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Letters to the Editor

Closing schools not viable option

As a parent of three, it has been made clear to me that the state, Department of Education and Board of Education do not see education of our children as a top priority. First they take away school days via Furlough Fridays, and now they take away schools? If we wanted to save money, why not erase the BOE?

I understand that change is needed, but at what cost? Does the government really think it’s OK to have 10-year-olds in a high school environment? That is what is going to happen if they close Haleiwa Elementary. Ten-year-olds are not equipped to handle situations in a high school environment. This move will also cause overcrowding.

As taxpayers and parents, we need to start asking: What will happen to the money saved by closing these schools? Will the schools that are being overcrowded receive more financial support? Or will this just fund the fat cats of the DOE, BOE and their families?

Salote Kauvaka


How to write us

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Remain vigilant to protect Ka Iwi

Since 1981, Oahu citizens have continually organized to defend the wild natural character and scenic splendor of the southeastern tip of Oahu. The first threat was a resort hotel and golf course planned at Queen’s Beach. Then, in 1987, the threat was a residential development directly opposite Sandy Beach Park.

Now, 29 years later, the state formalized the protected status of 215 ocean-side acres, of the Ka Iwi Scenic Shoreline State Park.

On June 4, the state Land Use Commission voted 7-0 to reclassify the Ka Iwi Shoreline from urban to conservation, making future development a remote possibility.

The reclassification guarantees the integrity of the entire Koko Head-to-Makapuu coast, and reflects the will of the people and the spirit of aloha aina. However, in a press release dated June 4, the governor noted "… the battle to preserve Ka Iwi for future generations is not over. The mauka area is not designated conservation, and the potential development of this land remains of paramount concern to the community."

Therefore we must pledge to stay vigilant and ensure the mountainside of the Ka Iwi coast remains unspoiled (aka "No Cabins on Ka Iwi") and in its wild natural state, for if we lose the beauty of our coastline, we lose what it means to live in Hawaii.


Phil Esterman Elizabeth Reilly
Hawaii Kai


Cal Thomas told truth about the president

Kudos to the Star-Advertiser for publishing Cal Thomas’ column, "Politically naive starting to see the real Obama" (June 10). It is about time that the naive and progressives of Hawaii face the truth.

Thank you for being a fair and balanced newspaper that isn’t afraid of the truth.


Steven G. Norstrom


Too soon to write Obama’s obituary

In his June 10 column, Cal Thomas says that Pesident Barack Obama practices the "lowest form" of politics: "Chicago Style." But nothing in his column describes politics out of the ordinary. In fact, as politicians go, Obama seems to play fairer than most.

I am glad that Obama is a savvy politician. He is up against some really nasty folks who will do and say anything to stay in power. If he didn’t play by their rules occasionally he wouldn’t accomplish anything. As for blaming some of our current troubles on the previous administration, it seems entirely appropriate to me. He has been in office only a short time and should not be expected to provide instant solutions to problems many years in the making.

Conservative pundits, please take note: Obama is no more unpopular today than Ronald Reagan was at the same point in his presidency. It is too soon to write his obituary.


J.B. Young


Aiona could veto (or sign) civil unions bill

Not many people may know that during the governor’s absence, the civil unions bill is in the hands of the state’s leading opponent, Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona. This is his chance to show he is more than a seat warmer.

Despite public rhetoric against the bill, he has yet to take the ultimate step to stop it: Veto power (as defined in Article 5, section 04 of the Hawaii State Constitution).

If he does not take advantage of this power and the bill becomes law, he cannot say he did "everything" he could to kill the bill.

Whether he makes a choice or not, he still has made a decision. Therefore, he would be just as responsible as the governor and the other legislators.

So politically or personally (at some level), might he be open to having the bill become law?

As one of the 31 House members who supported civil unions and acknowledge its difference from traditional marriage, I encourage Aiona’s support.


Rep. Tom Brower
D-23rd, (Waikiki, Ala Moana, Kakaako)


Time to pay attention to political campaigns

With Charles Djou’s win to Congress and Ed Case’s withdrawal from the congressional race because the Democratic Party wanted him to, this will make an interesting election year. With a majority of our legislators up for re-election and the governor’s race, it’s time that we all be informed on what the candidates stand for. We all need to research how our elected officials voted on past bills and see what all the candidates believe in. We need to ask, "What are your solutions to fix Hawaii’s problems?"

If we want to make Hawaii a better place, the time is now to change whom we vote for. Those elected officials who have broken the people’s trust should be voted out of office, and new blood should be elected. For too long the people of Hawaii have allowed government to be corrupt and self-serving.

Change can come only if the people want it and bring it. We have to stop complaining and let our action speak louder than our words. Time to get out and get involved.


Alan Kim
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