The Honolulu Star-Advertiser strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Marsha McFadden, managing editor/news, at 529-4759 or email city editors at
>> Ansaldo Honolulu Joint Venture has filed a claim, not a lawsuit, with the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation over delays with the rail project. Also, the cost of a white paper on the P3 proposal was inaccurately reported in an editorial on Page F2 Sunday.
>> District Court Judge Darolyn Lendio grew up in Waialua. The neighborhood was incorrectly reported in a story on Page B1 Sunday about Oahu Community Outreach Court.
>> Rachel Zinkus is the Oahu SPCA adoptions coordinator. Her name was misspelled in a story about the shelter being burglarized on Page B1 on Sept. 17.
>> Egan Inoue is expanding his boot camp classes into the Spa Fitness Center on Punahou Street, which has had a string of owners in recent years with the increase of fitness center competitors in the market. A story on Page B2 Saturday misidentified the center and mischaracterized the market.