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Thursday, January 23, 2025 66° Today's Paper

Breaking News

Compromise reached on condo-hotel project, setting up City Council vote

The Honolulu City Council will take a final vote on a 400-foot condominium-hotel tower across from the Hawai‘i Convention Center next week after a compromise was reached today on the amount of affordable housing the developer must provide.

Under a new draft of Resolution 16-172, Mana‘olana Partners will “partner with a city or state public housing development agency to provide at least 20 rental housing units” that meet affordable housing requirements within one mile of the upcoming Ala Moana rail transit station, or contribute the monetary equivalent of 20 rental units up to $3 million that is to deposited into the city’s Housing Development Special Fund.

The compromise was crafted by Council Zoning Chairman Trevor Ozawa, Councilwoman Carol Fukunaga, their staffs and developer representatives to address public concerns that the 16 units or $2.4 million in cash in-lieu fees provided in the previous draft was insufficient to put a dent in the city’s housing crunch.

The new language was approved by the Zoning and Planning Committee today and will be up for a final vote on Oct. 5.

3 responses to “Compromise reached on condo-hotel project, setting up City Council vote”

  1. Pacificsports says:

    $3 million wouldn’t even pay for some of the new Condo Apartments but the Council thinks that throwing crumbs at the People is enough while the Developer makes hundred of millions of dollars.

  2. entrkn says:

    20 rental units? I guess we have to use our wildest imaginations to try to wrap around to reality sometimes. Sounds like Ozawa and Fukunaga have paved their futures with crooked dirty gold…!

  3. Wazdat says:

    What fools just GIVING away everything to developers for what 3million. So sad

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