Yo-Yo Ma concert plea brings lost puppy home
LENOX, Mass. >> With Yo-Yo Ma’s help, a friend was able to bring his lost puppy home.
The cellist made an impassioned plea to nearly 14,000 concertgoers on Aug. 6 after a matinee at Tanglewood in Massachusetts to ask them to help find conductor David Zinman’s lost puppy.
The 4-month-old Havanese named Carlito had vanished that morning and Zinman was afraid the puppy would get run over by a car or snatched by a coyote. Ma considers Zinman one of his greatest mentors.
Grace Ellrodt didn’t attend the show but heard about the lost dog from concertgoers and family.
She and her boyfriend were driving in Lenox that night when they spotted the lost puppy in the road. She says she knew right way it was Carlito.