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Obama vows to hit IS harder, says commandos now in Syria

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ASSOCIATED PRESS President Barack Obama, accompanied by Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Commander of U.S. Central Command Gen. Lloyd Austin, speaks at the Pentagon today

WASHINGTON >> President Barack Obama vowed today to accelerate the U.S.-led military campaign against the Islamic State in both Syria and Iraq, implicitly acknowledging that progress has been too slow as the extremist group expands its reach with deadly attacks beyond the Middle East.

Speaking at the Pentagon after meeting with his National Security Council, Obama revealed that a group of American special operations commandos has begun working with local fighters in Syria to “tighten the squeeze” on Raqqa, the extremists’ nominal capital. He cited this as an example of aggressive new action, in addition to an intensified bombing of the oil infrastructure in Syria that provides much of the Islamic State’s revenue.

The administration announced in late October that Obama had approved sending up to 50 special operations troops to Syria on the first open-ended mission by U.S. ground forces in Syria. Until now, U.S. officials had refused to say whether the American commandos had begun their mission.

Obama said his strategy is moving ahead with “a great sense of urgency,” an assertion that critics say belies the slow pace of progress in Iraq and Syria. Drawing an implied contrast with military prescriptions offered by Republican presidential candidates, including Ted Cruz’s call to “carpet bomb them into oblivion,” Obama said, “We have to be smart, targeting ISIL surgically, with precision” airstrikes while local forces do the ground combat.

As national security takes center stage in the presidential race, Obama also is hoping to counter Donald Trump and his inflammatory remarks about Muslims, which Obama believes endangers U.S. national security.

On a conference call Monday with religious leaders, top White House officials pledged vigilance by the Justice Department in pursuing hate crimes and other civil rights violations, calling an attack on any faith an attack on all faiths. Obama’s aides were also holding separate meetings at the White House with Muslim leaders and with Sikh leaders.

The president’s appearance at the Pentagon was part of a weeklong push to explain his strategy for stopping the Islamic State group abroad and its sympathizers at home. Obama is scheduled to attend a briefing at the National Counterterrorism Center on Thursday. He noted that his defense secretary, Ash Carter, departed Monday for Turkey and the Middle East to seek more coalition military contributions to the counter-IS campaign.

He also sent Secretary of State John Kerry to Moscow to try to narrow gaps with Russia over a political transition to end Syria’s civil war.

The president’s string of terror-related appearances this week, shortly before Christmas, comes amid public jitters about the specter of extremism after deadly attacks in California and Paris. Seven in 10 Americans rate the risk of an attack in the U.S. as at least somewhat high, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll — a sharp increase from the five in 10 who said that in January. Just 28 percent in the survey said Obama had clearly explained the United States’ goals in fighting the Islamic State, while 68 percent said he had not.

Only a little over a week ago Obama sought to allay concerns in an Oval Office address, but critics said his words failed to reassure.

“The American people are smart enough to know when something is working or not, and it’s obvious that the president’s current strategy isn’t working,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in response to Obama’s appearance at the Pentagon.

Speaking with top military leaders at his side, including Gen. Lloyd Austin, the Central Command chief who is spearheading the counter-IS campaign, Obama cited a range of evidence that IS is weakening, including what he called instances of its fighters defecting and its territory shrinking. But he also acknowledged that recent terrorists attacks, including those in Paris and San Bernardino, illustrate the need to hit IS harder.

“We recognize that progress needs to keep coming faster,” Obama said.

Notably, the military leaders appearing with Obama at the Pentagon included Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, whose forces are playing a bigger role in both Iraq and Syria. Earlier this month Carter announced that Obama had approved sending to Iraq a “specialized expeditionary targeting force” to clandestinely conduct raids against Islamic State leaders in Iraq and Syria and conduct other sensitive missions.

That deployment and numerous other adjustments announced in recent weeks are aimed at bolstering a military strategy under heavy fire from critics.

