YMCA to spend $1.7M on Kamamalu Park improvements
The Young Men’s Christian Association of Honolulu has agreed to put in $1.7 million in improvements at Kamamalu Neighborhood Park, the city facility next to the YMCA’s busy Nuuanu branch.
The improvements include a new comfort station, a new 150-stall parking lot, expansion and re-striping of the park’s existing parking lot, new security lighting and improved landscaping.
Under a new city ordinance, park-goers will need to feed meters to park. The city said that’s to deter downtown workers or others from parking there.
The city has put up a play apparatus set at a cost of $118,000.
Under the public-private partnership, the YMCA will conduct basic maintenance of the comfort station and conduct volunteer cleanup efforts of the park. The city will continue to do regular maintenance.
The agreement was formally announced by Mayor Kirk Caldwell, YMCA CEO and president Michael Broderick and other YMCA officials at a press conference held at the park today.