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Trump calls ruling on travel ban a ‘political decision’


President Donald Trump spoke during a meeting with Senators on his Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch on Thursday in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington.

WASHINGTON >> President Donald Trump said today’s federal appellate court ruling against reinstating his refugee and immigration order was a “political decision” that jeopardized national security.

“We have a situation where the security of our country is at stake and it’s a very, very serious situation so we look forward … to seeing them in court,” Trump said. “We’re going to win the case.”

Trump, in a brief, impromptu appearance in the West Wing, did not specify what his administration’s next legal steps would be and said he had not yet conferred with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was sworn into office earlier today.

The president said he did not believe the decision undercut his presidency.

In a unanimous decision, the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined Thursday to block a lower-court ruling that suspended the executive order preventing travelers from seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the U.S.

The Justice Department said it was “reviewing the decision and considering its options.” It could appeal the judge’s restraining order to the U.S. Supreme Court or it could attempt to make the case for the travel ban in the district court.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway suggested the next step would be to argue the merits of the executive order.

“The statute provides a president … with great latitude and authority to protect the citizens and to protect the nation’s national security,” Conway said. “This was not argued on the merits. Now that we’ll have an opportunity to argue on the merits we look forward to doing that. We look forward to prevailing.”

The ruling represented a setback for Trump’s administration and the second legal defeat for the new president in the past week. Trump’s decision to sign the executive order late last month has sparked protests at airports around the world as authorities barred scores of travelers from entering the country amid confusion over how to implement the details.

The appellate decision brushed aside arguments by the Justice Department that the president has the constitutional power to restrict entry to the United States and that the courts cannot second-guess his determination that such a step was needed to prevent terrorism.

Shortly after the ruling, Trump tweeted, “SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer tweeted Thursday that Trump “ought to see the writing on the wall” and abandon the proposal. The New York Democrat called on the president to “roll up his sleeves” and come up with “a real, bipartisan plan to keep us safe.”

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California promised, “Democrats will continue to press for President Trump’s dangerous and unconstitutional ban to be withdrawn.” And Trump’s former presidential rival Hillary Clinton offered a terse response on Twitter, noting the unanimous vote: “3-0”

U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle issued the temporary restraining order halting the ban last week after Washington state and Minnesota sued, leading to the federal government’s appeal.

The Trump administration has said the seven nations — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — have raised terrorism concerns. The states have argued that the executive order unconstitutionally blocked entry based on religion and the travel ban harmed individuals, businesses and universities.

In a hallway conversation with reporters, Trump expressed confidence that he will prevail in court if the case is argued on the merits.

He and his aides frequently refer to a ruling by a federal judge in Boston who declined last week to extend a temporary injunction against Trump’s travel ban. In the separate federal ruling in Seattle that night, a different federal judge put the ban on hold nationwide; it is that judge’s decision that the White House has challenged.

“It’s a decision that we’ll win, in my opinion, very easily and, by the way, we won that decision in Boston,” Trump said.

The president, in his third week in office, has criticized the judiciary’s handling of the case. Last weekend, he labeled Robart a “so-called judge” and referred to the ruling as “ridiculous.” Earlier this week he accused the appellate court considering his executive order of being “so political.”

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch, has referred to the president’s comments as “demoralizing and disheartening,” according to a Democratic senator who asked him about Trump’s response.

Trump has yet to nominate a candidate to be solicitor general, the lawyer who argues before the Supreme Court on behalf of the United States. Trump told reporters he’ll be making that decision over the next week.

32 responses to “Trump calls ruling on travel ban a ‘political decision’”

  1. keaukaha says:

    Based on the Chumps theory, he should add Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Ur anus, and Neptune to the list because no one from those places committed an act of terrorism in the U.S also.

  2. wrightj says:

    This president isn’t as powerful as he thinks he is.

  3. skinut says:

    The narcissistic buffoon cannot handle being told “no,” and lashes out in an infantile manner not befitting a president, let alone an adult. He also has no regard for the effect his words and actions have. In the news, there are increasing reports of attacks on minorities by morons likely emboldened by trump’s behavior. It seems more likely that americans will suffer more harm from trump’s policies than any danger he is carping about.

  4. klastri says:

    The Muslim ban was an example of bad lawyering. That may be because Mr. Bannon wrote it, and because none of the normal legal offices that analyze EOs saw it before Trump signed it. Trump believes that he can do anything, and he’s discovering to his surprise that the Judiciary can and will stop him when needed.

    It’s not political. It’s spectacular incompetence by a President who, sadly for the world, is profoundly mentally ill.

    • amela says:

      So if they reverse their decision is that political?

    • sarge22 says:

      It seems that the move to the Supreme Court has been expressed ever since the first legal opposition to Trump’s Executive Order appeared. If one goes back in the reports of the past few weeks, in almost every one, Trump has said he will go to the Supreme Court with this, for example:

      “Yesterday Trump acknowledged Tuesday that the fight over the travel ban could wind up at the Supreme Court, and he is willing to defend it there. “We’re going to take it through the system,” Trump told reporters during a meeting with sheriffs at the White House. “It’s very important for the country.”

      Another issue is that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is in San Francisco, California……a hot-bed of extremely emotional and politically anti-Trump groups.

