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Michelle Obama attacks Trump over sexual assault comments

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First lady Michelle Obama reaches out to shake hands during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton today in Manchester, N.H.

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First lady Michelle Obama speaks during a campaign rally for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton today in Manchester, N.H.

MANCHESTER, N.H. » Michelle Obama said today that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s boast on a 2005 tape about his fame allowing him to “do anything to women” shook her to the core.

Speaking at a campaign rally in New Hampshire for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Obama called the comments “shocking and demeaning.” She also dismissed Trump’s claim that the remarks were simply “locker room talk,” saying they were an affront to every woman, parent and citizen in United States.

“I can’t stop thinking about this. It has shaken to me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted,” the first lady said. “So while I would love nothing more than pretend that this isn’t happening and come out here and do my normal campaign speech, it would be dishonest and disingenuous to just move onto the next thing like this was all a bad dream. This is not something we can ignore.”

Mrs. Obama said the comments made by Trump are part of a long history of demeaning women.

“We have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, over the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are shocking, so demeaning,” she said. “I simply will not repeat anything here today. Last week, we actually saw this candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women. I can’t believe I’m saying that, a candidate for president of the United States bragged about sexually assaulting women.”

Mrs. Obama went on to say the comments were forcing women to recollect painful memories of when they were harassed in their offices or sexually assaulted.

“The truth is it hurts. It hurts,” she said.

“It’s like that sick, sinking feeling you get when you are walking down the street, minding your own business and some guy yells out vulgar words about your body or when you see that guy at work that stands a little too close, stares a little too long and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin,” she said, as the crowd went silent.

While she didn’t mention her husband, President Barack Obama, she said Trump’s comments did not reflect how the men in her family discuss women.

“I can tell you the men in my life do not talk about women like this. I know my family is not unusual,” she said adding, “they are loving fathers who are sickened by the thought of their daughters being exposed to this kind of vicious language about women.”

Mrs. Obama’s comments are some of the most forceful of a week in which scores of Republican leaders abandoned Trump after a 2005 video became public in which the GOP nominee is heard bragging about how his fame allowed him to “do anything” to women. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., who is in a tight re-election campaign, said over the weekend that she no longer plans to vote for him.

Trump has played down the comments, insisting they were “locker room talk” and he never did anything of the things he bragged about on the tape. Since then, The New York Times and the Palm Beach Post reported stories about three women who alleged Trump had inappropriately touched them. Separately, a People Magazine reporter wrote a detailed first-person account of being attacked by Trump while interviewing the businessman and his wife, Melania Trump.

Trump denies the allegations.

46 responses to “Michelle Obama attacks Trump over sexual assault comments”

  1. klastri says:

    Mrs. Obama is a great surrogate. I hope she continues to hammer Trump until November 8th. She is correct, of course, that Mr. Trump was describing his history of sexual assault – not merely saying “locker room talk.” Men with more than half a brain do not brag about assaulting women.

    Thanks, Mrs. Obama! Please keep piling on to make sure Trump’s loss is humiliating as possible!

    • CEI says:

      You said it. “piling on”. The progressive media puts out filthy hit piece after filthy hit piece and their progressive trained seals clap in unison and giggle to one another. They can’t build a case for why she should be president so they have to dismantle any and all opposition. It seems to be the one and only method to prop up Mrs. Clinton so they gotta’ go with it. She has no record of ever having accomplished anything except for hanging on to her sleazy husband on whose coattails she has based her whole career. Were it not for Bill she’d be selling real estate somewhere in flyover country driving a beat-up 20 year old Ford and wearing cheap polyester pant suits.

      • klastri says:

        There is actually a really good case why Mrs. Clinton should be President, but you just don’t understand it. And you have made it really clear that no amount of education will change that.

        Please enjoy Mr. Trump’s spectacular loss. That loss – hopefully as embarrassing enough to silence him – will be great for America.

        • kuroiwaj says:

          IRT Klastri, and it is conclusive why Mr. Trump must be President. We do understand that Ms Hillary has the compromised the safety and security of the United States of America. Mr. Trump will make America Safe and Great Again.

        • davcon says:

          So Klastri what is the really good case, Educate us.

        • RLKE says:

          CEI has a point. Her campaign is looking for every reason to dis-credit the Donald and at the same time avoided(lied) about every question about her emails, her collusion with fixing the DNC, illegal campaign funds, and the list goes on. It’s funny how an olympic athlete can lie about an evening out with friends and get out of hand by damaging a gas station and get chastised about it. While Hillary will lie to this great nation, put our countries national security in jeopardy, and fix the DNC to her favor???? the list goes on. If you think about it, what’s a greater threat to our nation, alleged sexual assault from 20 yrs ago or a presidential candidate that only looks out for herself.

