Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Thursday, May 9, 2024 75° Today's Paper

Featured Columns

Opinions, guest essays and editorials from the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Featuring Kokua Line, Rearview Mirror, David Shapiro, Richard Borreca and others.

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Column: He ‘ino kā ka albizia

Synopsis: There are many negative impacts of the albizia tree species on Hawaii’s native flora and fauna on Oahu. Read more

Tech View: Niche cyberattacks now pervasive menace to all

Ransomware attacks, where malicious software encrypts a victim’s data and demands a ransom for decryption, have transitioned from a niche cyberthreat to a pervasive one. This alarming trend is largely fueled by the arrival of Ransomware as a Service, referred to as RaaS. Read more

Kokua Line: Will Ward Avenue contraflow return?

Question: Since March, there have been no contraflow lanes on Ward Avenue (right three lanes to Beretania Street) during morning peak traffic. The contraflow lanes did help ease the morning traffic on Ward, allowing a lane to stop at the light to turn left on Kinau Street and having two lanes have a clear access to Beretania. Will the contraflow lanes return? If yes, when? Read more

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