she realized what it was all about,” he said.

    Ms. Brown’s first instinct was to let the matter go; she was happy enough at the Y.W.C.A. “I had a big room and two meals a day for five dollars a week,” she said in an interview.

    But a friend, Mae Wiggins, who had also been denied an apartment at the Wilshire, told her that she ought to have her own place, with a private bathroom and a kitchen. She encouraged Ms. Brown to file a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights, as she was doing.

    “We knew there was prejudice in renting,” Ms. Wiggins recalled. “It was rampant in New York. It made me feel really bad, and I wanted to do something to right the wrong.”

    Mr. Leibowitz was called to testify at the commission’s hearing on Ms. Brown’s case. Asked to estimate how many blacks lived in Mr. Trump’s various properties, he remembered replying: “To the best of my knowledge, none.”


    After the hearing, Ms. Brown was offered an apartment in the Wilshire, and in the spring of 1964, she moved in. For 10 years, she said, she was the only African-American in the building. For TEN YEARS.

    Or, how about Agnes Bunn?

    A black woman named Agnes Bunn recalled hearing in early 1970 about a vacant Trump apartment in another part of Queens, from a white friend who lived in the building. But when she went by, she was told there were no vacancies.

    “The super came out and stood there until I left the property,” Ms. Bunn said.

    Ms. Bunn testified about the experience at a meeting with the New York City Commission on Human Rights in 1970. According to a summary, recovered from the New York City Municipal Archives, she told a Trump lawyer that it was known that no “colored” people were wanted as tenants in the building. NO COLORED PEOPLE.

    Not limited to NYC.

    The complaints of discrimination were not limited to New York.

    In 1969, a young black couple, Haywood and Rennell Cash, sued after being denied a home in Cincinnati at one of the first projects in which Donald Trump, fresh out of college, played an active role.

    Mr. Cash was repeatedly rejected by the Trumps’ rental agent, according to court records and notes kept by Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Cincinnati, which sent in white testers posing as a young couple while Mr. Cash waited in the car.

    After the agent, Irving Wolper, offered the testers an apartment, they brought in Mr. Cash. Mr. Wolper grew furious, shoving them out of the office and calling the young female tester, Maggie Durham, a “nigger-lover,” according to court records.

    “To this day I have not forgotten the fury in his voice and in his face,” Ms. Durham recalled recently, adding that she also remembered him calling her a “traitor to the race.”

    The Cashes were ultimately offered an apartment.

    So, what was the official Trump policy for renting to people of color at that time? Well, here is what a Trump employee said under oath…and remember this is a person employed by Trump–

    named Thomas Miranda testified that multiple Trump Management employees had instructed him to attach a separate piece of paper with a big letter “C” on it — for “colored” — to any application filed by a black apartment-seeker.

    C for colored……

    So, very telling. What say you cricket crew……chirp cheap silence???

  6. Ikefromeli says:

    Trump is out of time, who says this?? Well, mostly senior republican officials.

    The Republican nominee — three months after clinching the nomination — has begun frantically trying to reposition himself in the past week, installing a new campaign manager and controversial CEO to help him escape the straitjacket that his 14 months of incendiary comments and hard-edged policy positions have him in.

    His task, GOP insiders readily concede, seems close to impossible. In an interview Wednesday night, Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, recognized how long it may take to improve the public’s negative perceptions of the GOP nominee, likening her turnaround project to turning a tanker.

    Trump may not have that kind of time. Early voting begins in 26 days in Minnesota and in 32 other states soon after that. And already, as summer inches to its end, 90 percent of Americans say they’ve decided. For all the televised daily drama this race has provided, the final outcome itself is shaping up to be less dramatic than any presidential election since 1984.

    “Kellyanne is good at this, but she’s got a very damaged candidate and it’s very late in the game,” said Tony Fratto, a GOP operative in Washington and former deputy press secretary to President George W. Bush. “I think it’s too late, in fact. I don’t believe he can change. All of this is trying to trick voters into thinking there is a better Donald Trump out there. There is no better Donald Trump.”