      If the Supreme Court upholds his Constitutional authority, how many anti-what ever groups are going to be totally disarmed, including the biased MSM?

      Interesting, in his first 3 weeks, he has done an excellent job of drawing so many of his elitist opponents, from both political parties, out of the shadows …..and more are exposing themselves every day. Chess anyone?

      Would old George Carlin have said?: “Once they are out in the open, he has them by the balls!”

      • keaukaha says:

        Corporal 11 get real! The dumb fu-k-r just got his as- kicked big time. He and his administration is in a real bad place right now and the bluffing can only last for so long. My advice to all Chumpsters is that we all fu-k up but the difference between ignorance and intelligence is knowing when to throw in the towel.

        • keaukaha says:

          Forgot to tell you this corporal but his own Supreme Court nominee has criticized him. To any realistic person no presidency can take this many hits in less than a month and hope to survive a four year term.

        • keaukaha says:

          I am proud to tell all of you Chumpsters that l am celebrating and joyful that the Chumps presidency is struggling and I sincerely hope that it fails. I am saying this because I would rather have Pence than the Chump at the helm.

  5. bsdetection says:

    Conservative lawyer and Washington Post columnist wrote, “The opinion tells us much about the hubris and sheer incompetence of the new administration as the court rebuked it at every turn, pointing to errors in law and lawyering.

    “The administration made the argument that the case was not even reviewable, despite ample precedent from the George W. Bush years. In its most memorable line of the opinion the judges held, ‘There is no precedent to support this claimed unreviewability, which runs contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy.'”

  6. Qbcoach15 says:

    That’s the same thing we told the morons that voted you in.

    Oh man, ALL CAPS? This guy means business! Can you imagine, 100 years from now, this being in the history books? “And on this date in 2017, President trump Tweeted “SEE YOU IN COURT.” Not since Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address in 1863 had Americans been treated to such a moving, articulate display of leadership.”

  7. aaronavilla says:

    trump is gonna win just like he “won” the case against him and trump university…

  8. Bothrops says:

    yup, good thinking, insult federal judges who then see it as an assault on the separation of powers. That will play well with Roberts.

  9. mazie says:

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. What a cry baby. Get a grip. Maybe, if he actually read the Constitution….nah, definitely not going to happen. But good civics lesson for my kids.

  10. justmyview371 says:

    So much for requesting a review by the full Ninth Circuit. Someone close Trump’s twitter account and keep the press away from him. He talks too much.

  11. keaukaha says:

    Amazing not one cricket chirp since 5:17pm. Must be some kind of record but like I said getting kicked in the balls three times will definitely take some time to recover from.

    • NP5491 says:

      keaukaha> You can do better than that, can’t you??? That was really “out of this world.” Terrorism happens all the time, not only effected by refugees, etc., but also by people here, it’s called terroristic threatening. All the la, la, la talk does not serve all of you in the least mature sense of being a minimally respectful person to the POTUS. Be nice and it will only help you get through these initial days of the new admin. I assure you all that there will be no impeachment or bad things for the next 8 years. Cool head, main thing.

      • keaukaha says:

        NP5491 I’ll be respectful when we have a president that is presidential and earns my respect. My rule of thumb is that you reap what you sow. Look at at him because he is a 70 year old Macaulay Caulkin. You should tweet your comment and advice to the Chump because he needs it more than me.

        • keaukaha says:

          PS you must be related to McConnel or Ryan because your on the top deck of the u.as-.as- Chump. Believe me when the water or shi- hits the fan you will definitely have a change of heart.

        • keaukaha says:

          In other words when he stops acting like the punk that he is I might consider calling him Trump instead of Chump. If he grew up in Hawaii he wouldn’t be the punk that he is because he would gotten all that arrogance beaten out of him. Arrogance AKA shi-!

      • NP5491 says:

        keaukaha> Now I have a better appreciation of where you are coming from. Yes, POTUS does have a “spoiled brat” approach to how him does things. He has had a lifetime of being in charge, so he oftentimes reacts in an immature manner, but he has the smarts and know how to make things happen. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good, but my overall assessment is that he will keep his promise to the American people. I don’t see him jeopardizing everything to not do a good job as the POTUS. I see your point about him if he was raised in Hawaii, he wouldn’t be a punk. Anyway, Keaukaha, I’m on the boat with my life vest on and a zodiac, fueled and fully of provisions……it’s a long trip ahead and I can only hope that for we Americans, it will be a safe and prosperous one. Aloha and mahalo!!!!

        • keaukaha says:

          NP5491 I wish you well and Godspeed. If more Chumpsters were like you and dealt with opposition with respect there might be room for compromise. I will pray for you because the world is at a stage where normal people are forced to take desperate measures for their survival. For my family and I we are okay. My investments recovered well under President Obama. I I believe that kindness and decency goes a long way but more importantly that no one should give in to a bully. I know that my posts can be brutal but I have been around the block more than once in my life and I will never ever back down from any type of oppression.

  12. bsdetection says:

    Trump claimed that the Judiciary has no right to challenge the executive branch, and the best line in the decision, perhaps, is this: “There is no precedent to support this claimed unreviewability, which runs contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy.”

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