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Saturday, February 15, 2025 75° Today's Paper



District 01 – Alan J.K. Yim (L)

I am a U.S. citizen and over 25 years old. America was founded by young people that wanted to help protect a society based on liberty. I represent that same brand of young energy needed in congress. Read more

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District 01 – Steve Tataii (D)

My knowledge will help in educating colleagues in Congress to stay on the right track. My lifetime observation and learning about our world leadership shortcomings have trained me just for that. Read more

District 01 – Sam Puletasi (D)

Former senior DOJ agent dealing with domestic and foreign affairs, oversaw federal laws governing border control, customs, trade and immigration to promote homeland security and public safety. Read more

District 01 – Colleen Wakako Hanabusa (D)

Having served over 15 years in the state Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, I have gained a thorough knowledge of both the legislative system and the issues that most concern our citizens. Read more

District 02 – Tulsi Gabbard (D)

I learned as a child that true happiness comes from being of service. Having served in local, state and federal government, and deploying twice with the Army National Guard, I bring unique experience to represent Hawaii in Washington. Read more

District 02 – Eric Hafner (R)

My experience in politics, international relations, as a volunteer patient advocate and as clergy all come together to enable me to be the best candidate to strive for an independent Hawaii Read more

District 01 – Javier Ocasio (D)

I am well traveled and have lived in nine states, four countries and am better prepared for the job than someone who has little experience on the mainland or elsewhere. Read more

District 01 – Lei Ahu Isa (D)

The gap between productivity and pay has been especially pronounced in recent years, and, although productivity has grown at rapid pace with technology, wages/compensation of the typical worker has not improved. Read more

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