    Although Trump has been seemingly slow to realize it, the more than $2 billion in free media he rode to the GOP nomination was simultaneously hardening the broader country’s negative view of Trump just as it was endearing him to the conservative base. The cascade of Trump-created controversies following the conventions that precipitated Conway’s hiring appear to have irrevocably damaged his credibility as a plausible commander in chief and could prove to be the turning point in the general election itself.

    “It was a terribly damaging period,” said Steve Schmidt, the GOP strategist who guided John McCain’s 2008 campaign. “It hit on his trust numbers, his fitness for office — and at a time when [Hillary Clinton]’s had some hard news cycles. In any normal cycle, she’s the de-facto incumbent and these stories would have her on defense; and she’s not on defense, so there’s an opportunity cost to all this.”

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trump-campaign-turn-around-out-of-time-227457#ixzz4IeVkct4k

  7. nalogirl says:

    The last sentence just shows how uninformed our voters are. Clinton has made her money by using the government as her own business to get money for the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation only donated forty % and sixty% goes for salaries, travel, conferences. She should be in prison.

    • sarge22 says:

      The Clinton Foundation and her classified emails will be the end of HiLIARy. Too bad MSM doesn’t cover the important issues as the establishment whether Republican or Democrat is afraid of Mr Trump. Read more >>”More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money—either personally or through companies or groups—to the Clinton Foundation…. At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press.” http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/08/tracking-the-clinton-controversies-from-whitewater-to-benghazi/396182/

    • Keonigohan says:

      The most CORRUPT person to run for potus in American history…sad that It is a woman.

    • CEI says:

      nalogirl. Get used to it. As long as the under-educated, underclass democrat base has their bread and circuses i.e. fast food and reality TV, they’ll believe anybody that promises to keep the gravy train going. Aided and abetted by the left wing media Clinton’s dishonesty and limitless greed are rationalized, dismissed and explained away. If it were not so shameful it might be humorous.

      • Ikefromeli says:

        Rs are the most undereducated and underemployed group of voters in history…..Trumps most significant voting block is the following: high school educated, no college, under employed, not very cosmopolitan or read, feeling persecuted and isolated, they have very narrow views of America. You are no exception, you fall right into the following narrative.

        • CEI says:

          Ike, may I humbly suggest that you visit your family doctor (assuming you were allowed to keep him) and get your meds adjusted. Put yourself in the shoes of an under-educated, underclass, layabout for a moment if you will. You’re not much interested in making a legitimate living and are happy to take public assistance. What party do you gravitate to? I’ll give you a hint since you seem to be a little slow on the uptake. Republicans will do nothing for you because they promote personal responsibility, law and order, the nuclear family and avoidance of drugs. So as the hopeless, lazy, uneducated, narrow minded looking for a handout person that you are, you want to be taken care of. So you naturally gravitate to the democrats who tell you ad nauseam that the deck is stacked against you and republicans are mean. You’ll never make it in life without the guiding hand of paternalistic democrats. So the choice is easy for you. Vote democrat and avoid responsibility for your lot in life while living off productive working republicans.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Homie, I grew up rough, very rough, in Halawa Housing and Nanakuli Homestead. Three generations and many relatives in one household. Now, in my 50s, every step of the way, I not only earned it, but scratched and fought for,everything I have.

          So, what is it that I have….from K-12 all in Oahu public schools. I have a bachelors, MBA/JD (two of those from Ivy schools) and a former appointment at an Ivy. Along the way, I have worked for the US Senate, the US State Department, the COS to a state Governor (not Hawai’I) one of the country’s largest law firms, Boston Consulting and taught at several universities. So, when you talk about making a legitimate living, not only have I done that….I have put more than a few kids through undergraduate, law and medical school (and those were not my own children or relatives).

          So, I ask you, where have you been and what have you accomplished? Moreover, who have you assisted along the way??

          That’s what I thought…..crickets…..and another awkward silence.

        • sarge22 says:

          It’s not about you Ike. We all know how successful you are but don’t understand why you aren’t a Republican. “Put yourself in the shoes of an under-educated, underclass, layabout for a moment if you will. You’re not much interested in making a legitimate living and are happy to take public assistance. What party do you gravitate to?” Can you honestly answer this question without bragging about your personal life? Who do you think the folks still living in Halawa Housing will vote for?

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Not making a legitimate living??? Just what are your the definitions and parameters for such a question?

