Conway: Trump not interested in further Clinton probe
WASHINGTON » President-elect Donald Trump “doesn’t wish to pursue” more investigations into Hillary Clinton’s email practices, a top adviser said today, strongly signaling to fellow Republicans they should abandon years of probes into the Clintons after a bitter campaign in which he repeatedly branded his Democratic rival as crooked.
The adviser, Kellyanne Conway, spoke of “charges” against Hillary Clinton but referred specifically to Trump sending a message to members of Congress, not the Justice Department. Trump said during the campaign that Clinton would “be in jail” if he were president, but the FBI director has declared on two occasions there is no evidence warranting charges over her use of a private email account.
It wasn’t immediately clear whether Conway was referring only to congressional investigations. But she said that Trump believes it’s time for Republicans to move on, despite his vows to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her.
“I think Hillary Clinton still has to face the fact that a majority of Americans don’t find her to be honest or trustworthy, but if Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that’s a good thing,” Conway said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
“I think he’s thinking of many different things as he prepares to become the president of the United States, and things that sound like the campaign aren’t among them,” she added, suggesting broader changes from Trump’s political rhetoric.”
Today, the president-elect heralded “more great meetings” in his Manhattan tower as he continued shaping his administration before heading to Florida for Thanksgiving late in the day. He tweeted today that he was “seriously considering” former Republican presidential rival Ben Carson to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development. And he met at The New York Times with some of the paper’s journalists after scheduling, then abruptly canceling, the session.
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As for further investigations of Clinton, Trump seemed to waver in a post-election interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes.” Justice Department investigations are historically conducted without the influence or input of the White House.
Asked about investigations in that interview, he said, “I’m going to think about it. I feel that I want to focus on jobs, I want to focus on health care, I want to focus on the border and immigration and doing a really great immigration bill. We want to have a great immigration bill. And I want to focus on — all of these other things that we’ve been talking about.”
Conway suggested Trump’s new posture is aimed at Republicans in Congress who have relentlessly investigated the former secretary of state, including whether classified information passed through her private email server and how she acted in connection with the deadly raid on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans.
The signal to move on from investigating Clinton sparked outrage in some conservative circles.
The conservative legal group Judicial Watch said that if Trump’s appointees do not follow through on his pledge to probe Clinton for criminal violations, “it would be a betrayal of his promise to the American people to ‘drain the swamp’ of out-of-control corruption in Washington.”
The remarks come after months of Trump calling Clinton “Crooked Hillary,” questioning whether the Clinton Foundation is a pay-for-play scheme and raging against the Justice Department for refusing to prosecute her for blending private and official business on her email server. He told her face-to-face at a presidential debate that if he won the presidency, she’d “be in jail.”
But Trump has been promising to unite the country around his presidency, saying repeatedly he will be president of “all Americans.” Not everyone is buying it — protests continue across the country — but the billionaire has been hosting a politically diverse parade of officials to his golf course in New Jersey as he’s tried to fill out his Cabinet. The visitors have included Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential candidate who called Trump unfit for office. Trump called him “a loser” who “choked.”
Trump met privately Monday with representatives of the television networks.
Associated Press writer Eric Tucker contributed to this report.
51 responses to “Conway: Trump not interested in further Clinton probe”
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Not a surprise. Every promise that Trump has made was just the hot air coming from a carnival barker just to get him elected.
True..Trump is a total shibai artist. Hillary has been investigated more than any political figure in history. Result: no indictment, no finding of any guilt. Trump has skillfully deflected his own criminal guilt.
I never believed he would do it. It was red meat for the rank and file.
Goooooo COAL !!!
That Kellyanne Conway looks like a hottie to me!
………Forgiveness is a true trait not shared by all politicians ,but a trait President Trump possess ? “To Move on ,you need to Forgive”…maybe not forget,but forgive!
I mean Look at it this way, Mitt Romney: With all the Trash Talking he was dissing about Donald Trump,saying he’s an inexperienced “Con Man” remember that? And where’s Mitt Romney Today? Looking for a job with the Trump administration. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I believe under advisement by his AG/DOJ and Congress,if the facts remain that an indictment is warranted,than President Trump will follow thru with these recommendations and ………Drain The Swamp!
Drain the T Tower.
2. Pres Elect Trump not going further means Crooked Corrupt hiLIARy will not…CAN NOT say anything.
3. Obonzo ALSO will not…CAN NOT say anything BECAUSE he is involved TOO!
Summary: Dems are in complete DISARRAY and it will be awhile before they can get someone to lead their MAFIA.
Trump’s plan is to keep Obama from giving her a pardon by this misdirect and then pile on when he takes office. Brilliant!
Yes, of course. No one would ever consider that.
He was probably told to back off.
Who would tell the President elect to back off oiwi? Especially a tweet fiend.
