Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Friday, February 7, 2025 69° Today's Paper


Letters: Why build a stadium we possibly won’t need?; Trump, GOP have long list of failures, too; Getting vaccinated at Blaisdell a relief

Recently, a reader justifiably complained about the plan to spend $53,000 to commemorate 175 years of Washington Place (“$53,000 a lot of money for government to spend,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, Jan. 29). He pointed out how much immediate good could be done with that same sum.

He did mention the wasted money spent on the eternal cash cow called rail. (There are simply too many gross issues in that project). But what about a half-billion dollars to build a stadium that will see very little use? And why do it now, rather than wait a year or two, if at all?

Why consider only cutting salaries rather than just limiting useless spending?

Thomas Luna



Football games at UH have many benefits

The expansion and retrofitting of the University of Hawaii’s Clarence T.C. Ching Field is highly encouraged (“University of Hawaii football games in Manoa seen costing $400K annually,” Star-Advertiser, Feb. 5). It is the ideal location to accommodate the football, track and soccer events on campus.

Football events should not cause any more community inconvenience than when basketball and volleyball games are played concomitantly with baseball events. The increased attendance of on-campus students will enhance cheering support.

A capacity attendance will allow more comfort for kupuna on pay-per-view and fans at sports bars. It’s a win-win advantage for many. Wow, $6 million, what a deal. Go, Warriors!

Les Nakasone

Niu Valley


Thomas wrong about today’s job market

Old Cal Thomas does not understand the modern world (“Racism a matter of the heart, not government mandates,” Star-Advertiser, Feb. 2).

So, self-reliance and self-betterment will cure society’s problems?

Breonna Taylor did not suffer from a deficit with self-reliance or work ethic. She had a problem with careless and trigger-happy police officers who killed her in her own home.

The notion that government laws will not cure feelings of racial discrimination — I remember hearing these arguments in the 1960s relating to the passage of the landmark 1964 civil rights law. The argument was wrong then, and it’s wrong now, especially concerning the important issue of voting rights for all citizens.

In the modern economy of disruptive technology, we have become a deeply divided people in terms of full participation in this 21st century workforce. If a person does not have a superior IQ or college degree, or important skill set, then it’s a life in the American underclass: low wages, not enough working hours and persistent economic anxiety. Sermons extolling the concept of self-reliance simply fail to address key challenges in modern society. Thomas just doesn’t get it.

Edward Miller



Trump, GOP have long list of failures, too

Gary R. Johnson praised the Republican achievements of the past four years (“Republicans have long list of achievements,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, Feb. 3).

Good. So noted and appreciated. However, the GOP, in blind allegiance to Donald Trump, also did more to make America much worse off than before he took office. Some of Trump’s “accomplishments” include: preaching divisiveness; fomenting insurrection; spreading lies and conspiracies; packing the Supreme Court with conservative extremists; praising racism and white supremacy; defiling the environment; increasing the income gap between the wealthy and working people; separating families at the border; downplaying and grossly mismanaging the response to COVID-19; and many more things that outweigh the laudable, but piecemeal, Republican accomplishments.

Only time will determine the long-term sequelae of the actions of the outgoing administration, but most Americans (at least 80 million) are breathing easier since Jan. 20 and hoping American can regain its equilibrium and its rightful place in the world.

J. Marc Rosen



Oppose bill that would stifle online speech

Our own U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono backed a new bill called the “SAFE TECH Act.” If passed, the act would seriously damage Section 230, the Communications Decency Act provision that allows the internet to function. By doing so, the act would stifle online speech, decimating the open internet.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, an internet civil liberties group, describes Section 230 as “the most important law protecting internet speech.” The ACLU says that “Section 230 is critical to protecting free speech online.”

If this bill were to pass, it could be a death sentence for the internet as we know it. I encourage Hirono and anyone reading this letter to learn about the dangers of weakening Section 230 and to support better options for keeping the internet open, free and safe.

Ezra Levinson



Getting vaccinated at Blaisdell a relief

I am a 76-year-old in Honolulu who received my first COVID vaccine shot recently. After listening to and reading the national media accounts of delays, cancellations and problems with on-line appointment options, I am proud and relieved to report that was not my experience here.

I made an appointment online within five minutes. I was amazed at the efficiency and caring of those at the Blaisdell Concert Hall. And the music provided by the Royal Hawaiian Band as we waited on the terrace during the 15-minute “observation” was magical. Mahalo to all involved!

May Mamiya



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