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Saturday, September 7, 2024 83° Today's Paper

Of the rail board’s two “interim plan” options to the feds, which is preferable?

  • A. Plan A: Find money to build as planned to Ala Moana (652 Votes)
  • C. Neither; forgo feds’ $1.5 billion, halt rail (518 Votes)
  • B. Plan B: Stick to budget, cut stations, stop downtown (126 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

33 responses to “Of the rail board’s two “interim plan” options to the feds, which is preferable?”

  1. kiragirl says:

    For those who voted to finish rail to the shopping center, WHERE is the money gonna come from?

    • leoscott says:

      You and me, the voters. I’m willing to pay my share.

      • Maipono says:

        Great, you and PRP pay for it, not the rest of us who are overtaxed and will not benefit from this monstrosity.

      • kiragirl says:

        You’re a shinning example of why we are the highest tax State in the nation. Like money grows on trees. Drag everyone else down with you.

        • leoscott says:

          It’s call democracy. The majority of the people don’t mind paying a few more dollars for our future. Stop thinking about yourself for a change.

        • kiragirl says:

          Leo, democracy? When did we ever vote that we wanted rail to be so much over the budget and years behind schedule? If this is humorous to you, then you’re a joke!

        • HAJAA1 says:

          You’re a joke for calling others a joke. We get it, you can’t debate properly so your emotions take control.

        • dragoninwater says:

          leoscott, please tell me how much you are willing to pay? Right now, given the current population of Oahu at under 1-million and current estimated cost to build… every single resident will have to contribute $8,000 in EXTRA taxes to fully fund the rail. Have you already paid your $8,000 in EXTRA taxes (excluding state, federal, SSA, medicare)? If you haven’t paid your $8,00 additional tax then don’t ask the rest of us to pitch in an extra $8k like I’ve got nothing better to spend my $8k on. Secondly, I’ll never even commute on this boondoggle since I live in the heart of the city. So please share with us your wisdom on how is the county going to scrape together the funds and how much you personally feel you should pay in EXTRA taxes?

        • ens623 says:

          HAJAA1 Your a clown for calling Kira girl a joke. And I will tell it to your face if you get the cajones to meet me in person instead of hiding behind your keyboard. Clown show you how to debate local style.

  2. Masami says:

    This average local says “Nuff auready!”.

  3. leoscott says:

    It’s always the same, me me me! Anytime a condo goes up, it’s done for the rich. Well, a lot of people I know aren’t rich and they been buying the new condos. I work 2 jobs plus more so I can afford the things I have. It’s all up to you, you can either complain about your life or do something about it. In this world nothing is handed to you in a silver platter. And yes I am local born and raise in Kalihi valley and what of it.

    • Waterman2 says:

      The portion built so far probably won’t pass an engineering test anyway , so why throw more money at it ?

    • sailfish1 says:

      If you were smarter and knew not to throw money into an endless pit, you wouldn’t have to “work 2 jobs plus more so I can afford the things I have”.

      • dragoninwater says:

        hahaha, words of wisdom, so true! I even know ex-wealthy people that blew it all away and ended up in the gutter. leoscott sounds like he’s working hard to support Mufi and Caldwell like the good servant he is while Caldwell rakes in an extra $200k+ a year working 2-3 hours at a bank as a part time consultant, so I guess Caldwell also works 2 jobs, or should I say hardly works at all to earn millions a year in kickbacks and bribes.

    • hailama says:

      Leoscott u must wealthy that’s why u don’t mind paying extra or u work for prp!..nice well for your info I would like to see go on t.v and tell hawaii u want to pay extra u know what there are gonna say!! U PAY FOR IT!!

    • butinski says:

      You’re from Kalihi and work two jobs eh? Ever think of getting one good job? That’s “raised” not raise in Kalihi.

      • dragoninwater says:

        loescott is Caldwell’s pseudonym. Caldwell has 2 jobs remember? One working for the city and the other working at a bank 2-3 hours a month and earning an extra $200k+ a year.

        Hey Kirk, I mean leoscott, go ahead and donate that entire $200k toward the rail this year out of your good heart. I’m sure the chump change is nothing compared to the millions you got in bribes and kickbacks.

    • Bdpapa says:

      Good for you! I did the same thing and was able to give my family a little extra. Anyone criticizing you for what you have, done have never had to do what it takes. Don’t trust them, they are all takers!

    • wiliki says:

      Yes, a lot of younger people are self centered. They don’t want to know about the sacrifices that the older generation has made.

  4. sailfish1 says:

    I can now see why we are in this rail mess. There are still people who want rail with no regard for the gigantic cost overruns. Don’t you people know what it means when they say “find money”? It means raise taxes. If you are thinking developers are going to pay $2 billion to finish rail to Ala Moana, you must have permanent brain damage.

    You are the same people who voted initially for rail, voted for rail by electing Caldwell over Cayetano, and keep voting for incompetent incumbents over and over because you don’t have a clue who is the better candidate. Then, you complain about poor road maintenance, failing sewer and water systems, high housing costs, etc. when the blame is mostly due to YOU.

  5. PatNOreo says:

    This thing is half built already. Like it or not we are committed. Like any construction project, time is the enemy. We must find the funds anyway we can by bonds, private endowments, taxes, airport fees, or tourist fees. Stop crying and suck it up because after it’s built you’ll wonder how we got along without it. With all the traffic congestion on the freeways and surface streets this rail may be the only way for an emergency trip to save your life.

    • hailama says:

      Patnoreo! We didn’t vote for it…crooked elections. .nuff sedd!!

    • sailfish1 says:

      Pat…. You say “this rail may be the only way for an emergency trip to save your life”. So you are going to get on the train to get to a hospital when you are fighting for your life? Hahahaha! That is the first time anybody ever said that. Ever hear of 911 or ambulances???

    • dsl says:

      Uninformed poster here – So now the rail is for emergency trips? I don’t get it?? Billions and billions of dollars to find that rail is the only way for an emergency trip to save your life…We’re screwed with that kind of thinking!!

    • dragoninwater says:

      “rail may be the only way for an emergency trip to save your life.”

      Well, I think you should take the Myth-buster challenge to prove to us that it works and I’ll personally pay you $10,000 out of my pocket if you take the challenge.

      1. Drive out to the starting point of where the rail begins in Kapolei
      2. Stab yourself with a 7-inch knife right through one of your lungs.
      3. Buy a ticket and ride the train through all of the 21 stops each a mile apart, and exit at Ala Moana where paramedics will be waiting to save you.

      Just remember, this is to test out your emergency myth to prove to us that the train will be faster and better than getting an ambulance on the road like you claim.
      Are you up for it?

  6. wiliki says:

    Unfortunately Djou is against rail. He’s always voted against it.

  7. americantaxpayer says:

    The federal government knows that both interim plans are unaffordable by our small island state taxpayers. I hope I’m wrong but do the Feds even know we haven’t even figured out there the electricity will come from to run rail?

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