The Honolulu Star-Advertiser strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Ed Lynch, managing editor/news, at 529-4758.
>> The Department of Education has implemented a new protocol that allows students with head lice to remain in school. The protocol is in effect at all 256 noncharter public schools across the state. A story Thursday on Page D1 indicated the protocol was optional, with the decision left up to principals.
>> A headline on Page A17 Friday mistakenly said “State sued over pesticide duty.” A complaint was filed with the Environmental Protection Agency, but no court action was taken.
>> A story Friday on Page A18 involving the H-1 freeway road rage incident included an account from the passenger in the vehicle involved, as well as from a driver from another vehicle. The story incorrectly attributed some of the account of what happened to the driver that Mark Char allegedly stabbed multiple times.
>> Tom Berg, candidate for the Honolulu City Council District 1 seat, is proposing lands be set aside by the state and D.R. Horton Schuler Homes as a habitat for the endangered native Hawaiian pueo. A story on Page B1 Monday stated the refuge would be set aside for barn owls.