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Letters to the Editor

Appointed BOE cuts name game

Regarding name recognition driving Board of Education races ("Name recognition is key in education board race," Star-Advertiser, Sept. 28):

In the ideal world, each voter would take the time to research the candidates’ backgrounds and make an informed decision before entering the ballot booth, but history tells us that this is simply unrealistic. People are too busy or just don’t make the time, so we are left with an unfortunate situation in which people just don’t vote or recognize a familiar name and cast an ill-informed vote.

A better solution would be to do away with an elected Board of Education and go with an appointed board. It creates accountability and alignment to the governor, but best of all it gets rid of the name game. 

Lance Murata


How to write us

The Star-Advertiser welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (~175 words). The Star-Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number.

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B&Bs a problem all across island

The question that should be asked of Haleiwa residents is whether they prefer a boutique hotel in their commercial district or an illegal, unlicensed bed and breakfast business next door in their residential neighborhood.

Developer D.G. "Andy" Anderson might want to question just who are those responsible for the proliferation of bed and breakfast businesses, not just in Haleiwa, but throughout the island. 

Susan Cummings


80 rooms is not ’boutique’ hotel

I think D.G. "Andy" Anderson’s idea to build a boutique hotel in Haleiwa is a wonderful idea.

However, he mentioned 80 rooms, which would be excessive to be considered a boutique hotel.

At the recent community board meeting, he presented a beautiful reproduction of the original Haleiwa Hotel, which by his estimates, would be approximately 15 rooms.

If he adds a dozen or so high-luxury cabanas, he has my vote.

Aukai Ferguson


Mental illness can be treated

This is Mental Illness Awareness Week.

Why should we call people’s attention to it?

Because biological brain diseases are misunderstood by so many people. Parents will often attribute a mental illness to a behavioral problem rather than a biological brain disease.

With advances in research, there is reason for hope through new forms of treatment. Unfortunately, the legal focus is almost exclusively on "dangerousness" rather than the inability of the ill person to understand the need for treatment.

Carefully administered medications and a comprehensive treatment plan are what is needed by many people with biological brain diseases to restore the ability to lead a productive life. 

Ed Sullam and members of the National Alliance on Mental Illness-Hawaii


Ageist comment disrespectful

Gov. Linda Lingle has said things in the past that were hurtful to the state and elected leaders.

Now she is speaking about Neil Abercrombie’s age, as if that were some kind of determinant of competency. I wonder if Sen. Daniel K. Inouye has heard about this?

Living in Hawaii, where a majority of people come from cultures where age is respected and honored, Linda Lingle is out of step, out of line and, hopefully, outta here soon.

Patricia Lee Masters


Church-state debate in error

In his letter, Richard Bennett submits that "the Constitution requires a clear separation of church and state" ("Keep religion, politics separate," Star-Advertiser, Letters, Oct. 5). This statement is patently false. No such citation in the Constitution exists.

If folks have a problem with faith in governance and truly believe that it was not original intent to incorporate faith-based values in the origination and administration of rights, I have no aversion to undertaking discussion of the issue. But I refuse to enter the arena when they come with the assumption that "separation of church and state" was woven into Betsy Ross’ flag.

Stephen F. Hinton


Muriel Osborne award overdue

Reading that Muriel Osborne was to be inducted into the United State Tennis Association’s Hawaii Hall of Fame astonished me ("Hall of Fame induction highlights tennis weekend," Star-Advertiser, Oct. 1). I would have thought she had been a Hall member decades ago!

Muriel was not only one of the greatest tennis players of her generation, she had that elusive quality that one wishes all champions had: perfect sportsmanship. Whether one was a partner or an opponent of Muriel’s, it was a pleasure simply to be on the court with her. Always smiling, encouraging, complimentary to her opponents, honest in her line calls, she was everyone’s favorite to play with.

Hawaii is blessed with many wonderful women tennis players, but Muriel Osborne will always be in a class of her own. 

Dick Simons
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