Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Sunday, March 2, 2025 69° Today's Paper


Letters: Careless behavior puts many people at risk; Republicans killing democracy in America; Fix up Waikiki before tourists finally return

Have you ever genuinely feared for your life?

Every day, I see people in Hawaii not following the safety guidelines, endangering the vulnerable members of our community. At 17 years old, I am part of that vulnerable community. This population is not limited to just our kupuna. Young people can be at high risk as well, contrary to President Donald Trump’s statements.

As someone who has had a poor immune system since a young age, I’ve known that the activities that I can participate in are limited, but now I can’t even leave my house without being afraid of the consequences.

Help protect the people who are at higher risk, or at least care enough about the people around you to wear a mask, because the people at higher risk are doing everything they can to not catch this virus.

I don’t want to be remembered as just another statistic.

Laurel Nishina



Across-the-board budget cuts would cause harm

Gov. David Ige is considering a 10% furlough for state employees. While it is understandable that the state needs to address dire budget circumstances, the application of this policy across the board would mean a 10% reduction of contact tracing and other pandemic mitigation efforts by the Department of Health during a public health emergency. It also would mean a 10% reduction of schooling for public school students who have already lost significant educational opportunities.

I would like to see the governor recognize and address these issues publicly.

Abby Royston

Kalihi Valley


Provide more subsidies to child-care providers

Policymakers must release child-care subsidies to licensed child-care providers to be used during the standard work and school hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Child Care Connection only provides subsidies for before- and after-school-hours care.

Working families with school-age children need the money for this additional cost. The average fee is $320 per week. It seems silly that during a global pandemic, administrative procedures are not modified to help working parents and students.

Kristine Cuizon



Restaurants can verify household of diners

Tom Jones of the Hawaii Restaurant Association thinks it may be difficult to verify that all persons in one party are from the same household, and that restaurants would rely on the honor system (“Restaurant and bar owners offer differing views of Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s reopening plan,” Star-Advertiser, Sept. 24)?

Is that the method restaurants and bars use to ensure that someone is of legal age for drinking? The honor system?

Could this possibly be the reason that the opening of bars and restaurants failed on previous reopenings?

Simply require each person to present a complete ID. They should all have the same addresses.

Joan Huber

Diamond Head


Hawaiian women show leadership, then and now

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was beloved by the people of Hawaii, and we bid her a fond aloha ‘oe.

Historically, Queen Ka‘ahumanu, Queen Emma, Queen Kapi‘olani, Princess Ruth Ke’elikolani, Princess Pauahi Bishop and Queen Lili‘uokalani were among the many strong, courageous Hawaiian leaders who showed great aloha to their people, but in the end, couldn’t stem the tide of global imperialism, racism and gender inequality.

Ginsburg once said, “Women’s rights are an essential part of the overall human rights agenda, trained on the equal dignity and ability to live in freedom all people should enjoy.”

Modern Hawaiian female leadership is still strong, yet many women and families continue to struggle with domestic violence and poverty. May our leaders remember the impact of women in every decision they make as an investment in human rights. As Queen Lili‘uokalani said, “Never cease to act because you fear you may fail.”


Shana Wailana Logan



Republicans killing democracy in America

The party of Lincoln is killing democracy in America. The electoral system shows that the popular vote doesn’t decide the outcome. Gerrymandering by state governments manipulates the electoral votes.

When Justice Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, the Republicans blocked President Barack Obama’s nominee, saying that a president’s choice should not be confirmed in an election year. Many GOP senators promised that they would follow suit if another justice died in an election year.

Now that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died, six weeks before Election Day, the Republicans are rushing to replace her before a new government is elected, ignoring their own precedent.

It is obvious that the change from 60% to 50%-plus 1 to confirm, implemented by the Democrats in 2013, has destroyed compromise in government. The 60% rule forced parties to compromise if no party held a super majority. The current system has promoted divisions in the country like never before.

Abraham Lincoln is probably rolling in his grave. The president that united the country represented a party that is now dividing it.

Jon Shimamoto



Fix up Waikiki before tourists finally return

Bob Hampton said, “Duke Kahana- moku would be proud of us when we show our aloha to these wonderful folks,” referring to the tourists when they finally return (“Hawaii can welcome weary mainlanders,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, Sept. 23).

However, will they find Waikiki the same as the last time they visited, or will it be better? A specific example is the walkway makai of the Sheraton hotel that has been off-limits for many years. Who is going to repair the one place on Waikiki Beach where you cannot walk on or near the beach?

The reason the hotel is now impassible is because, despite many warnings, it was built too close to the ocean 50 years ago. Before the hotel is opened again the walkway must be repaired. To do otherwise shows our inability to see our shortcomings from a visitor’s standpoint.

Bruce A. Fink



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