City removes vandalized bulldozer at Sherwood Forest in Waimanalo
A city contractor today removed a bulldozer that was set ablaze in late May at Waimanalo Bay Beach Park, also known as Sherwood Forest.
Contractor Kai Kore Construction hauled in a new bulldozer this morning for trenching work on the makai side of the park, a city official said.
Vandals set fire to an excavator and bulldozer on May 22. The equipment was being used in the development of a controversial multipurpose field by the City and County of Honolulu.
The Honolulu Police Department issued a CrimeStoppers alert following the vandalism incident in May. As of today, no arrests have been made.
Mayor Kirk Caldwell said Tuesday the city will halt further work on proposed improvements at Waimanalo Bay Beach Park after an artifact discovered at the site triggered an investigation by the State Historic Preservation Division.