Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Monday, June 3, 2024 83° Today's Paper


Letters: Ala Wai a better site for our new stadium; Country came too close to violent overthrow; Uncovered noses make mask-wearing useless

Why does our new stadium need to be where the old one was? And why does it have to be part of a splashy “new entertainment district” — an airy-fairy scheme that just balloons the total project costs? And why does the University of Hawaii sports program get last-dibs input, while private-sector developers call the important shots (“UH wants more input on new stadium,” Star-Advertiser, Jan. 9)?

Let’s get imaginative. Honolulu already has an “entertainment district.” It’s called Waikiki. Why not build a new, smaller, enclosed stadium on the Ala Wai Golf Course? It would be as close to the main UH campus as the Michigan stadium is to the University of Michigan main campus. Students, tourists and residents of Waikiki could walk to the stadium. Automobile parking would be minimal, but that is just what we should be aiming to limit in the future.

Finally, with the old stadium and parking lots gone, an enormous amount of publicly owned, highly desirable, ocean-view space would be cleared up for more housing for our people.

Jerry Dupont



America had its own ‘Beer Hall Putsch’

When I was a child, I just could not understand how the Holocaust could have happened to a modern enlightened country. I studied and learned how it happened, and how it happened again and again, and more disturbingly, could happen in America.

People laughed at me when I pointed out the eerie parallels between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. I am laughing out loud at our “Beer Hall Putsch” and even more at those people who couldn’t see it coming.

Joseph T. Bussen



Trump empowered by anti-abortion voters

The National Association of Manufacturers, a key Trump-supporting lobbying group, said the attacks on the U.S. Capitol violated the group’s core values.

Where are the evangelical Christian leaders who provided Donald Trump another major bloc of votes for his election, to promote their anti-abortion goals? How many lives have been lost because Trump did not provide competent leadership to control COVID-19? How much are Americans suffering because of the widening economic inequality and disruption in our economic support networks?

Electing a leader based on support of a single issue can have unexpected consequences.

Judith Suzurikawa



Country came too close to violent overthrow

It now appears that not only did the president incite his followers to invade the U.S. Capitol, but protection of the greatest physical symbol of democracy was weakened to allow it to be breached, endangering the thousands of unauthorized people inside.

No one was being checked for weapons and bombs before they were “allowed” to enter. A dozen intruders with assault weapons could have been brought in and done serious damage. The thousands ransacking the building could have started fires all over the place.

Can you believe how close we came to a violent overthrow of the legislative branch of our national government?

And now we learn that available Maryland National Guard response was delayed by the secretary of defense.

Donald Trump and his enabling appointees have to go now!

Francis M. Nakamoto

Moanalua Valley


Thanks to the heroes of Washington attack

We watched in horror as Donald Trump-incited seditionists attacked our government. Seeing photos of workers carrying the ballots to safety and security forces protecting our members of Congress reminded many of us that there were real people under attack. They are thousands of faceless government employees — experts, facilitators, staffers, many others, all of them our neighbors — put in mortal danger because of their devotion to the common good of defending the Constitution and upholding democracy.

At Citizens’ Climate Lobby, we work with congressional staffers so we are endlessly grateful to the brave individuals who protected our colleagues. We are also grateful to the staffers and all government employees who work to ensure our democracy.

Many of us are in the habit of telling members of our armed forces, “Thank you for your service.” Let’s broaden that circle to the staff members who work in the offices of our government. They deserve it!

Paul Bernstein

Honolulu chapter leader, Citizens’ Climate Lobby


Tourism lull is ideal time to repair hazardous sites

Tourism is down, presenting Hawaii with an opportunity to fix or enhance areas that are heavily visited by tourists.

An example is the pavement near the King Kamehameha statue downtown. The potholes are a danger to pedestrians, who are looking at the statue, the courthouses and banyan trees instead of watching out for tripping hazards.

The cost to repair is less than the medical bills and memories that will be retained by an injured tourist.

Other areas on all islands have similar situations. Let’s show aloha by eliminating these types of miscellaneous hazards.

Leonard Leong



Uncovered noses make mask-wearing useless

A recent editorial seemed to laud President-elect Joe Biden’s plans to have everyone wear a mask “because others will be wearing them, too” (“Mask-up mentality,” Star-Advertiser, Our View, Jan. 9). The problem with this is that a large number of people who wear masks don’t wear them well. The top of the mask is below the nose, with their nostrils in plain view.

I’ve seen news broadcasts where the newsperson said all the people in a crowd pictured are wearing masks, but I couldn’t see any with their nose covered. At least they have their mouths covered?

Well, when you go for a COVID-19 test, do they swab your mouth or throat or do they swab your nose? Guess where the virus congregates.

Bart Mathias

Oakland, Calif.


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