      • Vector says:

        CEI- Stop excusing the disgusting and animalistic behavior of your Trump

      • kolohepalu says:

        The truth- it has a well known liberal bias:

        •First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
        •President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
        •Intern at the House Republican Conference
        •Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
        •Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
        •Appointed to Senator Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.
        •Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
        •Staff attorney for Children’s Defense Fund
        •Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
        •Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
        •First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation
        •First female partner at Rose Law Firm.
        •Former civil litigation attorney.
        •Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
        •twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America
        •Former First Lady of Arkansas.
        •Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
        •Chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession
        •twice named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
        •created Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
        •led a task force that reformed Arkansas’s education system
        •Board of directors of Wal-Mart and several other corporations
        •Instrumental in passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
        •Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
        •Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
        •Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome)
        •Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
        •Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act
        •First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree
        •Traveled to 79 countries during time as FLOTUS
        •Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
        •Served on five Senate committees:
        -Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
        -Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
        -Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
        -Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
        -Special Committee on Aging.
        •Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
        •Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site’s redevelopment
        •Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
        •In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
        • Middle East ceasefire. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
        •Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.
        •First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate (and re-elected)
        •Two-term New York Senator
        -(senate stats here: https://www.govtrack.us/…)
        -(voting record here: http://votesmart.org/…)
        •Former US Secretary of State
        •GRAMMY Award Winner

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Well done….on the other hand we have a spoiled, silver spoon born, sixtime bankrupt, three time married, non federal tax paying, misogynistic T and A grabbing champion.

      • Boots says:

        Those “filthy hit pieces” couldn’t be put out except for the fact that the republican candidate for president is just white trash. lol

    • Boots says:

      I just wish Hillary would just say she would appoint Mrs Obama to the Supreme Court. She is a great woman and would make an excellent Supreme court justice.

  2. CEI says:

    Here we go with a fresh round of childish reporting courtesy of the Clinton controlled AP and it’s junior attack dog the Star Advertiser. I don’t suppose the issues that affect the world and America’s place in it are of any interest to the educated class.

    • sarge22 says:

      US Debt Soars To $19.7 Trillion…up over $170 billion in just eight business days.
      To give it some context, that’s up over $170 billion in just eight business days.

      Of course, this hasn’t been reported anywhere because the media is too busy pretending to be shocked that Donald Trump is a womanizer.

      And yet the debt is a much, much bigger story… though admittedly one that is far less entertaining.

      The election is merely a fight over who gets to be the band conductor while the Titanic sinks. And the debt is precisely the reason for this.

  3. Waikele says:

    We are a nation of 200+ million people, and these are the best two candidates we can come up with for President??

    • RLKE says:

      agreed Waikele. I support neither but if I had to choose between the two, i’d chose the one I think will give this country a change and potentially a chance.

    • Boots says:

      Well they went through a long process and this is what we got. Find it amazing that the republicans started out with something like 17 and ended up with the Donald. This is funny but it is also so pathetic. Hopefully in the future they will go back to believing in republican values?

  4. Ikefromeli says:

    Hooray!!! This one is a win for eloquence, humility, grace, wisdom, insight, real accomplishment and human decency.

    • CEI says:

      Really Ike you’re making a spectacle of yourself as of late. First it’s trumpeting your locker room towel snapping escapades in college, then reminding everyone for the umpteenth time about your elite education. Now it’s no-holds-barred Clinton boot-licking. What’s next? Emptying Hilary’s drool buckets?

    • kuroiwaj says:

      IRT Ike, Hawaii born President Obama’s wife Michelle has opened the flood gates to now get attacked from all fronts. She was well protected, and now it’s all fair game. Why she decided to get in the mud with Mr. Trump and Ms Hillary is a very special question.

      • Ikefromeli says:

        Go ahead take on a sitting president with an approval rating of 60% and the First Lady who has an approval north of 80%. But, as with the many miscues of Trump, I wouldn’t be surprised he makes another grave error.

    • beachbum11 says:

      Private school, huh?

