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Man accused of killing daughter ruled mentally fit for trial

                                Travis Rodrigues
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Travis Rodrigues

A Circuit Court judge found this morning that the man who confessed to killing his 18-month-old daughter, Kytana Ancog, on Feb. 4, 2021, is mentally fit to proceed to trial on the charge of second-degree murder.

All three doctors on a panel found Travis Rodrigues mentally fit to stand trial, despite months of delays mostly because of Rodrigues’ failure to participate in assessments.

One of the three examiners found that his unwillingness to participate in interviews is not due to a “compromising mental disorder,” but seems voluntary.

Proceedings will resume and trial is set for Jan. 2.

Rodrigues’ bail is reinstated to $2 million.

In stark contrast to Rodrigues’ arrest photo showing a clean shaven face and head, he appeared this morning before Judge Christine Kuriyama by video teleconferencing with a bushy dark beard and hair on his balding head had grown in.

Rodrigues admitted to hitting, shaking and squeezing the toddler until she was unconscious, then placing her body in a duffel bag. Another man allegedly disposed of it.

Ancog’s body was never found.

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