Honolulu Star-Advertiser

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Letters to the Editor

Kaneshiro best man for prosecutor’s job

I was very disappointed in the Star-Advertiser’s lack of endorsement for Keith Kaneshiro for prosecutor ("Franklin ‘Don’ Pacarro should be next prosecutor," Star-Advertiser, Sept. 2). Although all three candidates have served as deputy prosecutors and have strong backgrounds, none can match Mr. Kaneshiro’s experience in running the office successfully for eight years, spearheading landmark cases such as extraditing the first Japanese national for a trial in Hawaii (the Raita Fukusaku case), and then going on and running the prison system as well.

He’s the only candidate who has such a complete perspective on public safety, and he knows what needs to be done to stem our growing drug problem … because he’s actually done it. Keith Kaneshiro should be returned as prosecutor.

Karen L. Shishido


How to write us

The Star-Advertiser welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (~175 words). The Star-Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number.

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Religion not only basis to oppose gambling

It is disturbing that so many people still equate those against gambling with those with church and moral-based interests ("Candidates don’t want to gamble on gambling," Richard Borreca, Sept. 5).

While churches are part of the Hawaii Coalition Against Legalized Gambling, there are many organizations that oppose gambling because they understand (through independent studies) that in the end there is no real gain for the state financially. Also, there is great concern with the corruption gambling attracts in government and crime in the community.

Grace Furukawa
Secretary, Hawaii Coalition Against Legalized Gambling


Aquariums in homes are a cruel practice

I was troubled to read your article on keeping fish as a home decoration ("Aquariums: A bling thing," Star-Advertiser, Sept. 6).

Reef fish need and deserve more space to thrive than provided in a home tank. Hawaii law prohibits taking rocks and coral for private aquariums, so captive reef fish must live in an artificial world until they die. Captive salt water fish rarely reproduce, so an aquarium keeper must constantly rape the reefs for more prisoners.

We need to protect our marine environment, and legislation is necessary to halt the industry that not only captures fish for Hawaii customers but also sends them around the world for profit.

Cathy Goeggel
Animal Rights Hawai’i


Where is the outrage over burning U.S. flag?

With all this uproar over the plans to burn copies of the Quran, I have to wonder: Where is the same sentiment when protesters burn our American flag?

When challenged with the fact that American men and women have shed their blood to protect that flag and what it stands for, politicians, mainly Democrats, will retort that freedom of speech is one of the rights protected by the flag and therefore burning it is an exercise of that right.

So why are they so protective of a religious tome that belongs to someone else? Would they be this protective of the Bible?

Last October, Pastor Marc Grizzard of North Carolina announced the King James version of the Bible is the only true word of God, and that all other versions are "satanic" and "perversions" of God’s word. He announced plans to burn all other versions of the Bible at a public event to be held on Halloween of that year.

Anyone remember hearing anything about this? Yeah, me neither.

Shawn Lathrop


Anger against Islam is not very Christian

I found it worrisome that in yesterday’s answer to your "Big Q" question, in a survey of nearly 3,000 responders, more than 75 percent thought the burning of Qurans was an "advisable" way of commemorating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack.

How does an act of hatred toward an entire religion benefit anyone on the planet? It certainly doesn’t sound very Christian to me. Not only does it pose an unnecessary added risk to our servicemen abroad, it also fuels motivation for more terrorist attacks in this country.

It’s time for more compassion and acceptance, not anger and division.

Kevin Phillips


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