  5. davcon says:

    Again this sorry excuse for a newspaper reports on some real issues that affects our Country, just goes to show how narrow minded the Clinton supporters are if they think this is a real issue. What really bothers me is the Uranium deal that Hilliar brokered with the Russians when she was Secretary of State and in return the Clinton Foundation banked $145 Million. Uranium is used to make nuclear weapons, Thank you Hilliar for putting us at risk and gambling with our lives. So who is really in business with the Russians.

    • Vector says:

      Trump does not have any experience in public service. If he is so sincere and honest, let him show us his tax returns. He is nothing but talk, slurs and insults against Hillary and Democrats, and anyone that contradicts him. Disgusting and revolting creature.

      • RLKE says:

        experience????? if experience is lying, cheating, putting our country in jeopardy, rigging the political committees, and so on, we need some real help for the US of A.

  6. lespark says:

    Michelle Obama didn’t say that about Crooked Hilliary in 2008. What a two faced hypocrite. She knows if she doesn’t attack Trump she’ll end up in Kakaako with Ike and klastri.

    • Ikefromeli says:

      Mom, let you out of the basement? What’s was lunch today, cream of tomato and grilled cheese? Maybe, she will let you out so you can go play Pokémon….

    • davcon says:

      Exactly, I like this one from MO if she can’t control her own house how can she control the White House. Slick Willy can’t wait to get back in the White House he’s going to be like a kid in a candy store.

  7. nomu1001 says:

    A great role model to aspire to, for everyone who shares her vision and ideals.

  8. Ikefromeli says:

    After appointing a special prosecutor, of course. The niceties must be observed. First, a fair trial, then a proper hanging. The day after the debate, at a rally in Pennsylvania, Trump responded to chants of “Lock her up” with “Lock her up is right.” Two days later, he told a rally in Lakeland, Fla., “She has to go to jail.”

    Such incendiary talk is an affront to elementary democratic decency and a breach of the boundaries of American political discourse.

    In democracies, the electoral process is a subtle and elaborate substitute for combat, the age-old way of settling struggles for power. But that sublimation works only if there is mutual agreement to accept both the legitimacy of the result (which Trump keeps undermining with charges that the very process is “rigged”) and the boundaries of the contest. The prize for the winner is temporary accession to limited political power, not the satisfaction of vendettas. Vladimir Putin, Hugo Chávez, and a cavalcade of two-bit caudillos lock up their opponents. American leaders don’t.

    It takes decades, centuries, to develop ingrained norms of political restraint and self-control. But they can be undone in short order by a demagogue feeding a vengeful populism.

    Who wrote this?? The iconic and all together conservative Charles Krauthhammer.

    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/441054/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-lock-her-up-threat-democracy

  9. CEI says:

    Okay SA time to make room in the top 4 “ELECTION 2016” stories. I’m sure Charles Manson wants to weigh in and let the world know how horrified he is after learning of Trumps lewd comments.

  10. RLKE says:

    Maybe we should just listen to Baba Vanga, a blind bulgarian clairvoyant that predicted the 44th president to be the 1st black president of the US and the last. She also predicted al ot more that will intrigue

  11. WizardOfMoa says:

    Ms Obama & Ms Clinton are considered smart women! Highly educated people don’t talk about people. Especially subjects and a person behavior of decades ago! People evolve to become a better person and should be judge according to the present time. In addition, the world won’t stop because of men animalistic behavior toward women! Focus on how all of us can learn to live in peace with each other. None of the presidential candidates are angelic materials so stop both sides from wasting time and energies bringing their personal history from decades ago into our homes! Give us positive ideas and constructive plans for a better and strong America. Not dirt and mud of yesteryears!

  12. Ikefromeli says:

    Proposition No. 1: Trump isn’t “Teflon.” Stories like these have hurt him. The conventional wisdom from the primaries — that Trump was unaffected by scandals or other negative storylines — hasn’t held up in the general election. Trump is the most unpopular presidential nominee of the modern era, and furthermore, downswings in his polling correlate well with specific incidents, such as his criticism of Judge Gonzalo Curiel and Khizr and Ghazala Khan. He’s also lost further ground to Hillary Clinton since the tape was released last week.

    Proposition No. 2: These events may affect Trump’s “ceiling” more than his “floor.” At some point, though, one wonders how much lower Trump can go. He’s getting only 39 percent of the vote in national polls, a low figure for such a partisan era. Even if Trump gets embroiled in further scandals, each one may drive away fewer voters than the one before, as he’s already been involved in so many. And Trump’s response to the accusations — such lashing out at The New York Times and other media organizations that reported his accusers’ stories — could play well with his base.

