A variety of handguns is displayed at 808 Gun Club in Honolulu.
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The Domestic Violence Action Center (DVAC) commends the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold laws restricting gun access to those who have restraining orders that deem them threats to their intimate partners’ physical safety. This is an undeniable win for Hawaii and for the entire United States.
At DVAC, we recognize that temporary restraining orders are among our most powerful tools to help keep Hawaii’s domestic violence survivors safe. As such, our helpline provides referrals and procedural information to obtain these protections.
We are proud of Hawaii’s strong gun protection laws and domestic violence protections. By upholding the current protective laws as constitutional, the Supreme Court is taking preventative measures to reduce the risk of death by intimate partner violence here and throughout the nation.
Monique Ibarra
Executive director, Domestic Violence Action Center
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