          My remark about uneducated and underemployed voters is a submission of fact; this is Trumps largest voting bloc. To say Ds are unread and uneducated, which he did, is just not true. In fact, the two groups from from which Trump is suffering from is both whites, male and females, with advanced degrees–the pertinent question, is why do you think that is the case???

        • CEI says:

          Ike. Good for you, you’re highly educated, accomplished and probably well connected. Guess you were snoozing in class when you were supposed to learn it’s bad form to trumpet one’s accomplishments as you are so fond of doing. As for myself I was born a child of privilege, went to the finest east coast prep schools, graduated with honors from ivory league schools and went on to a successful career on Wall St. I soon grew tired of making millions of dollars and began a career as a nuclear physicist. At the same time I dabbled in brain surgery as well as rocket science. Through all of this I was a loyal democrat and contributed millions to democrat politicians. Unfortunately something was missing and I couldn’t figure out what it was. By chance I caught a right wing talk radio show and it changed my life. The anger and naked racism was just what I was looking for. I took a vow of ignorance and became a conservative republican. I now spend my days as a stay at home son in my mom’s spare bedroom. I rarely change out of my pajamas except to go out for smokes, burgers and beers. Please don’t judge me. Remember as a progressive democrat you’re supposed to be non-judgemantal.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Ivory? You must certainly did not go to an Ivy–not Ivory. A review of your past post reflect someone who neither a PhD or an Ivy education. Which leads me to my original posit–you are indeed part of the undereducated and underemployed brigade that is at the heart and soul of the Trump officinados. I guess, the next most germane question is whether you also follow his racist, bigoted and misogynistic views? No need to answer, your prior answers have already informed the answer to that question.

        • CEI says:

          Ike. All seriousness aside. My substitution of ivory for ivy was satirical in nature, as was the entire post, sorry you didn’t pick it up.

        • Keonigohan says:

          It’s all about ike and nobody else….mindset sorta like k_____.

        • sarge22 says:

          Come on guys you all know that Ike and common sense have nothing common. “Make America Great Again” Ivy or Ivory what difference does it make?

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      Completely distorted, nalogirl: The Clinton Foundation makes NO money for Bill or Hillary; they draw no salary, no stock shares, nothing. What they make doing other things is something else. And they are good at earning their own money–probably in a much more ethical way than Trump does.

      Look up any charity watch site and it’ll show that 88 to 89% of Clinton Foundation donations goes to help people.

      Check your facts before making reckless accusations. That’s what Trump has lived off, making reckless accusations. You’re better than that!

  8. wiliki says:

    Clinton’s father is a good role model. Hope this pitch is effective with all the family businesses across America.

  9. WizardOfMoa says:

    Politics is like looking into mirrors at a Carnival playhouse. Never knowing what comes next and to what degree of distortions. People in politics are like that. You can never find their true identities because of their tendency to create story and incidents to mold themselves into what the public what to see and hear! It can also be said, present day politics are yesterday’s fairy tales with the exception of its ending. It doesn’t end with “happy ever after”! Have a nice day kids!

  10. CEI says:

    More rubbish straight from the AP Ministry of Truth. Soviet style agitprop designed to humanize Hillary while at the same time dehumanizingTrump. Watch as the AP digs ever deeper to put lipstick on Hillary while largely ignoring her lack of accomplishment as 1st lady, senator and Sec’y of State. Not to mention the money siphoned off selling out the country.

    • klastri says:

      You certainly spend a lot of time reading that Soviet style propaganda and commenting about it. A lot of time.

      Methinks she doth protest too much.

      • CEI says:

        Today’s progressives or liberals or whatever you want to call them are cut from the same cloth as the folks who pulled off the October revolution in Russia in 1917. Led by Vladimir Lenin and a bunch of very intelligent and well educated revolutionaries they plunged the Soviet Union into 70 plus years of nightmarish existence. Under the guise of creating heaven on earth they controlled every aspect of life. Those who did not buy into the party line (the politically incorrect) were imprisoned and executed. Political re-education, public humiliation and brainwashing were widely used to keep people n line. Walls were built not to keep people out but to keep them in. Today’s progressives are not using violence to advance the agenda. They learned valuable lessons form the horrors of the Soviet Union, Red China, Cuba and Cambodia’s killing fields. So the modern day revolutionary got smart and harnessed Alinskyism. Barry and Hillary are both Alinsky acolytes. I’m just connecting the dots and drawing parallels form the totalitarians of old the the totalitarians of new.