    But 39 percent of the vote won’t be enough for Trump to win the election or come anywhere close to it. At a minimum, he’ll need around 46 percent on Nov. 8, assuming that about 8 percent of the vote goes to third-party candidates. Where he’ll get those votes from is hard to say. Based on recent polls, I’d estimate that about 35 percent of Trump’s current voters are white men without a college degree, by far Trump’s best demographic group. But only around 10 percent of voters who don’t currently support Trump fall into that category. Trump will have to win over women, college-educated white men or people of color to win the election, and the events of the past week are unlikely to help him with any of those groups.

    Proposition No. 3: It’s plausible that the effect on the polls could be temporary rather than permanent. There’s a complicated debate about whether election polls are essentially mean-reverting or instead resemble a random walk. In other words, if Trump goes from being (for instance) 5 percentage points behind to 7 points behind as a result of some news event, is he more likely than not to rebound to 5 points after a couple of weeks? Or is the 7-point deficit the new normal? There’s even a third possibility — that polls are momentum-driven, so that if a candidate loses ground in a poll, he’s likely to continue losing further ground.

    Without getting too deep into the weeds, I’d just remind you to be open to the possibility that the accusations could have an effect that will last for between a few days and a couple of weeks, but that could fade once other issues displace them in the news cycle. Of course, with less than four weeks to go until the election and people already voting in many states, even a temporary change in the polling numbers could still be reflected in the outcome on Nov. 8.

    Proposition No. 4: We probably haven’t seen the end of this. If Trump turns out to be a serial sexual abuser, there’s a good chance that other women will come forward with stories like the ones we’ve heard already. And the women who have come forward so far may yet share additional details about Trump’s alleged conduct. In the past, Trump has also shown a tendency to extend news cycles by refusing to admit wrongdoing and attacking his accusers, even when faced with accusations far less serious than these. We’re already starting to see Trump repeat that pattern here.

    Furthermore, opposition researchers have begun releasing information at a prodigious rate, with major new stories about Trump dropping every few days. Many political operatives and campaign reporters believe that there’s more damaging information about Trump that has yet to be made public. While sometimes those guesses can turn out to be wrong, Trump has lived in the public spotlight for decades, leaving a long paper and video trail, and crossing paths — and swords — with many people along the way. The probability of additional leaks is high, so Trump is likely to be off-balance for the stretch run of the campaign.

    Proposition No. 5: This probably won’t cost him the election — because Trump was already losing. It’s important to remember that Trump has been running behind Clinton for almost the whole campaign, and he had fallen into roughly a 5-percentage-point deficit after his poor performance in the first presidential debate — and before the latest round of scandals. That deficit is fairly hard to come back from even under the best of circumstances. To make it to the Oval Office now, Trump would have to make one of the greatest comebacks in political history while navigating a minefield of scandals and leaks, making his task even harder. But as far as FiveThirtyEight’s forecasts are concerned, the first debate still looks like the turning point in the race.


  13. Maipono says:

    It’s too bad that the President and First Lady have to dive into this sewer of a campaign. There is not depth that the two will dive into the muck just to demean the office and the country. Thank goodness we have only a few more months of these total incompetents.

  14. Ikefromeli says:

    The man some would would have as our President:

    Donald Trump repeatedly referred to a deaf actress as “retarded,” a Daily Beast report says. Marlee Matlin, who won the Oscar for best actress for 1986’s Children of a Lesser God, was a 2011 contestant on Celebrity Apprentice. The Beast talked to three longtime staffers who described how Trump treated Matlin:

    During the taping of the show, Trump would often scribble down notes while sitting at the table of “the boardroom”—the show’s primary set. A person familiar with the notes who helped clean up after tapings said that on one of the pieces of paper, Trump wrote: “Marlee, is she retarded??”

    “[Trump] would make fun of her voice. It actually sounded a lot like what he did [to] the New York Times guy,” one source said, referring to Trump’s ridicule of disabled reporter Serge Kovaleski. “Like, to make it seem like she was mentally not there? [It] sounded like he got a real kick out of it. It was really upsetting.”

    The maturity of an eight year old….sorry, that’s a bad rap on eight years olds.

  15. Ikefromeli says:

    Another groping incident, will be breaking today on the Washington Post this afternoon.

    Folks, must keep in mind, that mainstream news outlets, have very thoughtful fact checking, for both legal purposes and to verify veracity . In all instances, the subject of the story (Trump) is always given a chance to explain and present are side of their respective story.

    No doubt, more to come….

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