Trump: Charges of anti-Semitism over tweet are ‘ridiculous’
WASHINGTON » Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton’s campaign is “ridiculous” to portray an anti-Clinton tweet that appeared to depict the Star of David atop a pile of cash as anti-Semitic.
In a statement issued by his Republican presidential campaign this evening, Trump suggested Clinton and her allies were using the matter to distract from her own recent campaign troubles.
Trump said the tweet portrayed “a basic star, often used by sheriffs who deal with criminals and criminal behavior,” as part of an effort to convey that “Crooked Hillary is the most corrupt candidate ever.”
It was the presumptive GOP nominee’s most extensive comment since his official account tweeted— then deleted — the image Saturday, sparking uproar over its potentially anti-Semitic connotations. Trump’s account later posted a new version with a circle in place of the six-point star.
Addressing the origins of the tweet for the first time, Trump campaign social media director Dan Scavino said in a statement posted on Trump’s Facebook page Monday evening that he had lifted it from an anti-Clinton Twitter feed and had never intended to offend anyone.
“The social media graphic used this weekend was not created by the campaign nor was it sourced from an anti-Semitic site. It was lifted from an anti-Hillary Twitter user where countless images appear,” he wrote.
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He said that the star, which he described as a sheriff’s badge “fit with the theme of corrupt Hillary and that is why I selected it.”
“As the social media director for the campaign, I would never offend anyone and therefore chose to remove the image,” he added.
The image had previously appeared on a white supremacist message board filled with anti-Semitic messages as well as the Twitter feed of a self-identified comedian who tweeted provocative and offensive images.
Trump’s campaign had not responded to questions since Saturday about who posted the message and where it was found.
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, said Trump’s attempt to dismiss the concerns of people who have taken issue with the post “falls somewhere between absurd and offensive.”
“It’s not a left-wing issue or a right-wing issue,” he said. “It’s not a Democratic issue or a Republican issue. It’s a matter of common sense.” Greenblatt said: “It would be appropriate and timely for the presumptive GOP nominee for the White House to say unequivocally, I want nothing to do with these ideas,” and to say “hate has no place in making America great again.”
Earlier Monday, Sarah Bard, director of Jewish outreach for Clinton’s Democratic presidential campaign, said in a statement that “Trump’s use of a blatantly anti-Semitic image from racist websites to promote his campaign” was part of a pattern by him. “Now, not only won’t he apologize for it, he’s peddling lies and blaming others,” she added. “Trump should be condemning hate, not offering more campaign behavior and rhetoric that engages extremists.”
In his statement, Trump accused Clinton’s campaign of using the tweet to try to “divert attention from the dishonest behavior of herself and her husband.” He cited her “missing emails” and Bill Clinton’s impromptu meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch as her agency oversees the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state.
Trump has long professed his support for Israel and his daughter converted to Judaism before her marriage. But he has come under scrutiny for repeatedly re-tweeting posts from white supremacists’ accounts and for not immediately renouncing the support of former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.
82 responses to “Trump: Charges of anti-Semitism over tweet are ‘ridiculous’”
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trumpy is a racist, we cannot allow him to be president.
Aiea7, we need examples of Mr. Trump being a racist. You post a very serious charge of a fellow American being racist. Also, the Sheriff’s badge on the Hillary advertisement is appropriate for “Crooked” Hillary, don’t you think.
Seaborn, mahalo in providing all the progressive liberal left wing media: Huffington Post, Washington Times, Politico, and Marie Claire. Where is the Washington Post, New York Times, and the StarAdvertiser.
Uh oh, people are drinking the Chump’s Sheriff’s Badge Kool Aid again. I would give that excuse a bit of credibility except for the fact that the image was copied from a white supremacist website that is just choke full of anti-semitic and racial rantings and to say that it is NOT a six pointed Star of David is simply a denial of reality. Racists post racists symbols, plain and simple. So what we have learned from this little episode is that there is someone on the Chump campaign who is perusing racist websites for campaign content, that alone should be cause of concern. Think about that, there are people inside the campaign, using content from racist white supremacists websites, who are close enough to the candidate to get him to post this trash on his own Twitter account. This campaign is rotten from the inside out. Now as far as is Chump a racist. Well the first takeaway that the campaign replaced the star with a circle and subsequently reposted the material. A rather moronic act in that it will keep the controversy alive (a better move would be to remove it altogether), but the act to change the image is a sign that they too know it was inappropriate. Most racist do not wear a sign about their neck declaring themselves to be a racist, but look at the Chumpster’s body of work, from statements that Mexico sending drug dealers and rapists to the US, to banning all Muslims (he is walking this one back too). to the “Mexican” judge in his Chump university scam who was born in the USA, if it walks like a racist, talks like a racists, I’m just saying…
You are correct, obviously. The mistake is expecting his like-thinking followers on here to admit Mr. Trump’s, and their, racism.