Seems he’s already turning into a politician by backtracking on his promises. He’s changed his tunes on immigration, NATO, putting the “Butcher of Benghazi” in jail, the list goes on and on. His supporters are soon to be troubled if not already by these actions.
Just wanted to add to the list, the “wall” will not be across the whole border and Mexico will not pay for it.Obamacare will not be replaced. Those two have already been talked about this week and that’s where they’re headed. Unfortunately there will not be any factories opening up in the rust belt, but most of us already knew that.
Would you say that you are happy for Trumps change of views since they align closer to anti-Trump voters? Or, are you still upset because WHO is saying this (it doesn’t matter what he says he is always wrong)?
I think I would have liked the campaign for all the candidates to have been about realistic policies not just platitudes. When I would try to explain to some of Trump supporters that he doesn’t have the authority or ability to achieve certain goals the conversation would quickly move far off topic. What did Make America Great Again mean? It meant nothing and everything, just depends who you ask. Maybe I’m old fashioned but I would like political races to be about politics not about how much contempt you have for the other candidate.
And he’s not going (and never had the power to) bring jobs back. That was an obvious (to anyone who understands the slightest whit about global economics) lie. And he’s not going to build a wall. And he’s not going to deport 11 million people. And he’s not going to abandon climate change work. And he’s not going to apply tariffs to punish China. His self-congratulations about stopping Ford from outsourcing jobs was a lie.
His entire campaign was a lie from start to finish. His pathetic supporters just never understood any of this. If he does try to implement his totally ridiculous ideas like the Muslim registry, it will provoke a furious and sustained legal fight from many different directions, and will prompt millions to falsely register as Muslims. The only jobs created will be for FBI agents needed to investigate “Muslims.”
Yes, pathetic may best describe the situation. Trump, Pence, and other politicians tossed around ridiculously flimsy lies. When he won the election, his supporters gloated like they themselves had accomplished something.
Two weeks later, the slower ones are still gloating. But the less undereducated are now realizing they didn’t get what they were expecting. Except for the bad stuff.
No repeal of Obamacare, no “special prosecutor,” no Great Wall, no new jobs for undereducated whites (unless they want the below-minimum jobs a few deported immigrants might leave behind), no “extreme vetting.”
We’ll get the racism and misogyny, the increase in undereducation, and the entertainment of watching a POTUS make an a$$ of himself weekly on Twitter. And maybe we’ll all get to learn Russian. I guess that’s what hardcore Trumzis wanted all along. Congratulations.
Relax folks. What was he going after her for, the email fiasco? Let it ride as Comely said she was extremely reckless and careless with national security information as she didn’t understand security markings or realize it was classified. Wow, we had a Sec State that was that stupid? No, she was just beating the system. The bigger picture is letting the FBI and DOJ, under Trump, go after the Clinton Crime Foundation. No special prosecutor needed. FBI/DOJ investigations the Crime Foundation; finds proof of wrong doing; takes evidence to Federal Grand Jury for RICO violations; Bill, Hillary & Chelsea brought up on charges; convicted; jail time.
This is not a banana republic — yet. Presidents, in our democracy, do not decide whom to prosecute or not to prosecute. The independence of the Judiciary is a hallmark of our democracy and our system of justice. Trump didn’t understand this during his campaign when he promised to prosecute Clinton, and he doesn’t understand it now when he seems to say that he will forego prosecution. Both comments expose his failure to grasp the separation of powers. Before becoming President, he should be required to take the same test administered to immigrants aspiring to citizenship.
But you have to remember that Mr. Trump lied over and over again about doing this, and the folks who supported him don’t understand how the law or government work. So they never figured out that he was just lying. It’s just pathetic.
Whhaaattttt???Wait, whhaaatttttt??? LOCK HER UP,LOCK HER UP!!!!You promised,Sir!
Trump, needs to move on and worry about the american people plus he has a lot on his agenda, now to fix………..Obama has to worry about Clinton “she was on his clock/not Trumps clock”……Trump is doing a good job/by staying away from the media and focus on stopping the corruption in all 50 States throughout government! Then the rich, is next!
Raise your hands Trumpies. Who voted for the car salesman because he promised “First thing I’ll do as President is to put the Liar in Jail”!!! Go ahead,no shame,lol.
You voted for the car salesman who said “on time and on budget”.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH Trump just keeps showing his voters that they are, like his business partners and employees, SUCKERS.
ikefromeli…is that you!!!???????????????
Trump is sounding more and more like a Democrat every day.
Are you saying that the Trump supporters now feel like they got tricked into helping a Democrat get into the White House?
If you think he “sounds like a Democrat,” I have some shares in a bridge and beachfront property that might interest you.
so he won’t appoint a special prosecutor, no big deal. the f.b.i. can still proceed with investigations if it wants.
