Obama family goes snorkeling at Hanauma Bay

Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve is normally closed to the public on Tuesdays.

People watch as a motorcade carrying President Barack Obama passes by after a trip to Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, on Tuesday.

President Barack Obama and his family spent the afternoon snorkeling at Hanauma Bay with family and friends today.
The motorcade arrived just before noon and left by 3:30 p.m.
The first family and friends had the white sands and aquamarine waters of the bay to themselves because the park is closed to the public on Tuesdays.
Earlier in the day, the president worked out at the Marine Corps Base gym in Kaneohe around 8:25 a.m.
It is the 11th day of Obama’s annual two-week vacation in his home state.
33 responses to “Obama family goes snorkeling at Hanauma Bay”
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Gail wants to know what they had for dinner at Alan Wongs and the other places the Obamas have eaten !!
Hope Obama gets a nice tan while diving.
He is a good family man. Odd that so many poorly educated white Republicans hate him. He has such solid Christian values. What a wonderful American.
allie is hoping Obama reads her comment
or stops by to eat her pizza. haa
Eat the pizza. Don’t eat, allie.
allie your joking right?
Can’t be as bad as people who blame Obama for not using his magical powers to stop Missouri flooding and prevent people from getting old.
Multiple posters here repeatedly blame Obama for not utilizing his magical age stopping powers. They blame him for the reduction in labor force participation, FULLY KNOWING that 80+% of that was due to baby boomers retiring. Obama’s a bad President because he won’t use magic to stop people from getting old!
all good friends for now, once Obama leaves office they will be fair weather friends, won’t visit or talk with each other that much.
My puppies are not a fair weather friend.
Obama has been hanging out with those guys well before he became President. Pretty solid friends.
You don’t have friends that you can pick things up with after months of little contact and nothing has changed? You must be high maintenance.
Being from Hawaii, he knows where to go for fun.
I can relate a bit. I got my wife and son involved with SCUBA diving this year and it’s been wonderful to share these experiences. I hope Mr. Obama takes Hawaii’s underwater beauty to heart and helps us protect it for future generations.
He has taken the whole country underwater and it’s not pretty.
so bitter….relax and be positive and count your blessings…and be grateful that we live in a great country…..Haouli Makahiki Hou!
Ditto hope the President and Family are enjoying their vacation immensely, after all we are paying for it. Hope is not all for naught?
Oh really, sarge? Besides hating to have a black President for the past 8 years, is your life become so miserable since President Obama took office? He wasn’t perfect, but he was much better than the alternative would have been from both elections. Here, take a look at this: http://trofire.com/2015/12/25/barack-hussein-obama-not-perfect-but-certainly-one-of-the-better-presidents-ever-the-facts/
Whether or not YOU are worse off under Obama, it’s hard to deny that AMERICA is worse off. What’s black got to do with? Incompetent is a more appropriate description.
sarge22. My investment’s value go up no matter who is the President of America.
Way to play the race card Seaborn.
Sarge thinks America is worse off now than it was in 2008.
Someone has a very short memory.
He has just taken the Republican’s tax break from the rich away.
Actually, not really. The Rich pay less now as a percentage on average than they did during Bush.
so many perks that the average citizen does not have.
Nobody wants to average anymore.
It sure would be nice if our president/son of the islands would wear an Aloha Shirt when he’s out and about rather than just a Polo Shirt and shorts. Of all people who can afford a Reyn’s Aloha shirt he would be the one to have more than one in his wardrobe.
Malama Pono e Hawai’i Nei.
Glad to see Mr. President and his family are enjoying our great weather while citizens in Texas, etal are suffering from the flood, freezing weather. Well, he shouldn’t worry about them. After all he’s a lame duck president and doesn’t have to worry about bring re-elected, so why should he care. Sad, very sad.
You think a little presidential hand wringing will make the floods go away?
Apparently. Obama can magically fix everything, but because he hates America so much, he refuses to use his magical powers.
Thos and others blame Obama for not using his magical powers to stop aging.
Zoomzoom65 thinks that Obama can control the weather.
The delusionality that many Obama haters have is soon to be beyond our capacity to measure.
Of course Barry can fix anything. He’s Barry. But, some people just have so little faith. They need to be tested. SA, We need a new POTUS article daily. We need to read newer ( and crazier) complaints about POTUS and his ohana so we can get new laughs each day of his vacation. C’mon SA, indulge us.
Chicago could use some of his magical powers. It has gotten worse since his days in the city. Rahm needs him badly
Where’s a starving Great White (HAHAHA!) Shark when you really need one?