Trump says ‘open borders’ cost lives and ‘this will end’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a event with The Remembrance Project.
HOUSTON >> Donald Trump, who has made a hard-line stance on immigration a centerpiece of his presidential campaign, asserted Saturday that “not one more American life should be given up in the name of open borders.”
“All across this country, dining room tables have an empty seat because the government abandoned its duty and has not enforced its basic laws,” the Republican presidential nominee told a gathering of the Remembrance Project, a group founded to remember those killed by people living illegally in the U.S. and to press for tougher laws. “This has to end. This will end if I become president.”
Two dozen members of the organization sat behind Trump as he spoke, and several told their stories, often gruesome, of how their loved ones lost their lives. Trump has appeared with members of the group several times, including during the speech to lay out his immigration policy in Arizona last month. He vowed to continue to “shine a national spotlight” on their work.
“Politicians ignore your cries, but I never will,” Trump said.
Maria Espinoza, founder of the group and daughter of a Mexican immigrant, praised Trump’s advocacy. But the Houston-based group has come under scrutiny for some of its pronouncements, including Espinoza’s false assertion that immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally kill 25 Americans a day.
Trump has long talked tough on immigration, deriding Mexico as a source of rapists and criminals in his campaign kick-off speech last year and vowing to build an impenetrable wall on the nation’s southern border. He is not proposing a pathway to legal status for people living in the country illegally but has backed away from his call for the mass deportation of millions of people who have not committed crimes beyond their immigration offenses. But he also ruled out what he dismissed as “amnesty,” saying those who want to live legally in the U.S. will need to leave and head to the back of the line in their home countries.
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Later Saturday, Trump hit back at the former defense secretary who called the Republican nominee “beyond repair” when it comes to national security.
Robert Gates, who served under presidents of both parties, wrote in The Wall Street Journal Saturday that Trump is “stubbornly uninformed” about the world. Trump, at a rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado, called Gates “an absolute clown,” insinuated that “probably has a problem we don’t know about” and then claimed that he would be “so much better at what he’s doing” than the former Cabinet member.
But Trump made no mention Saturday of either controversy that dominated the political world a day earlier: he did not address his decision to finally acknowledge that President Barack Obama was born in the United States or his call for Hillary Clinton’s Secret Service agents to drop their guns and then “let’s see what happens.”
Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, released a two-page letter from his doctor Saturday vouching for his “excellent” health, summarizing his medical history and results of a July physical exam. Pence, 57, released the letter after Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton and her running mate, Tim Kaine, also provided some details of their medical history. The health of the candidates has become an issue since Clinton stumbled at a 9/11 memorial event and revealed afterward that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia.
Pence’s doctor disclosed that Pence had basal cell carcinomas — skin cancer — removed from his face in 2002 and 2010. He also had surgery in August 2015 to repair a hernia. The doctor said the only medication Pence takes is Claritin for seasonal allergies, he does not smoke or drink alcohol, has diet-controlled heartburn and exercises four times a week.
Pence campaigned Saturday in The Villages, a sprawling retirement community northwest of Orlando, before tailgating with Florida Gators fans before their game against North Texas.
85 responses to “Trump says ‘open borders’ cost lives and ‘this will end’”
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Obama and Clinton have totally ignored the safety of the American people. They have made a mockery of immigration and the law.
hiLIARy is an ideological donkey’s 0k0le!
Yes you republicans have done such a wonderful job in keeping us safe. lol Lets see, 9/11. Only 3000 people killed. Various embassy attacks where more people were killed. Yes with safety given us by Republicans, who needs outside threats? Say Keonigohan, how many brownie scouts have you ripped off today? Have to keep up with the Donald you know. lol
Yes, but think of the votes.
I’ve yet to hear the plan of how Hillary is going to stop illegal criminals from crossing the border (drugs as well). It simply isn’t discussed. Does anyone know?
hiLIARy’s plan is by showing the immigrants LOVE & COMPASSION they will convert to Americanism & vote Democrat.
Hopefully Hillary is not worrying about such imaginary fears. Fact of the matter is that such immigration is way down, in fact it might even be close to Zero. But so typical republican thinking. There is an imaginary fear so lets build a 50 ft wall at a cost of tons of money to deal with it. How sad the republicans are no longer fiscally responsible. I wonder if they will ever balance a checkbook again?
Open borders do more than cost lives: They damage the fabric of society! for example there can be no solidarity sitting on a table together with a devout Muslim and his Burka wife!
