No emergency siren test around Hawaii today, nor for month of December
There will be no outdoor siren test today, nor for the month, according to officials from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency.
Officials said the monthly test, which would typically occur at 11:45 a.m. today, has been suspended for the month to avoid interfering with various inaugural events scheduled around the state at the same time. The siren test has been suspended for the month of December only.
The outdoor warning sirens are one part of a three-component emergency notification system. Usually, the siren test is conducted simultaneously with a test of the Emergency Alert System, in cooperation with Hawaii’s broadcast industry. In the event of a real emergency, warning sirens and Emergency Alert Broadcasts would be joined by alerts via the Wireless Emergency Alert system, which delivers sound-and-text warnings to mobile telephones and compatible devices.
Information on emergency management and disaster preparedness for all counties is located at the front section of telephone directories.