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Last week’s blocking of the border security bill at the U.S. Senate is rather mind-boggling. The bill may not be perfect, but it certainly could have been a giant first step in the right direction. Ironically, it is the GOP that has for decades demanded draconian border security measures, and it is also the GOP that just killed a much- anticipated bipartisan deal. Why? Because Donald Trump said so.
Trump simply can’t stomach Joe Biden taking credit for anything.
What’s more preposterous and pathetic is that the House GOP recently threatened “dead on arrival” rhetoric even before reading the Senate bill. It’s utterly deplorable that a vast majority of GOP lawmakers are bent on appeasing their boss, a potential felon who is consumed with unjustifiable grievance.
Trump’s actions are one problem to contend with, but the bigger problem is the existence of a group of his henchmen in both chambers of Congress. Shame on them. They deserve the harshest verdict in the upcoming election this November.
Kyongnok Min
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