Nothing personal, it’s all business.
The image has five components. Let us take them slowly by the numbers. (1) Component one says “HISTORY MADE.” (2) Component two has a photo of Hillary. (3) Component three has a stack of money. (4) Component four has a star shaped liked a sheriff’s badge or, as some people argue, a Star of David. (5) An inscription inside the star that says “Most corrupt politician ever.” That as all there is to it. The way I read it is that the law, represented by the sheriff’s badge, is going to get Hillary, the most corrupt politician ever. Even if the image came from a white supremacist website, exactly what makes it anti-Semitic or racist.
Ronin006 – You can deconstruct and obfuscate all you want. It’s not working. Anyone with more than half a brain who looks at this knows what it is.
Sheriff’s badge …. exactly. Only people in your echo chamber will believe you. No one else will.
Mr. Trump understands who his base is. It’s you.
Right, Klastri, and I turned the image upside down and Hillary looked like the Virgin Mary. Now do you believe me? You are without doubt a bigger azz than the back end of the Democrat donkey you so fervently support.
And another thing, Klastri. I said in my post that even if the image came from a white-supremacist website, exactly what makes it anti-Semitic or racists? Instead of engaging your brain and providing a well-reasoned reply, you resorted to accusing me of reconstructing and obfuscating. I truly would appreciate knowing why you believe the image is anti-Semitic or racists, or is that beyond your mental capacity?
You can’t really be serious. Among many other examples, Mr. Trump said that a federal judge cannot be impartial because he is of Latino descent. That is the textbook definition of racism.
He resent a posting that originated on a white supremacist website.
Mr Trump is a racist and you embrace him. You are his base. Congratulations.
Nothing personal, don’t get your teat in an uproar.
lespark – You write things like that over and over again. You can save it.
Successful people feel passion about things. You make fun of the topic of suicide, so I wouldn’t expect you to understand what success is.
Klastri, stop. Everybody is racist. Stop being a hypocrite.
lespark – No, not everyone is a racist. I don’t know why you would make up the fact that I wrote that – other than that you generally make up things. I didn’t write that, of course.
When I said O is half blk half white Klastri called me a racist..never seen a person so pent up with so much anger & hate! WOW!
klastri says: Mr Trump is a racist and you embrace him. You are his base.
But all you who voted for the current occupant of the White House ~~ who did so only because of his skin color ~~ are nothing less than racist bigots yourselves.
Those who live in glass houses…..&c&c&c
Sure, thos… Biting words indeed from a man who will vote for Trump out of what? Hair-envy?
Sheriffs badge. Lol.
Hillary ain’t my choice but anyone who votes for Trump is definitely under educated and asking for chaos.
HiLIARy scraping the bottom of the barrel as usual. Lying crooked HiLIARY under investigation by the FBI and continues spreading more lies. “Make America Great Again” The man with the Sheriff’s Badge will show Hilly what it stands for.
you voting for the
Do I have a choice? or dictator?
Yes you can vote for Mr Trump and make America great again.
sarge22 – It’s going to be great to watch him collapse under a crushing defeat in November. My wife and I are already inviting friends to an Election Night Party at our house. We’re all going to celebrate when the election is called, and he loses.
Nothing like watching a failed, anti-semitic racist being publicly humiliated.
You support a racist. You are his base. Congratulations!
Thanks klas but we haven’t won yet. Say hi to your fellow name calling friends. Be careful of the check points after the party as my uniformed friends will be ticketing the sheep.
sarge22 – You don’t know much, but you do know how to threaten.
Stuff it.
sarge22…did Klastri say he has “friends”??!! lol
I’d sure like to be at klastri’s house election night picking his map from the floor.
amela, you certainly do have q choice. You, like a growing number of others not willing to degrade themselves by selecting either of these clowns, can support Gary Johnson. Check him out. It’s a refreshing journey to common sense and clear purpose.
aiea7…so what has hiLIARy accomplished that benefited a majority of Americans….that would make her a better choice?
aiea doesn’t have a clue so don’t waste your time. Just another one of the parrots.
