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Who won Sunday’s presidential debate?

  • A. Hillary Clinton (851 Votes)
  • B. Donald Trump (523 Votes)
  • C. Tie/draw (140 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

46 responses to “Who won Sunday’s presidential debate?”

  1. WestSideTory says:

    How many progressive Democrats does it take to debate a Republican?

  2. Boots says:

    The Donald did better in the second debate but he still had a tendency to ramble on and on and on. Poor Donald, he just cannot go the distance maintaining discipline.

    • mokebla says:

      The state of Hawai’i don’t count in the final tally, the winner is known before Hawai’i votes gets done counting. Everyone knows it’s a donkey state.

      • dragoninwater says:

        Another word for donkey is: A$$. Nothing but A$$es spending to the point of bankruptcy like in wonderful A$$ dominant Detroit, Michigan. The Soviet Russian socialist style programs A$$es love to expand the government and dig deep into your pockets while claiming they are providing solutions to our needs. Well, we never needed their boondoggle solutions to begin with. I never called up Kirky boys 1-900 hotline and begged for a choo-choo on Christmas and to be charged $8,000 to fund it and nor have the majority of the 980,000 Oahu residents.

        • Boots says:

          Yet it has been well over 50 years since a republican president actually submitted a balanced budget to congress. So when you talk about “spending to the point of bankruptcy” you need look no farther than Republicans. After all, they took over the government totally in 2001 when there was a slight surplus but when they finally left in 2008, there was a trillion dollar plus deficit. So don’t talk about democrats spending with this disgusting history of Voodoo. You should be ashamed of yourself.

        • dragoninwater says:

          boots, hard data proves otherwise.

          FACT #1
          President Obama has the largest deficits of any president in history. By the end of his final budget (FY 2017), the total deficits will add up to $6.695 trillion for his eight years in office.

          FACT #2
          President Bush is next, racking up $3.293 trillion over two terms. He responded to the attacks on 9/11 with the War on Terror, driving total military spending to at least $600 billion a year.

          FACT #3
          Bill Clinton is the only president that had a surplus since 1929 but his gutting of the military caused 9/11 and Bush had to fix the mess your loving Democrat left for us to clean up. 9/11 would never have happened if Clinton didn’t cut national defense and military spending in the first place.

        • wiliki says:

          Donald has proved he’s well qualified to rule like Putin in Russia. His first order of business, if elected, would be to put Clinton in jail.

        • Waterman2 says:

          Well Wilkie , you gotta admit she belongs there. How’s the saying go ? You do the crime , you do the time. Save us all a bunch of money if the Special Prosecuter finds her guilty and they just throw some water on her. ” I’m melting, I’m melting !”

          You forgot however to mention that Trump said he would appoint a prosecutor to look into the matter. But he did spook her a bit .. Was pretty funny if you ask me.

          Did you see the look on Slick Willies face when he had to be in the same room as his rape victims ? Priceless .

    • Allaha says:

      Trumps face and demeanor showed it all: A angry bitter Loser. The only reason I would vote for Trump or almost for the devil is because I hate immigration which is ruining the good life in America . Overpopulation ruins everything we like.

      • dragoninwater says:

        It’s not easy to win the presidential race when you have to deliver news that you are going to shake things up and might offend a FEW in the process for the betterment of the country.

        So yes, Trump will have a harder time to beat HiLAIRy but he’s at least trying to do something positive for the US unlike HiLIARy who’s just babbling as usual and got absolutely nothing done in the countless years she’s been in various government roles.

  3. Bdpapa says:

    Where was the option”didn’t watch”?

    • sarge22 says:

      Packers beat the Giants but it was a boring game. Too many field goals. Is that locker room talk? Trump 2016

      • Boots says:

        Fortunately that won’t happen. (the Donald winning)

        A Donald win would cause the stock market to fall a couple of thousand points immediately and I don’t think it would come back quickly.

        • Allaha says:

          A Donald win would save us from becoming a Hispanic country.

        • dragoninwater says:

          Habla usted Inglés? LOL

        • dragoninwater says:

          The market is poised to fall already. No matter which candidate wins, there’s only so long the Kool-Aid’s Fed can keep printing money and keeping interest rates practically at zero. Keep believing in the unicorns, all you Democrat suckers will be losing your homes to foreclosures and I’ll be scooping up your properties for pennies on the dollar like in the last recession.

    • braddah says:

      I Watched for about 10 minutes…after the accusations and charges against each other, and nothing about how to improve America, I switched the station to something just as educational…I watched WWE wrestling…

      • dragoninwater says:

        There was political mud-slinging but if you would have stayed tuned in Trump was the only one attempting to provide solutions to Kool-Aid’s OsamaCare and illegals while HiLIARy was telling the viewers that she’ll magically keep OsamaCare affordable but will raise everyone’s taxes across the board and import more Syrian refugees to help pay the bill! LOL

    • youngblood says:

      How about D = who cares.

    • youngblood says:

      Or – who cares.

