Best Buy offers free shipping for holidays

Best Buy says it’s waiving the $35 minimum needed for free shipping for the third holiday season in a row.
NEW YORK >> Best Buy is offering free shipping for the holiday shopping season while expanding its same-day delivery service.
The nation’s largest consumer electronics chain, which is based in Richfield, Minnesota, says it’s waiving the $35 minimum needed for free shipping for the third holiday season in a row. The offer runs from now until Dec. 25.
It also says it’s expanding its same-day delivery service to more than 40 markets, up from 25 this past fall. In areas where the service is available, shoppers will be able to place an order as of 3 p.m. local time and receive the package by 9 p.m. that night for $5.99.
Like many other retailers, Best Buy is expanding its options for shoppers looking for more convenience amid stiffer competition from online leader