LOL. “Yes you can vote for Mr Trump and make America great again….” Baawwwk!
You keep asking that question (I answered it of course) as if anyone here owes you an answer. Who here cares about you or what you think?
There you go again klastri aka Kurt on Kauai aka kauai…lying ala hiLIARy.. please list her accomplishments here….
Klastri, for most political candidates the good they can do increases with their time in politics. Ms Clinton has had her positives to do good for America diminishing. Are you certain she will have any positives remaining following the DNC Convention. Her supporters are loosing trust in Ms Clinton, and as a retired attorney, your experience in politics presents a Presidential candidate in critical condition. Can she regain the 35 points in 5 months?
Nothing personal, it’s all business.
eh hiLIARy “What difference does it make”….Amb. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, ..”Move on”.
Happy 4th of July my fellow Trolls! Yes so,proud to be an American!
Gosh! Did she just age a full decade from last week? Ask me? seems like more “Desperation” by the Hillary camp. Just do your ABS’c folks.
And please stay safe and no drinking and driving. We want you see here tomorrow!
Agree with you MoiLee, it’s not a very flattering photo of Ms. Clinton.
She never looked better…{cough}
It’s revealing that the Daily Beast crowd and Greenblatt’s outfit has voted overwhelmingly for the two most antisemitic presidents ever, Carter and Obama by over 70%.
I think Greenblatt should ask the Jews of Israel if they would choose Clinton over Trump.
Curious to see the Jewish vote for this one. As you stated they voted Dem 74% in ’08 and 70% in ’12. Hope for a surprise but expect none.
I’m not a supporter of Trump or Clinton…I wish there was a really good third option. It is sad our [political process deters individuals who might be better leaders from stepping up. But I have to admit, the mainstream media is really stretching on this “proof” Trump is a racist. It is a generic six pointed star. Not only used as a law enforcement symbol at the sheriff or marshal level but I can also choose to insert it as a generic shape from Microsoft office. Does that mean Microsoft is anti-Semitic? If I recall, ISIS uses a white circle on their flags. Does that mean nobody can use a circle anymore? Come on…stick to debating the real issues and enough with trying to paint each other as the source of all evil…
If it was a generic star then why did Trump take it down and replace it with a circle? Why not just be a man and stand by the star in the first place?
Because he’s a serial liar and is pathologically incapable of admitting either that he is a racist, or that he made a mistake.
During all of his many business failures, he blamed everyone within earshot of other than himself. Mr. Trump cannot admit a failure. It’s one of his many personality defects.
Contrast, please. A Clinton supporter calling Trump a serial liar is like the giant steam locomotive caling the tiny teapot black. Trump couldn’t lie, in three lifetimes, as much as Clinton has about just Benghazi and her email scandal.
klastri, ditto, ditto and ditto!
Nothing personal, it’s all business.
808, are you serious? The Libertarians are offering two experienced candidates with admirable records. And with the horrible main party choices facing us, they’re looking better every day.
Hillary is no friend of Israel but is friendly toward the Arab nations that gave to Clinton foundation. Can we trust her to lead our nation?. I don’t think so.
Huh? Hillary is a huge supporter of Israel. Maybe too biased for them. That was what trump’s image was saying. That she was being bought off by Israeli interests, etc. You seem oddly misinformed.
Happy 4th Allie. Hillary truly is “not” a huge supporter of Israel and will never be a close friend. Pls, remember Yasser Arafat? Hillary has been their friends for decades.
Follow the money. Who gives to the Clinton Foundation.
They call that racist. Anybody gives money to her is a ok in her book.
How can anyone accuse Trump of being anti-Semitic? He is more supportive of Israel than most politicians, his daughter converted to Judaism and he has three Jewish grandchildren.
Lewanadowski is right. “This is a simple star. It’s the same star that sheriff’s departments across the country use, all over the place, to represent law enforcement.” I also said in a previous comment, it looks to me like the badges worn by most sheriffs and that I interpreted the image to convey that, the message being “the law is going to get you, Hillary.” You can read into the image anything you want. That is what I read into it.
Ok, where is the anti-Semantic image? Where’s the tweet? Is this a story or just a political hack job?
Hilliary should be working on an alibi.
a real racist takes action to remove the personal freedom of people the racist fears. a real racist calls the targeted population one with “no conscience, no empathy, . . . we have to bring them to heel.” a real racist labels inner city black youths “super predators” and seeks extended mandatory prison sentences for them.
hiliar, a real racist, manipulated the public’s fear and intentionally caused a bill to be passed that punished black youths with extended sentencing. that’s how a real racist acts.
farrakhan was right when he described hiliar: “this is satan.” “she is a wicked woman.”