I didn’t think it was possible for you to get more vile and loathsome every day, but you always surprise me.
Klastri, which comment are you responding to?
I consider it an honor being criticized by klastri.
Yet lets compare the number of people killed by terrorists between Obama and the previous president who was really concerned about safety. Round numbers 3100 vs 4. Yes lets go after Obama and Clinton. lol
Wonder if a President Trump would be like GW and use his daily briefing papers as TP?
Let’s see, who was president when the Pearl Harbor Attack happened? What party did he belong to? A surprise attack is a surprise attack. Aren’t you the same Boots that has so ardently supported the rail fiasco?
Shame you don’t know who was president during Pearl Harbor. No a surprise attack is rarely a surprise attack.
Shame you don’t understand a pointed questioning response to your lame statement. But then again, you didn’t understand the fiasco that is rail.
DPK, Boots’ head must be down in his boots because your comment went right over his head so easily.
Just as you Ron missed the point that these attacks were not really “surprises”.
So, Boots says that Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were not surprise attacks. Well than, who knew about them and why were’t we prepared? What is your rationale for these statements?
The Donald GETS IT!
Trump Pence 2016
I am sure Putin shares your viewpoint. The Donald would probably mean the end of the United States of America. We would soon become a soviet State.
Criticizing and condemning Putin will get us only hate and nowhere, but shrewd diplomacy will make it a win/win situation with Trump as president.
What is the matter? Turnabout is not fair play? Hell, if a past democratic candidate pushed for Russia like the Donald has, what do you think they would be called? So why isn’t the Donald being criticized? And I am not condemning Putin, just pointing out the double standard in our so called liberal press. Actually I just think Putin is having fun with the United States.
Boots is all weeeeeeee weeeeeeeeee up because hiLIARy is going DOWN as fast as her POLL #’s
Boots did you ever and understand read Carnegie ‘how to make friends and INFLUENCE PEOPLE’ ? You cannot influence someone but make them your enemy with impudent criticism.
Yes I have read that book. Shame you republicans never did. lol
It is actually refreshing to think about having a President who is not a life-long politician. November is going to be an interesting month.
No it is not. It is not bright to think someone could just come in and be president with no governmental experience of any kind. Would be like going to the town butcher to get brain surgery. Vote for the Donald if you love economic downturns. The Donald would probably make the great depression look like a picnic.
Perhaps you don’t understand the true talent of an administrator is that of knowing what you don’t know but being able to delegate and identify qualified people that do.
Lot of truth to that but one still needs to understand how the system works. The Donald does not realize that he will not be a dictator and that he will have to work with the speaker of the House to get anything accomplished. Sounds like the relationship between the two is not the smoothest relationship imaginable. Do you disagree?
Has Mr. Trump ever said that he is a dictator? A successful businessman sets goals and finds a way to achieve them. This means working with other company executives toward compromise. So yes, I beg to disagree with you.
DPK, all you have to do is to look at how he acts. He acts more like a dictator than the head of a free country. The Donald’s favorite saying is “You’re Fired!” It will be interesting to see him tell Paul that. 🙂
Trump hit another home run with his speech at the Remembrance Project. His poll numbers will no doubt increase two or three points next week.
And what specifically did he say that was so great? Amazing anyone would be taken in by a con man.
Boots, what he said is not important. The most important thing was Trump being at the Remembrance project to show his support for victims of crimes of violence perpetrated by illegal immigrants. Who else has done it? But since you asked what was so great about what Trump said, I will tell you. It was that the “government abandoned its duty and has not enforced its basic laws.”
And just what the hell does this mean? Can you offer some specifics on how government has not enforced its laws? We are number one in terms of the number of citizens behind bars. You want to double the prison population?
Ronin006 – You think he “hit a home run” but “what he said is not important?”
Yes sir … you’re definitely a Trump supporter!
Boots, basic immigration laws. In case you do not know, it is a violation of US law to enter the U.S. illegally. It does not matter if it is by border crossings or by overstaying visas – it is illegal. When people are caught doing so, instead of being locked up and deported as they should be, they normally are released with instructions to show up at some court for deportation hearings. Most never show up and nothing happens to them. Many head for Democrat-controlled sanctuary cities where they live openly without fear of being apprehended and deported. Attempts by Congress to force sanctuary cities to comply with US law and turn over the illegals to ICE have been stymied by Democrats.
