Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Sunday, June 2, 2024 74° Today's Paper


Opinion and analysis by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser Editorial Board. Get informed with columns and commentary, and submit a letter to the editor.

Editorial: Closely monitor accessory dwelling unit generation

State efforts to supercharge housing creation picked up steam on Tuesday when Gov. Josh Green signed a group of consequential housing bills, all of which reduce roadblocks to or strengthen potential incentives for development of new housing. Read more

Column: Universal pre-K is key to future success

In Hawaii, approximately 8,000 3- and 4-year-olds lack adequate access to pre-K education. Enacted into state law in 2020, Act 46 set the ambitious goal of ensuring early learning access to all 3- and 4-year-olds statewide by 2032. Read more

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Column: Be wary of bad actors on cyber frontier

In psychology, the term “personal fable” refers to the belief that bad things happen in the world but will never affect us personally. Many people have similar feelings when it comes to cybersecurity. Read more

Letter: Biden’s policies have proved their worth

The old adage is true: If you repeat a lie over and over, people will believe it. A recent letter said Donald Trump’s economic policies were great and Joe Biden’s economy is terrible (“Biden’s policies damages U.S., but Trump can fix it,” Star-Advertiser, May 28). Read more

Editorial: E-bike rules, education needed

Every few decades, a new, more affordable and efficient means of personal conveyance emerges. E-bikes are the new kid on the block, and judging by the growing number of riders zipping by in near-silence on metro, residential and rural roads, they are likely here to stay. Read more

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