Honolulu Star-Advertiser

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Letters to the Editor

Kahuku already are champions

It’s unfortunate that the Kahuku football team was disqualified and unable to participate in the state tournament. I feel really sad for the team, the community and the entire Oahu Interscholasic Association program. All sport organizations have rules that govern their activities and when these rules are not complied with, there are consequences.

Changing the rules or procedures and the outcome after the infraction is unfair to the whole organization. Hiring a lawyer to reverse the ruling could cause a huge monetary setback for the entire OIA organization, parents and the state because of the rescheduling of the stadiums, hotel rooms for the players on all islands and airlines schedules, if the suit disrupts the present OIA football schedule. The Kahuku football program, the school and all that are responsible for their program had four years to discover this eligibility infraction but it somehow fell through the cracks. The Kahuku football team has been admirably gracious and they should continue to feel like champions and move on. 

Harold Omori


How to write us

The Star-Advertiser welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (~175 words). The Star-Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include your area of residence and a daytime telephone number.

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Editorial on A+ fees offensive

Thank you for publishing the informative editorial, "Hold line on A+ fee hikes" (Star-Advertiser, Nov. 6). It was the first I had heard of the upcoming increase in A+ fees. However, your suggestions to cover the additional $30 a month for A+ by packing more home lunches and buying fewer "smoothies" and "snack packs" were just plain offensive. Times are very hard. For a lot of people and for my family, and I’m sure many others as well, the belt-tightening has already happened. In my family’s case, we do not qualify for low-income subsidies, but do not earn enough to comfortably treat our kids to "smoothies" and "snack packs."

Heather Winfield-Smith


Mililani race needs review

The recent election results for the House seat in District 38 (Mililani, Mililani Mauka) appears to have been rather questionable at best. After three counts had already come in showing Shaun Kawakami the winner by 63 votes, we were perplexed the next day to hear he lost by 17 votes,

The Hawaii Republican Party owes the voters of Mililani an automatic recount. While Kawakami may have opted to hand the election over to Lee without first determining if she in fact won it fair and square, I strongly believe the Mililani electorate has the right to know whether or not the voting process was flawed. The only way to really know is to do a thorough recount of all the votes cast in District 38 on election day. 

Margaret Peary
Mililani Mauka


GOP agenda is no mandate

Now that the Republicans are in power and the timid Democrats are paper tigers, what are the prospects for responsible governance? More gridlock! The Republican agenda is a slash-and-burn policy that they claim will lead to a better America. They are dedicated to dismantling legitimate government, wrecking the health care plan and denying President Barack Obama a second term in office. This is supposed to be the voters’ mandate? Whatever happened to reviving a sagging economy?

Tony Locascio


Help available for young adults who ‘age out’ of foster care

Your recent stories about Erwin Viado Celes and other young adults who "age out" of the foster care system were heartbreaking. There is an opportunity available to selected foster youth through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The City and County of Honolulu received Family Unification Program funding to assist approximately 100 young adults aging out of foster care. Through referrals from Hale Kipa, the young adult applies with the city’s Section 8 Rental Assistance Program. If the applicant is found to be eligible, rental assistance can be provided for up to 18 months while Hale Kipa assists the young adult to become self-sufficient.

The two main eligibility criteria are: The young adult must have been a foster youth in the state of Hawaii foster care system at age 16 or older, and must currently be between ages 18-21 (before the 22nd birthday).

The city’s Section 8 Program is currently assisting 20 of these young adults who have "aged out" of foster care, but there is still some funding available. For further information, contact Hale Kipa at 589-1829.

Ernest Y. Martin
Acting director, Department of Community Services
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