Ronin006 – Your explanation of sanctuary city is ridiculous. There is no force field around a city border that prevents federal law enforcement. What are you talking about? Can’t you ever – even once – write something accurate and truthful?
ICE can go anywhere and enforce laws. How do make up these things? Is it just that you don’t read anything?
The “force field” that has been mentioned are the directions given by local government to selectively support the relationship between local law enforcement and the Feds.
DPK – This is what Ronin006 wrote: “Many head for Democrat-controlled sanctuary cities where they live openly without fear of being apprehended and deported.”
That is a flat out lie, of course. Federal law enforcement is performed in any U.S. city, irrespective of what resources are deployed or not deployed by a local government.
Law enforcement by the federal government does not depend on local support. Period.
Klastri, are you for real or as dense as your comment suggests? Senate Democrats blocked a bill in July that would have stripped federal grant money from “sanctuary cities” that protect undocumented immigrants from being turned over to federal agents for deportation.
Democrats also blocked a bill by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, that would have increased prison sentences for undocumented immigrants who repeatedly enter the United States illegally.
What am I making up?
And yes, Klastri, Trump hit a home run just by appearing at the Remembrance Project. He did not have to say a thing. His presence said it all.
Klastri, I truly feel sorry for you. You clearly are suffering from Three Money Syndrome, a common malady amongst liberals, for which there seems to be no cure.
Ron, as many republicans would say, laws are made to be broken. It should be remembered that we didn’t always have such laws, in fact they are all relatively recent. This country has survived quite well with immigration, in fact is a major reason for our success. To start rounding people up and sending them off smells too much like Nazi Germany.
Boots, you just do not get it. There is no hope for you. There is a big difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration. We survived quite well with the legal kind, but our demise as a great nation will be the uncontrolled and illegal entry into the United States supported and abetted by Democrats. If you do not understand that, you also are suffering from Three Money Syndrome as is Klastri.
Liberals will spin this saying Trump is anti-immigrants and how so many immigrants are hard working people blah blah blah. Immigrants made this country great, however they did so legally. Democrats calling illegal immigrants “undocumented” is like calling a bank robber a “unauthorized withdrawer.”
It would be interesting to understand the “extra” vetting process that the Obama administration gives to all of the Middle Eastern “refugees”.
True , immigrants made this country great, but times have changed . Now we are bloated with overpopulation and beleaguered at our borders by zillions of uneducated havenots from culturally “challenged” ruined countries.
LEGAL immigrants made this country. The remainder of what you said is correct.
How pathetic, as usual. Not one of you isn’t from an immigrant family. Not one of you can prove 100 percent that someone in your extented immigrant families hasn’t committed serious crimes. Donald Trump is so politically connected it would make your small heads spin. He and his father bragged how they had every NYC politician under control, and the ones they didn’t they sued.
The concern is not immigration it’s “illegal” immigration. With virtually no oversight on folks coming into the country you add too much unnecessary risk to the process. Saying that some may have relatives that commit crimes is not applicable. If they are legal citizens they will be held accountable. Not sent back and for deport then return. Would you leave your back door open every night and allow anyone in that wants in? I doubt it
This is why Trump supporter comments are so sad to read. Legal citizens? Good grief.
Legal US citizens vs illegal immigrants. If you can’t tell the difference, you’re probably a Gruber voter/Democrat.
etalavera – What, exactly, is an “illegal” U.S. citizen?
And you think that the undocumented aren’t prosecuted for crimes they commit in this country? How could you make that up?
Yes, Klastri, many illegals are prosecuted for crimes committed in this country, but far too many of them are allowed to stay in this country while on probation or after they are released from prison sentences instead of being deported.
I want to add, now we are overpopulated, all the attractive areas are overcrowded and insanely expensive, all our roads are congested and farmland is dwindling.
And you think, in a country of 330 million people, that your list of woes is caused by immigration? Did you graduate from elementary school?
You miss the point
No one is Against immigration, not anyone I’ve heard from
They are against simply illogical
Illegal immigration, not taking more logical care in vetting immigrants so we PROTECT the immigrants, us, already here
In your rush to a feel good approach, you ignore common sense. Nothing wrong in taking a careful approach.
Wake up and stop thinking you can make people like you by giving other people’s money away
The Clingons must still be sleeping. Not one peep? Fizzle Pop.
Trump crisscrossing America doing rallies, interviews. At least 4 a day.
Hilliary doesn’t know what day it is.