  4. keonimay says:

    A career politician versus a non-career politician.

    The career politician, knows how to lie, debate, and use spin control.

    The non-career politician, has no filter on his words, and speaks his mind. He definitely doesn’t know how to lie, debate, or use spin control.

  5. noheawilli says:

    No 3rd party participation so I went golfing. No way are either of those two jokers getting my vote.

  6. stanislous says:

    Trump said if elected he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillarys emails. If he did that it would take down President Obama took. Vote Hillary and save President Obamas legacy… or just take care of Trump like all the other “Clinton Witnesses” over the years. LOL

    • dragoninwater says:

      So you’re encouraging criminal behavior and allowing for it to perpetuate rather than have the federal government properly investigate any possible crimes? You sir are the reason we have so many crimes because you promote catch-and-release like the HPD does with violent criminals.

      Secondly, to claim that the Clinton family engages in assassinations to eliminate any witnesses and/or opponents, (a.k.a legally assists them in suicide) only further proves that you are well aware that the Clinton family morally and criminally corrupt endeavors. I hope the FBI reads this thread and subpoenas YOU to testify against the Clintons in court and lets see if you’re still around to make slanderous claims about Frau HitLAIRy!

  7. mytake says:

    Both agree ObamaCare is a disaster or needs a radical overhaul.

    • Boots says:

      Well, one needs to always remember that this was a republican invention. Single pay is the only way to go if you want to do away with huge price hikes. Not surprised though that republicans have offered no alternative.

      • dragoninwater says:

        Trump clearly stated that single payer does not work and refuses to endorse such a system. You ever visited Canada, or spoke to someone from Canada about their system? If not, you should educate yourself a bit more about the S_T_P_I_D_I_T_Y you’re promoting.

  8. Boots says:

    lol, you are so funny. The brain dead sheep are republicans who actually believe that the Donald is smart. Well there is another presidential election in 4 years. Maybe they can do better then. 🙂

    • Bdpapa says:

      There is little doubt in my mind that we could have 2 better qualified candidates. The only reason why Clinton will win is because Trump, well, isTrump.

  9. Cellodad says:

    Who won? Nobody “won.”

  10. dragoninwater says:

    Sadly, yes. The majority of the Democrats are welfare recipients and worship Communist Russian style handouts from their socialist Democrat comrades while taxing the living daylights out of the productive middle class. Just look at the rail project or ObamaCare as perfect examples.

  11. 808Cindy says:

    Hillary clearly won the debate! She will be the 45th President of the United States!

    Trump is a fool, the Bible is right in describing a “fool”, he is the definition of one! The Bible says to stay away “avoid” a fool.

  12. dtpro1 says:

    The talking heads and pundits who in general have a liberal bias and an agenda will either say Clinton won the debate or at best say it did not move the needle. Under the circumstances Trump did very well and I am with the millions on Twitter that said Trump won the debate 2-1? Not that I like either candidate. I wish we had a viable third choice.

  13. wrightj says:

    Aaron Rodgers for president.

  14. butinski says:

    The big winner(s) were the presence of those ladies who were violated by ole Bill. He was trying so hard to show a straight face but his agonizing demeanor told us everything.

  15. sailfish1 says:

    In this election, there will be no winner. There will only be a loser and that will be the USA.

  16. wiliki says:

    Democrats have greatly improved our lifestyle in Hawaii.

  17. blackmurano says:

    I am not surprised that the who won the debate voting here went to Hillary Clinton. This is an overall Liberal State. Even if Hillary Clinton failed to save the four American in Bengazi Libya after 600 request for help; even if she destroyed thousands of email; even when it is known that she will allow thousands of Syrian refugees into this country claiming that we have the technology to check each one of them.
    As Donald Trump said, in these thousands of refugees some are convicts murderers rapist that other Moslem country refused to accept. Yet the Liberal Democraps gladly accept them.
    Donald Trump Lewed words recorded on tape is not excusable to anyone. Yet he did say this was just locker room talk. But the Liberal Democraps won’t accept that. Was it some years ago when former President Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED by the Republican control House of Representative only to be saved from IMPEACHMENT by the Democrap U.S. Senate. Yet it wasn’t lewed comments committed. He literally had SEX in his White house office. Monica Lewinsky says her dress was spotted with Bill Clinton’s sperm. Imagine that. The Liberals gave a pass to this President who committed an actual SEX act in his white house office.
    After having two debates, where all monorators from MSNBC and CNN were literally in the corner of Hillary Clinton, but Donald Trump did well against Hillary, who Donald Trump said will send he to jail if he is elected.
    The next debate’s moderator will be fox’s Chris Wallace whom Hillary Clinton wanted replaced. Oh really!!!. Well you don’t have any liberal moderator protecting your behind now. Hopefully Chris Wallace will have some interesting question for Hillary Clinton.

  18. HAJAA1 says:

    We are probably the only country in the world where silly issues like this take precedence over the real world issues of running the most powerful nation on earth. Shows the rest of the world how “smart” we are.

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