Honolulu Star-Advertiser

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Letters to the Editor

Native Hawaiians need own nation

For more than 117 years, governmental and quasi-governmental entities with the kuleana, responsibility and management of our ceded lands and alii trusts have been unable to counter the social, economic and cultural inequalities that native Hawaiians suffer.

The loss of the kingdom’s treasury, coupled with the diversion of income from native Hawaiian assets, has decimated our economic integrity and independence.

Restoration of our economic independence must be a high priority for our native Hawaiian community under the reemerging native Hawaiian nation. Our quest for political and economic independence today rests on the same foundation as the legacy we have received from our ancestors. Actions taken in the next several decades may well determine the survival of our culture.

We kanaka maoli ask for a more kakou, inclusive, less bureaucratic and more meaningful reconciliation process of self-determination and self-governance.

Kunani Nihipali


How to write us

The Star-Advertiser welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (~175 words). The Star-Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include your area of residence and a daytime telephone number.

Letter form: Online form, click here
E-mail: letters@staradvertiser.com
Fax: (808) 529-4750
Mail: Letters to the Editor, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 210, Honolulu, HI 96813

Leftists see gain in Tucson tragedy

Left-wing politicians and pundits went into a funk after 9/11, expressing fear that this national tragedy would offer President George W. Bush an opportunity to shine as a chief executive. It did, for a while. One displaced Clintonite even lamented that it was too bad his boss, Bill Clinton, wasn’t handed such an opportunity during his presidency — he would have shown ’em, by golly.

Now in the wake of the event in Tucson, these same lefties are absolutely breathless with glee over the ammunition, oh no, I meant "opportunities," that their man, President Barack Obama, will now have to stifle dissent and deal with those tiresome conservatives, who, after all, must be at fault for such a tragedy because of all their vitriolic speech.

Jack M. Schmidt Jr.


Giving to charity not always easy

The recent letter to the editor about charitable donations sounds logical ("See if charities want your stuff," Star-Advertiser, Letters, Jan. 10). However, my recent experiences indicate that it is easier said than done.

First, only a few groups (Treasure Box, Salvation Army, Big Brothers, Cerebral Palsy) still pick up.

Second, many charities accept only clothing and in what they term "good/usable condition." Sounds good, but what are you to do with all the other stuff, like furniture, which is in the same condition?

Some seem to take the line that the stuff ought to be clean, without stains, freshly laundered and smells great. The condition some charities will accept borders on barely used.

Third, there are some services that pick up/collect and then distribute the stuff to specific charities, but they then charge them. Consider whether this is an acceptable condition for you.

Kendrick Lee


Kudos to Lingle for job well done

Besides wishing her well in her future, I want to thank former Gov. Linda Lingle for her heartfelt and genuine love and aloha she has for our state, especially for the way she always included the other islands. Her sincere advice to the incoming governor, "Don’t forget the other islands," shows the passion and care she brought to that office.

Rosemarie Protacio


Person in mirror also to blame

The Republicans are to blame for the mess the country is in! The Democrats are to blame for the national debt!

And so it goes.

Do you want to know who is to blame for the problems we have? Look in the mirror.

It is the people who demand more entitlements for themselves and then cheer that they got what they deserve — but they shouldn’t have to pay for it. The politicians give us what we want so they can get re-elected.

Otto Cleveland
Pearl City
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