Mexico is not the only source, criminals are coming from everywhere. Something has to be done. Immigrants are not what they used to be.
Yes we need build a wall on our northern border too. Sadly though this would be to keep Americans from going to Canada should the Donald become president. lol
It is even worse in Europe. Millions are sneaking in from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, North Africa, Nigeria, Kongo … Two thirds of the world has already been made into a living hell by their people and the few good countries are overrun if they do not seal their borders.
Dear Donald … YOU SUCK !!!!!
Such a thoughtful, integgigent, comment. Look in the mirror
Trump understands that the current political regime has it all backwards and that we need to drastically change our ideologies or things will continue to get worse.
Mr. Trump does not understand (and has denied) that roughly half of all the people who are undocumented arrive by air and ship – not across the border with Mexico. His pathetic supporters don’t know that either. Trump has the ignorant whipped up into a frenzy about people with brown skin – let’s forget for a moment his relentlessly racist campaign against President Obama and Trump’s early career as a “whites only” landlord – and since the supporters don’t seem to be able to read or learn anything, they believe him. It’s remarkable.
If nothing else, this election has exposed really shocking failure in the American public education system. It’s like a whole generation didn’t take sixth grade Civics and can’t read books or newspapers.
Klastri, what is the current administration’s or Hillary’s plan to prevent criminals from crossing the border?
I really hope you’re joking. A lot is done to prevent improper border crossings. Can’t you read? We have overlapping efforts by several agencies in DHS. Please … spend a little time today to read something.
I have not seen or read any plan from hillary that would stop criminals from sneaking across the border.
Do you believe criminal illegal aliens are no longer able to enter the country?
jaybird, Do away with the war on drugs and many criminals will stop coming here. But no, you republicans would never go for that. People need to be controlled. We need big government to keep people from hurting themselves. Sad and pathetic.
You might check with the border agents, by the way, rather than Democratic talking points.
Interesting that the Obama Administration will not release the latest DHS report on illegal immigration. Perhaps they’ll plan to release them after the election.
Not as interesting as the Donald refusing to release his tax returns. What a coward. Be proud Donald for not paying any taxes. Be proud that you receive many governmental benefits but pay nothing for them.
Where are Ms. Clinton’s transcripts of her well paid speeches to the big Wall Street boys. the ones she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for. She must be afraid to disclose how she is bought by them.
Of course all Illegals should be shown the borders at gunpoint , no matter from where and how they came. Those that are legitimate refugees trying to escape horrors should be temporarily accepted , but remain in guarded camps and sent back after the situation in country where they came from normalizes. And if they crossed safe countries on their journeys here they should be moved back there. And no matter if their skin is brown, black, yellow, pink or white. Anybody who employs a person who has no valid permit and Id should be punished. Then Illegals had no means of sustaining themselves and much less would come here. Also our Blacks would have more chances of getting jobs.
well said.
If you think that was well said, I really, really feel sorry for you. Really.
George Orwell would be proud of you.
Klastri, no person or government agency really knows how many people enter the country illegally by border-crossings or by overstaying visas. Estimates vary, but one source, Politifact, determined about 40% do so by overstaying visas and 60% (the bulk) do so by border crossing. Trump knows this which is why he proposes a two prong approach to the illegal immigration problem. One is to build a wall along the southern border not just to keep out illegals but also to stop human trafficking and drug smuggling into the US and gun smuggling into Mexico. Realistically, of course, it never can be stopped completely, but a wall and other barriers certainly will come close to doing that. The other is to enforce US immigration laws by rounding up and deporting those who become illegals by overstaying their visas. Those who overstay visas are known by name, so it is much easier to track down and find them for deportation than it is for border crossers. It is a practical law enforcement approach to the problem whereas Clinton’s solution is “comprehensive immigration reform” which means to legalize everyone here illegally and make them loyal Democrats.
You’re lying of course about anyone doing anything to get more voters, but that’s what you do. Have at it.
Mrs. Clinton is going to be the President. Probably for eight years. So at least you’ll have a steady stream of things to whine about.
Klastri, you are utterly brainless if you think illegal immigrants will not favor the political party that makes them legal and more than brainless, if such if possible, if you believe that Democrat party leaders do not think that way.
Ronin006 – “Makes them legal?” You are hopeless. Totally hopeless.
Yes, klastri, makes them legal with what Democrats call comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Amnesty for illegals is a major part of the “comprehensive Immigration Reform” plan. You just do not get it, do you?