        • klastri says:

          I’ve know university professors who are less obsessed with Alinsky than you are. Was he a relative?

      • sarge22 says:

        The Clinton Foundation and classified emails will be the end of HiLIARy. The clock is still ticking. Wiki wiki

        • Keonigohan says:


        • klastri says:

          Have you kept track of how many different events (none of them have come true, of course) that you forecast “the end of HiKIARy? How about just to the nearest 15?

        • sarge22 says:

          This week, the State Department was forced to admit in court filings it had “received positive hits” for Benghazi-related documents among the nearly 15,000 Clinton emails uncovered by the FBI during its more than year-long investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s unauthorized use of a private server housed at her home during her tenure as President Obama’s first Secretary of State.

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      If Trump doesn’t like people speculating about what’s wrong with his business approach, Trump should release his tax returns. If Trump clean, no problem. If Trump unethical, problem.

      Only way to find out: Trump release tax returns. Trump, what you got to hid? Trump?

      • DPK says:

        Clinton should also provide clarity in her positioning by releasing the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street, the ones she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for. Transparency from both candidates is necessary.

  11. Ikefromeli says:

    Trump is polling worse among black voters than almost every single Republican presidential nominee since 1948 in polls taken between the party conventions and Election Day.

    Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, and NBC News/Wall Street Journal:

    ABC News/Washington Post 83% 4% 8% 2%
    Fox News 85 7 — 1
    Marist 89 5 3 2
    NBC News/Wall Street Journal 86 0 4 1
    Average 86 4 5 2

    Trump is in fourth place among black voters
    Fox News did not include Jill Stein in its horse-race question.

    Trump’s 2 percent is just flat-out awful. Just awful….

    And it doesn’t seem like a statistical fluke: Trump’s lack of appeal among black voters is pretty consistent, at 1 percent to 2 percent across the polls, and he trails Stein in the three post-convention surveys that included her.

    To find out how Trump is doing compared with past Republican nominees, I looked at the American National Election Studies surveys since 1948. Some 2016 voters haven’t decided who they’re going to vote for, so to be fair to Trump, I looked at only the pre-election surveys (as opposed to the post-election ANES surveys), because they allowed respondents to indicate they were undecided. It’s not pretty.

    Not pretty at all.

    Since 1948, the average Republican nominee earned about 10 percent of the black vote. Even since the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, when black voters began moving into the Democratic Party, the average Republican nominee got an average of about 7 percent. Trump is pulling in about one-fifth of that.

    Black voters will probably account for 10 percent to 15 percent of all voters this year, so Trump will really have to overperform with other voters to have a chance of winning the White House.

    Trump’s poor polling puts him in un-welcome company. Barry Goldwater is the only candidate whose pre-election support among African-Americans was worse than Trump’s is; he received the support of no African-American respondents in the 1964 ANES survey. Goldwater, of course, stood in opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. McCain was at 1.4 percent in 2008, just about what Trump is getting now. But McCain, as I mentioned, was running against the first major-party black nominee.

    Trump isn’t widely known for opposing major civil rights legislation, and he isn’t facing Obama. But perhaps because he’s made so many racially charged comments, including as a leading voice of the birther movement, he is so disliked by black voters that he’s the first Republican nominee since 1948 to be polling below second place among them before the election. (He’s the first to be polling in fourth.) Johnson and Stein, whom most voters have never even heard of, are ahead of Trump. For a Republican Party that wanted to reach out to minority voters after the 2012 election, that’s not good.

  12. lespark says:

    Why is this Top News. Her father would be ashamed of her.

  13. cojef says:

    One wonders how someone in public life can amass the kinds of millions the family has accumulated. Really, that family has cheated and used their positions to enrich themselves at the expense of the taxpayers. The victims are, We the People!

  14. lespark says:

    Colin Kaepernick endorses Crooked Hilliary Clinton.

  15. lespark says:

    Anthony Weiner endorses Crooked Hilliary Clinton.

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