Lucifer in a pants suit.
Speaking of which…Kim Jong-un wants ALL his wardrobe back but hiLIARy is not replying to his emails!
Written like a sixth grader in his mother’s basement.
Farrakhan? Oh now there’s a voice of reason.
Once a crook, always a crook. Hilliary can stand on a stack of bibles and swear she will never tell a lie but the damage is done. Solemn oaths means nothing to her. Where was the President on 9/11/2012? Was he hiding under a rock? Cowardice?
As far as the red star, it looks like a run of the mill typical six point star to me. I think Hilliary’s supporters have gone fishing again.
That’s right. The truth hurts. No one comes close to her nefarious accomplishments. She is truly a plague of her own.
What is she hiding for Obama. What did Obama do that he is so ashamed of that he chose to hide behind a pant suit.
Over and over again, people mock Mrs. Clinton’s clothing. The obsession with her pant suits is more bizarre than most of the drivel they post.
Bizarre but understandable. Mrs. Clinton is a woman. All part of the Republican line against women who can make their own decisions. Republicans hate women, which is why they jump through flaming hoops to control them and their bodies.
Her pantsuits are okay but why does she wear a jock strap? Must be rough riding the broom. Republicans hate the lying crooked woman.
Bubba clinton…First “Gentleman”….
No Females from interns to Grandmas allowed alone with the First Gentlman…by Exec Order signed by HRC
Just having Bill in the WH and that alone would make me not vote for Hilliary.
But Melania? That’s another story. Big improvement over the other M. Day and night.
Some Democrats too.
I’d sure like to meet that somebody call me ignorant to my face.
Huma likes it.
Let’s not get personal, it’s only business. Clinton and Obama called each other names but they kissed and made out.
Iowa’s Joni Ernst is being vetted to be Donald’s VP? Might be a good idea for Donald ,since this will pretty much take care of the “Gender Card”. Yeah i see jaws drop right about now. “What” ? “NO way”! “He better not”. “He hates women”! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Like i said before folks the Race Card is stronger and why The Donald should pick Ben Carson.
i was a fan of ben carson and was elated when he ran for president. however, like trump, he disappointed with limited platform issues.
not sure if trump and carson together can bring enough hope and change for america as we try to recover from what bill clinton called the “awful legacy of the past eight years.”
Yes, they can. Stand with them.
St1d, remain a fan of Dr. Carson, for he is a very special American. He understands the consequence of Mr. Trump being elected President of the U.S. and appointing Orginalist Supreme Court Justices and the impact to the United States over the next 40 to 50 years. Joni Ernst is an excellent choice for VP.
How can it be the Hilliarists can call The Donald a racist when an educated man like Dr. Carson endorsed him. How can they call Mr. Donald racist and sexist when Lili Amini of middle eastern heritage is the GM for Trump National. How can they accuse him of being anti-Semitic when his daughter is of Jewish Faith. He might not like the hecklers and protesters many of which hold another country’s flag over the American flag. He might not like Judges active in the Hispanic community and the Democrats not speaking out. Does that make him racist? No, the racists and bigots are the ones who deny Trump his 1st Amendment rights to assemble.
I think the Hilliarists are peeing on the wrong tree.
So Trump’s excuse is that when he saw a Star of David on one of the neo-nazi website that he frequents he thought it was a sheriff’s star. Really? And does he think the the Nazis and the Jews were just playing cowboys and indians? I don’t know who is stupider, Trump or the people who fall for his pathetic excuse.
@WillMcAvoy asked Trump’s social media chief the following pertinent questions. Trump supporters, can you answer them?
1. Are you at all concerned that you were so easily duped again into spreading anti-Semitic propaganda?
2. Why was the image allowed to stay up for hours when concerns about the imagery were raised immediately after it was posted?
3. Why is the campaign using anonymous shared content instead of producing campaign graphics in house?
4. What does it say about the campaign that it will spread content without first verifying the source of that content?
5. Do you think it is right the campaign uses content created by other people without offering attribution or compensation?
6. Why was the watermark and author signature removed prior to the Trump campaign spreading the tweet?
7. Why are you citing Microsoft’s shapes, when you have no confirmation that the graphic was designed in that program?
8. What steps are you taking to avoid spreading neo-Nazi propaganda in the future?