After a series of setbacks, the U.S. and its coalition partners have claimed progress recently in wresting back territory from IS and eliminating some of its key leaders in Syria and Iraq. The military has said hundreds of U.S airstrikes in recent weeks dealt a major blow to IS ranks in the western Iraqi city of Ramadi, which IS seized in May and which Iraqi soldiers have encircled as a step toward trying to recapture the provincial capital.

19 responses to “Obama vows to hit IS harder, says commandos now in Syria”

  1. serious says:

    Yes, the American people are intelligent enough to see when something isn’t working. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that every Cabinet position, every Federal department that HE has put minorities in charge have been complete failures. I don’t think I need to waste time categorizing them–just look at all the WH scandals!!

  2. MakaniKai says:

    Oh please Barry……….

  3. calentura says:

    So, our commander-in-chief has put American troops into conflict on the ground without approval from congress. Better yet, he’s letting the enemy know they’re somewhere in the vicinity of Raqqa. Why not just outfit them with GPS so they have absolutely no chance for survival? Then blame Bush when they’re beheaded. Simply amazing.

  4. mikethenovice says:

    If Obama was a Republican, the Republican Congress would have no problems in funding his request. But because he is a Democrat, the Republicans will turn a blind eye.

    • kuroiwaj says:

      Mikethenovice, Pres. Obama requested funding based on his plan, Congress approved his request and Pres. Obama just signed the funding legislation into Law. Remember Sen. Hirono praising the military appropriations for Hawaii. Don’t know what you are talking about. Do you know something most of us don’t know? Maybe, Pres. Obama intends to request a supplemental increase in Defense spending? He will be out of office by then.

  5. wave1 says:

    As my 5 year old says: Bla Bla Bla….Thank god only one more year…

    • cojef says:

      At first thought, forget this article and move on since no drastic move against our enemies have been taken by this president thus far, but than again thought better and give him the benefit of the doubt. Wasted my effort. All he wanted to do is act as though he is fully and actively committed in defeating ISIl, just before taking off on his unearned vacation to Oahu so he can have a photo ops with his daughter having shaved ice.

      • kuroiwaj says:

        Cojef, Commando’s? Since when did the U.S. form Commando units? I have heard of British, French, Australian Commando’s, but American? Is Pres. Obama talking about the U.S. again leading from behind following the British or French?

  6. lokela says:

    Should have hit ISIS hard way back when. Too late already. Why weren’t we hammering them with Russia and France? Now that’s what I call hitting back hard. The Russians did not hesitate when one of their commercial planes was bombed. France did not hesitate when Paris was bombed. What did we do after San Bernadino?

  7. Donna2415 says:

    Just get out of the Middle East altogether. We’ve been there for over fifteen years, and all we’ve done is inflame the locals. Once we are gone they can turn on each other as they have done for centuries. We’ll save billions of wasted dollars and none of our troops will be in danger anymore.

    • sluggah says:

      I’m with you, with the caveat that any terrorist killed in the US gets fed to the pigs.

    • kuroiwaj says:

      Donna2415, if the U.S. pulls out of the Middle East, we can guarantee an nuclear strike on the United States in a few years. What part of ISIS (ISIL) objective to wipe the United States off the World don’t you understand? Remember, they have shown us their objective through their actions of beheading, execution, bombing, etc.

      • saywhatyouthink says:

        Just where exactly would they obtain a nuclear weapon? They certainly don’t have the expertise to build one on their own. Pakistan is the only country in the middle east with nukes.

        • kuroiwaj says:

          Saywhatyouthink, expand your mind. How about adding Israel, Iran, Ukraine, Russia, France, United Kingdom, Germany, China, North Korea, India, or the United States?

  8. Kahu Matu says:

    Now, whenever he speaks I get worried that it will be a spark for another mass killing attack. This guy lives in his own mind and doesn’t seem to have a clue of how to deal with the real problems of the world.

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