So you and others that feel that it’s alright for Trump to change his stance on theses things but what about the other bunch of Americans who voted for Trump because of all these promises he made? Do their reasons for voting for Trump just get thrown to the side? Who cares about those people and what they valued is the message that supporters like you are saying.
candidates should evolve once elected. when elected to presidency of the united states candidates are exposed to more responsibility than just petty party politics. better presidents seek to be statesmen rather than mere spokespersons for their party’s platforms.
better to have a president who can flex when needed and work to the betterment of the entire nation and not cater and pander to popular whim.
So what did Trump supporters vote for, the more flexible candidate?
I love how you Trumpeters keep making excuses for Chump. You’re going to be busy. You should get ahead of it now, you can start by making excuses for no wall, no mass deportation, why is the deficit spending increasing… I’m sure you are already have an answer, because Trump doesn’t.
no need to make excuses.
trump’s win displaced the most politically corrupt family from the presidency. america voted against established career politicians and elected the political outsider.
i will wait until he takes office. when he officially begins the people’s work, has his cabinet in place and policies are clarified america will be greater for its rejection of blatant corruption that infested this election.
Stoned, I agree with your 11:08 AM response. Mahalo for a civil reply to my snark 🙂
farmer: this forum provides me with entertainment in its shared discussions and fun with reader comments.
i believe that meds, emotional immaturity or personal bias have all contributed at one time or another to me face planting myself in this forum.
your discussions and comments are always entertaining and fun. keep looking at the bright side of life.
Since Comey stated, twice, the FBI found nothing, further investigation seems unlikely.
This is good news. I posted two nights ago that he wouldn’t go after her. There has already been too many investigations leading to nothing. That’s our money being wasted. Our money. It’s time for DC to take care of the taxpayer’s business.
Another lie that helped Trump get elected. The bad thing is all the undereducated folks who chose to believe the obvious used car salesman lies he and the Republicans threw around.
Your vote was based on lies. And you know it.
Yes, I find it interesting that “educated” Trump supporters are justifying his change in stance but don’t seem to worry about the others who voted for Trump based on what was being said. Why don’t they seem to care about those people? They have a say that Democrats ignore a lot of those Trump supporters that believed those campaign promises, aren’t the “educated” Trump supporters doing the same by justifying his change in attitude?
Actually, they may not know it. It’s obviously a pretty sad crowd.
He certainly did wrap up the racist, white supremacist, imbecile vote. Clinton had no chance with those groups.
People will criticize no matter which direction Trump goes but I think he’s making the right decision. I say this even as I believe that Hillary and Bill are guilty of pay-for -play. Now as president, hopefully of all Americans, he needs to move on to fulfilling other campaign promises. He can’t do them all at once but he needs to knock off a few early on to set everything else in motion. Time will tell if he is a good president but this is a good decision. BTW, those other republican politicians have been talking smack about the Clintons for years with nothing to show for it. Give it up.
Who would have thought, Trump the Great Uniter. Clinton supporters say she innocent, Trump supporters say she guilty, Trump has brought these sides closer together now. Clinton supporters didn’t want the wall, Trump supporters wanted the wall, Trump will kinda-ish build a wall, get it? One more, Obamacare is good, Obamacare is bad, Trump will kerp most of it and call it Trumpcare, everybody happy. What a Great Man. #MAGA
I do hope that he proves to be a Great Man and not the fraud that Obama has been. I had hopes for him but he proved to be incompetent and divisive.
Obama was not a fraud. As a friend wrote, we got: “an economy steered clear of a beckoning Depression, the rescue of the automobile industry, Wall Street reform, the banning of torture, the passage of Obamacare, marriage equality, and the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the end of the war in Iraq, heavy investment in renewable-energy technologies, the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the Iran nuclear deal, the opening of Cuba, the Paris agreement on climate change, two terms long on dignity and short on scandal. Obama’s approval ratings reached a new high.”
i do hope that once Trump is declared the winner following the Dec 19 official vote of the electoral college, he will have his Attorney General proceed with the
investigation of Hillary Clinton and all others who were involved in violating the law whether it involves Hillary’s email server arrangement and the Clinton Foundation and its
pay to play arrangements. If Trump really intends to “drain the swamp” he needs to start with the Clinton’s. Justice delayed is Justice denied.
If he fails to follow thru with his promise, he will be no better than the long line of politicians who have failed our country and disgraced the oath of office they all swore to uphold.
To all the shocked, stunned, name calling BIG MOUTH liberals who said Crooked Corrupt Nasty hiLIARy would win in a landslide hands down I say..ENJOY EATING CROW for Thanksgiving!
Thank you Keoni for reminding me of this website…
Yummy….Taste like chicken.
Substitute Mynah bird if you can’t find crow.
Lock her up. You got Trumped!