Off the News: Public schools keep their distance
Like it or not, at least there’s more certainty with the state Department of Education’s decision to stay with distance learning through the first quarter, three weeks beyond its earlier wait-and-see scenario. That’ll mean online education through Oct. 2, before a one-week fall break.
Everyone involved — students, teachers, parents and IT support — will have to muster the focus and adeptness to stay on track through seven weeks of a new kind of schooling. The learning curve is steep, in so many ways, and it will take a village.
A quieter Honolulu City Lights
The coronavirus pandemic is forcing the seasons of our lives to be marked by drive-throughs. First came drive-thru graduations, then drive-thru pick-ups for back-to-school. Come the holidays, sadly, it’ll be a drive-by Honolulu City Lights — minus much of the holiday-opening festivities that normally include an electric-lights parade, school bands, and whimsical trees and wreaths inside Honolulu Hale.
But fear not: Decorations will go up along King Street for drive-by enjoyment, including the 50-foot holiday tree in front of City Hall as well Shaka Santa and Tutu Mele. Wonder if they’ll be wearing palaka masks.